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Rickh 01-29-2010 05:05 AM

Williams ... Genius?
I've been thinking about Williams comments from the other day. That idiot Florio, who I'm sure has never played a down of football, made him out to be a cross between Hitler and Stalin.

But more importantly I was thinking, does coming after Manning with all of those blitzes really make sense? This is a different situation than the last two weeks. Manning will tear the Saints 'D' if they just do the same thing they've been doing. Also, if that was your game plan, do you need to announce it on the radio?

I don't think so. It's more likely that he'll do something completely different. Against the Pats I remember a lot of three man lines with max coverage. No need to fear the run game this week. I think we'll be in store for a very different plan this week then the Cards or Vikes.

If Payton/Williams have shown one thing this year it's that when they have two weeks to get ready for someone, the other team is not prepared for what they come up with and I think SB44 will be no exception. :bng:

Crusader 01-29-2010 05:45 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
Hey Rickh Good post I was sitting thinking the same thing myself. Make Manning expect something and the give him something completely different.

RailBoss 01-29-2010 06:56 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
What Williams brings to the table is the ability to adjust quickly during the game. In the past our D Coach would lay out the game plan and just stick to it with limited adjustments.

subguy 01-29-2010 06:57 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
You know Manning watched Favre get rocked in the NFCCG and I think Williams is trying to sew some thoughts about getting hit all day in Manning's head.

lynwood 01-29-2010 07:08 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
I think you still try to get to Manning. Maybe not all out Blitz. But you have to unleash the Hounds every once in a while. I also think you can't play afraid of what manning is going to do...he needs to fear what we are going to do.

savoyk 01-29-2010 07:18 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
I totally agree. I don't think GW or SP makes mistakes like announcing the gameplan prior to the game being played. What GW said is more than likely just a lil pyschological warfare being used against #18 and that O line. No need to worry

homerj07 01-29-2010 07:29 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
Even if he was announcing his game plan - His comments were taken out of context by the media morons AND by the fan morons who obviously can not read what is in front of them.

Americans often suffer from a form of brain fart in which they read - hear - see only what they want to (or what they are told to) This is yet another case of the dumbing down of America.

The media wants to create another image for the Saints besides the lovable underdogs so GW is being made out as an orgre.

mighty12 01-29-2010 08:45 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
When those kind of comments are made (and mind you Williams never said "We are going to break his legs, snap his neck, etc.) it is better to listen to former defensive guys talk about it. Mike Golic has defended the hits on Favre, and what Williams has said. What surprised me is that former QB Ron J also defended those hits, saying that it is part of the game.

JoanieNTX 01-29-2010 09:25 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
Even ole' prejudiced Aikman defended the hits on Favre, and he was a QB! These people are quackies!

QBREES9 01-29-2010 09:31 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
I bet they go after Peyton just like they went after Farve.

Choupique 01-29-2010 09:51 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
If these guys can do it...

There is no immunity from whodatism.

They ain't ready for this much meauxjeaux. Who Dat.

Just Say Neaux To Dolts.

Rickh 01-29-2010 09:59 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
They'll get after PM but not the same way. I guarantee that whatever they do it'll be something he's not expecting.

Hitting is part of the game all this "controversy" is just part of the hype for the big game.

What do they want, the Saints to hit Manning softly?

darstep 01-29-2010 10:01 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
They have to hit him. Manning is their center attraction. If we get to him the game is ours. We have to dictate to them how the game is going to flow and keep Manning guessing and improvising. Not an easy task but its do-able. Making receivers pay when they come across the middle wouldn't be a bad idea either.

indy4192 01-29-2010 11:00 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
You guys need to stop. Ther is nothing the Saints can "do", "bring" or "scheme" that Peyton hasn't seen or played against. Peyton is something like 4-1 or 5-1 against Greg Williams Defenses over his career. He has just made the top AFC defenses look silly and you really believe the Saints can do something neither of those two could do? Yes, the Saints will probably get a sack or two on Manning early on, but you can not frustrate him, or baffle him or "shake him up", as right now there is no greater offensive mind in the game then Peyton. Your hope is to disrupt the WR pass running routes, and your offense putting up a tone of points if winning the game is your hope.


