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SmashMouth 01-25-2010 09:24 PM

It Could have Not Have Happened Against a Better Team
In a way, the way we won against the Vikes is a tastier sweeter victory. After all, we have previously tasted defeat at their hands in the playoffs, and by wide margins. Watching the Vikes self-destruction induced by our ball-hawking defense was entirely much more satisfying than a blowout victory might have been. They will suffer in agony for a very long time with this loss. Sweet revenge never tasted this good! One article I read described a very subdued Vikes locker-room.... they could hear the "Who Dat" chants in the background as they were changing clothes. The article goes on to say that not a word was spoken until a lineman for the Vikes shouted out: "F*** Who Dat!". Maybe he meant to say "Fumble Who Dat"?

strato 01-25-2010 10:08 PM

Re: It Could have Not Have Happened Against a Better Team

Choupique 01-25-2010 10:31 PM

Re: It Could have Not Have Happened Against a Better Team
It is merely karma. The VyQueens deserved that loss. They earned it.
Some of their fans and at least their coach are whiners. I guess all that
boredom from living in MinnieSooooota takes a toll. Not sure, exactly.
The one thing I do know for a fact is they've got fumblitis, Favre Bean
throws picks like it is Christmas for our Defense, and they like to blow it
in the playoffs. That must really suck.

breesfan27 01-26-2010 02:07 AM

Re: It Could have Not Have Happened Against a Better Team
We are the better team. No one else wants to admit it.

Anyone who says we don't deserve this, is either a ra-tard or doesn't know jack sh*t about football.

arsaint 01-26-2010 06:51 AM

Re: It Could have Not Have Happened Against a Better Team
Agree 1000%

As a long time fan, I still had a bad taste in my mouth from the 1987 and 2000 playoffs. I also remember that sickening loss to them last year.

jn671 01-26-2010 07:59 AM

Re: It Could have Not Have Happened Against a Better Team
agree with you! lol damn that was a really sloppy game for the queens

FireVenturi 01-26-2010 08:03 AM

Re: It Could have Not Have Happened Against a Better Team
Yea, they say the better team didnt win. My point is this........
we didnt fumble 5 times losing 3. We didnt throw 2 picks. We didnt have a stupid penalty in crunch time. We were more disciplined. Doesnt all that make us the better team? I think it does guys and gals!

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