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SaintPez 01-27-2010 05:52 PM

Obama likes us
Colts face big challenge against 'America's Team'
4 hours ago

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INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Move over Dallas, the New Orleans Saints are the new ``America's Team.''

With New Orleans about to make its first Super Bowl appearance in franchise history, memories of Hurricane Katrina still lingering and close ties between the team and the city's rebuilding effort, Colts players understand why the Saints are this year's sentimental favorite.

They just want to play the role of spoiler.

``There's a reason America is pulling for New Orleans, and why wouldn't they? They've been through a lot,'' Indy safety Antoine Bethea said. ``Sports tends to pull people together, so it's commendable for New Orleans to be, as I guess you'd say, America's team right now. But at the same time, we're going to go out there as the Indianapolis Colts and play ball.''

The reach of New Orleans' fans goes all the way to the highest levels of the White House.

``You know, I think both teams are terrific,'' President Barack Obama told ABC News. ``I guess I am rooting a little bit for the Saints as the underdog, partly just because when I think about what's happened in New Orleans over the last several years and how much that team means to them. You know, I'm pretty sympathetic.''

The Colts know they're still the favorite in at least one state, Indiana, and one city, Las Vegas. Bookmakers have installed them as a 5 1/2-point favorite, prompting Obama and others to pull for an upset.

``He's entitled to his opinion and why wouldn't he be rooting for them?'' Bethea said of Obama's decision to cheer for New Orleans. ``Like I said, the city has been through a lot. But the Colts, man, we're going to go down there and give them a show.''

The Associated Press

Ashley 01-27-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Obama likes us

Originally Posted by SaintPez (Post 199780)
Colts face big challenge against 'America's Team'
4 hours ago

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Move over Dallas, the New Orleans Saints are the new ``America's Team.''

The Associated Press

F* ing B.S.! I HATE HEARING THAT CRAP ! I HATE DALLAS! "America's Team" is one of the many reasons that i do hate them. I don't want to hear any part of that B.S. well as far as the rest of that article.... who cares !
Sorry to go off.

breesfan27 01-27-2010 10:31 PM

Re: Obama likes us

Originally Posted by Ashley (Post 199900)
F* ing B.S.! I HATE HEARING THAT CRAP ! I HATE DALLAS! "America's Team" is one of the many reasons that i do hate them. I don't want to hear any part of that B.S. well as far as the rest of that article.... who cares !
Sorry to go off.

I agree. I don't want the Saints to be America's Team. One of the main reasons I hate Dallas is because of the "America's Team" label. I'm an American, and they sure as hell aren't MY team. So, where the f**k did they get off calling themselves that?? It's pure bullsh*t!

[end rant] ;)

Choupique 01-27-2010 10:37 PM

Re: Obama likes us
The main difference is Dallas used that name as a marketing scheme more than earning the title and sort of rubbed it in everyones face.

The Saints have earned that moniker from the fans around the globe.
UNLIKE Dallas, they've never called themselves that. Many others have, however...

I think our players deserve that honor. They didn't ask for that, remember... they EARNED that level of support. There is a difference.

Look at all the non Banana Republic citizenry here, as proof.

I think Who Dat Nation is a better name anyway, but I take no offense from snagging that name from Dallas. Least we can do for the rest of the world.

Ashley 01-27-2010 10:54 PM

Re: Obama likes us

Originally Posted by Choupique (Post 199906)
The main difference is Dallas used that name as a marketing scheme more than earning the title and sort of rubbed it in everyones face.

The Saints have earned that moniker from the fans around the globe.
UNLIKE Dallas, they've never called themselves that. Many others have, however...

I think our players deserve that honor. They didn't ask for that, remember... they EARNED that level of support. There is a difference.

Look at all the non Banana Republic citizenry here, as proof.

I think Who Dat Nation is a better name anyway, but I take no offense from snagging that name from Dallas. Least we can do for the rest of the world.

agree. we did earn that. But I still don't wont to be mentioned in the same sentence with those dinks.

AND YES "WHO DAT NATION" is just way cool !

QBREES9 01-27-2010 11:00 PM

Re: Obama likes us
We did it the old fashion way,,,, the Saints Earned it

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