Originally Posted by subguy (Post 200527)
You know Manning watched Favre get rocked in the NFCCG and I think Williams is trying to sew some thoughts about getting hit all day in Manning's head.

indy4192 01-29-2010 11:01 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
12 different teams tried it this past season and not one were successful, what makes you think you guys can?


Originally Posted by darstep (Post 200606)
They have to hit him. Manning is their center attraction. If we get to him the game is ours. We have to dictate to them how the game is going to flow and keep Manning guessing and improvising. Not an easy task but its do-able. Making receivers pay when they come across the middle wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Euphoria 01-29-2010 11:16 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
I see posts all the time about people see or thing Payton is putting one thing out there and does the opposite. I don't see that at all!!! These guys are very upfront with everyone. Yeah this is what we do and this is what we are going to do now stop us. They like to set the tone and there isn't anybody who can do anything about it.

I mean I think it shows them how confident they are and how ballsy that they can discuss it and go after it. I mean the way they treated Warner and then Favre isn't winning us any popularity points with their fans but hey we are here baby!

The one thing people over look is that how good our CB's are... they are totally under estimating how good they are and Williams is not. Get after the QB and wait your shot to get a turnover. The thing I love is I know Williams isn't even close to where and what he wants to do with this D. We keep him we have a dynasty.

Euphoria 01-29-2010 11:18 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?

Originally Posted by indy4192 (Post 200636)
You guys need to stop. Ther is nothing the Saints can "do", "bring" or "scheme" that Peyton hasn't seen or played against. Peyton is something like 4-1 or 5-1 against Greg Williams Defenses over his career. He has just made the top AFC defenses look silly and you really believe the Saints can do something neither of those two could do? Yes, the Saints will probably get a sack or two on Manning early on, but you can not frustrate him, or baffle him or "shake him up", as right now there is no greater offensive mind in the game then Peyton. Your hope is to disrupt the WR pass running routes, and your offense putting up a tone of points if winning the game is your hope.

I'd argue there is a better offensive mine than Payton and that is Peyton.

indy4192 01-29-2010 12:21 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
Your CB might be good, but they are not great and this year Peyton has torn up even the great CB. Look at what we did to Denver who has across the board better CB then the Saints have.


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 200641)
I see posts all the time about people see or thing Payton is putting one thing out there and does the opposite. I don't see that at all!!! These guys are very upfront with everyone. Yeah this is what we do and this is what we are going to do now stop us. They like to set the tone and there isn't anybody who can do anything about it.

I mean I think it shows them how confident they are and how ballsy that they can discuss it and go after it. I mean the way they treated Warner and then Favre isn't winning us any popularity points with their fans but hey we are here baby!

The one thing people over look is that how good our CB's are... they are totally under estimating how good they are and Williams is not. Get after the QB and wait your shot to get a turnover. The thing I love is I know Williams isn't even close to where and what he wants to do with this D. We keep him we have a dynasty.

indy4192 01-29-2010 12:23 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
As of right now, there is no greater offensive minds in teh game then Manning and Moore, the M and M boys are undefeated this season and Manning is the MVP. The Saints had a good year, but they are a step behind the M and M boys.


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 200642)
I'd argue there is a better offensive mine than Payton and that is Peyton.

darstep 01-29-2010 12:44 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?

Originally Posted by indy4192 (Post 200637)
12 different teams tried it this past season and not one were successful, what makes you think you guys can?

FAITH! I'm a Saints fan and simply believe that our guys CAN get it done. It has nothing to do with what other teams have been unable to do. On Feb. 7, our guys are going to strap it up and bring it, and I'll be hoping for and pulling for them to get it done in the moment. I'll be at home yelling at the TV unless I win some radio station give away or something. I can't make it happen, but I'll definitely be believing for it to happen in our favor. That's not some empty pipe dream, we're in the Superbowl. We've been making it happen all season, and we can do it again.

indy4192 01-29-2010 01:33 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
And right there in your statement is the HUGE difference between both teams and between both fans. You "believe", You are "hoping" You will be "believing", while the Colts and the Colt fans "know" what our team will do and what it can accomplish. The Saints and their fans are "happy" to be in the superbowl, the Colts and fans will only be happy when we win the Superbowl.


Originally Posted by darstep (Post 200666)
FAITH! I'm a Saints fan and simply believe that our guys CAN get it done. It has nothing to do with what other teams have been unable to do. On Feb. 7, our guys are going to strap it up and bring it, and I'll be hoping for and pulling for them to get it done in the moment. I'll be at home yelling at the TV unless I win some radio station give away or something. I can't make it happen, but I'll definitely be believing for it to happen in our favor. That's not some empty pipe dream, we're in the Superbowl. We've been making it happen all season, and we can do it again.

Budsdrinker 01-29-2010 02:54 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
Remember the last time a Colts team was this confident about winning the Superbowl? Just ask Broadway Joe!

indy4192 01-29-2010 02:59 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
That colt team didn't have Peyton Manning:)

Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 200722)
Remember the last time a Colts team was this confident about winning the Superbowl? Just ask Broadway Joe!

strato 01-29-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?

Originally Posted by indy4192 (Post 200683)
And right there in your statement is the HUGE difference between both teams and between both fans. You "believe", You are "hoping" You will be "believing", while the Colts and the Colt fans "know" what our team will do and what it can accomplish. The Saints and their fans are "happy" to be in the superbowl, the Colts and fans will only be happy when we win the Superbowl.

Well theres gonna be a bunch sad ass Colts fans pretty soon...

indy4192 01-29-2010 03:50 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?

Originally Posted by strato (Post 200740)
Well theres gonna be a bunch mad happy Colts fans pretty soon...

We sure will be....:doh:

Choupique 01-29-2010 11:08 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
All season long people have been doubting the Saints.

At first it was ther schedule. Then, after kicking 14 teams arses, most by double digits... which included running the tables on teams like the eaglets, bills, jets, patriots, giants, miami... ad nauseum... folks still doubted them.

Then came a late season stumble... which could easily be attributed to the FACT that we had 20 players on the injury list by that time. Many starters... so those last three games I think our third string did pretty damn good, frankly.

Then comes the playoffs and the naysayers told us Kurt and the Favre bean were going to give us what for. Let us know how that worked out whenever ya'll can get up from the ground.

Read this slowly. NFC CHAMPIONS.

Now come the Dolts. Manning is good, but he isn't super human. He is merely good. No problem. So is Sharper, Greer, Porter, Vilma and then there is our front four.

The Dolts ain't ready for this much meauxjeaux. Horse shellacking waiting to occur!

It is our time. They can't stop that. No amount of pony smack can change destiny.

The time is nearly upon us. It is just a matter of days.

Good luck to your team. They will need it.

lumm0x 01-30-2010 12:33 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
I feel that our best day is better than the Colts best day. We must bring that because anything less will likely not be enough.

Peyton and the Colts have had many poor post season showings over the years and they are due for one more.

breesfan27 01-30-2010 01:11 AM

Re: Williams ... Genius?

Originally Posted by indy4192 (Post 200726)
That colt team didn't have Peyton Manning:)

No, but they had Morrall and Unitas! :D

UK_WhoDat 01-30-2010 02:21 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
Hey Richk and then Crusader, you both make very good points. It is like a game of poker, bluff. But you can be sure that Williams will have a number of schemes to implement as the game goes on and Manning will be pouring over game film to try to be one step ahead.
Ultimately, Williams will penalise any complacency so Manning will have to be close to perfect all night. And then we have a great player in Vilma who has a fantastic capacity to make last second changes to the defensive scheme.

CheramieIII 01-30-2010 02:40 PM

Re: Williams ... Genius?
Does anyone truly believe that Williams is going to give away the freakin game plan 2 weeks before the Superbowl? I seriously doubt it but the Colts have to prepare for it just in case. I think we play more contain and just outscore them.

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