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skymike 01-29-2010 06:51 AM

NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
As my good friend St_LB would want to hear, I was there in the Dome, and then made my way down the streets of N.O. I dont know if you've seen the video's but it was better than I imagined. Streets not named Bourbon were just as wild, abeit more passable. You could walk across just about anywhere, as cars could not move. Illegal fireworks, some really great mortars shot into the air. I know the honking and yelling went on past 3am? (finally succumbed to sleep) Canal St. was the wierdest--- it looked & sounded like a disaster, to be honest. NOPD was lined up all the way down, lights flashing... more honking, w/ people jumping out to the street to "five" drivers & passengers... more yelling/ whodat'ing (dont sue me, NFL) Sirens were everywhere, but I didnt see anybody hurt. I think the ambulances were celebrating too. People were happily banging the window of the restaurant we stopped into, and periodically, the restaurant would break into "Who Dat." I saw people shaking hands with Vikings fans telling them, "good game." Strangers hugged strangers. And Academy's parking lot looked like Christmas the next day. (they sold the official t-shirts)

I saw nor heard not one instance of violence or vandalism.

That was New Orleans. I know we have fans all over Louisiana, MS, The Gulf South, Texas, etc. I heard fireworks went off all over Baton Rouge. A lady told me people were celebrating pretty hard in Lafayette. I'd like to know what went on in Shreveport.

Im not finished celebrating this yet. Does anyone have video or pictures?

Saint_LB 01-29-2010 09:17 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
You really don't want to hear my story...very boring.

Here's the deal. When the Saints stalled at the end of the 4th quarter and the Vikings got the ball to begin what usually is the game winning stick the dagger in our hearts drive...I was amazingly calm leaning back in my recliner. I had lived this scenario before, but somewhere, in the back of my head, I kept hearing Jim Henderson's voice, "Hakim drops the ball!"

I had resolved that it had been a great run, but, once again we were gonna be on the outside looking in as the son of my favorite baseball coach went toe-to-toe with the son of one of our favorite all-time Saints. I guess this was helping soothe me, but then Greer stepped in front of Favre's pass, (somehow I'm thinking Favre wouldn't have thrown that pass against anyone else, but he figures if he doesn't squeeze it in there and it is picked, his favorite team goes to the for him.)

So...I'm still amazingly calm, and we run the last few seconds off the clock...I'm still leaning back in my recliner. Vikes call heads, it comes up I'm almost without a pulse. We drive the ball down the field, and when Hartley comes out, I say to my wife, "Not yet."...anticipating the TO that Childress is about to call. Sure enough, he calls it...(sometimes I think maybe they shouldn't call the TO...might get into his head more than calling it if he is expecting it.)

So, when Hartley comes back on the field, I'm still reclined back and watching with a view that is right down the gut. When Hartley boots it, from my view it is a "no-doubter" and I simply utter to my wife, "We're going to the Superbowl." without any excitement or raised voice. I just hope Hartley continues to practice because I know that kick had to be 2 inches off dead center.

Stiggs 01-29-2010 09:32 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
End of 4th Qtr., my house. I was about to go next door to borrow my elderly neighbor's oxygen tank, and wondering if I should take a couple extra blood pressure pills. Vikes are in FG range, I'm thinking this f'ing game is over...oh well, great season, guess it'll be another 43 years before we get a shot at the SB. I talk myself out of stealing an old person's medical supplies, and go to the home bar for another sazerac. As I swish the Pernod I hear Mrs. Stiggs going insane in the TV room...FARVE INTERCEPTION. I'm breathing again, but don't have a drink so I head back to the bar.

O.C. calls me as Hartley is lining things up. His feed is like 15 seconds ahead of mine, and he starts shouting "HE MADE IT!!!!! SAINTS ARE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!" He's crying and screaming, then I see the kick "live", and now I'm crying and screaming. And spilling my sazerac. I immediately take 4 sleeping pills, because I know I'm so hopped up I'll never get to sleep. Pass out ca. 11pm, one happy happy groggy drunken fan.

JoanieNTX 01-29-2010 09:35 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
Well.....mine is sorta boring, too. I made etoufee' and we had a couple of friends over. (Note that we live in the Houston area, and most of our neighbors are either non-commital, or Texans fans). So the four of us are watching on our 60" tv screen (players almost lifesize) :) and I'm up and down, folding clothes...nervous as a cat as usual. Like Saint LB, I figure just before Favre throws that last interception that we're done for. So I start thinking just how blessed we are to have made it to this point, and how much fun this year has been, and bracing myself for the disappointment. Then....BING...interception! Then things start goin' our way, and I'm not believing it, so I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, as usual. By the time Hartley is up to kick the field goal, my face is so hot that ice won't cool it down. (Blood pressure, I'm sure)! At this point, I can't bear to watch, so I step into the kitchen, put my head down on the counter and start praying. I hear the telltale "BUMP" when his foot connects with the ball, and from the solid sound of it, I just knew it was good. I waited, and then the living room erupted in shouts, and I ran back in there, jumping up and down, crying, fanning my now "burning up" face, hugging my hubby, throwing the dog up into the air....etc., etc. I watch the replay on the kick, and realize that that ball was actually carried up, up and away on the wings of the angels! Whew....what a dream! WAIT! We ARE going to the Super Bowl, (aren't we)? ;)

skymike 01-29-2010 09:35 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
c'mon, LB thats a great story.

Hey, when the Vikes had the ball in FG range w/ :19, I was just sitting there, also thinking, "Well its been a great season," but also just trying to think of reasons to be happy.

I had very little faith in Hartley, and I was watching Brad Childress walk over to the ref and tell him, "ok, watch me, I'm gonna call timeout," or at least thats what I think he was saying. Then the timeout. My wife gasped in exasperation....I forgot to tell her what was going on...

Then he lined up, and I watched Brunell for the snap-and-hold.

I just wanted to not lose... it hadnt sunk in that we could win.... and when the crowd shrieked like the Beatles just walked in, it hit me like a wall. I would have been embarassed, if there werent other men crying too.

QBREES9 01-29-2010 09:38 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
Nothing great. I was by myself Wife and Kids were asleep. I was on my knees, the nose of my football was pressed so hard into my forehead while I was praying it left a cross.

When they WON I had to go outside and SCREAM, The Saints are going to the Super Bowl. I didn't want to wake my 2 year old and 4 year old. I did wake my neighborhood.

DblBogey 01-29-2010 10:09 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
I like Stiggs was thinking, as the Viqueens were driving that I had to think about away to rationalize it. Then the penalty for 12 men in the huddle (it was devine intervention and Joe Sam) my emotions shot through the roof of my house because I knew that put them out of "sure" field goal range and there was still hope. Next paly with Farve rolling right with open field in front of him I quickly thought he would not run it because he was gimped. Then the cross body pass and interception by Porter . . . I felt like I was about to have a coronary. At this point I got my cell phone out and punched in . . . 9-1 so I could punch in the other 1 was I was going out. (Fast forward) They come out on the field for the coin toss and the Viqueens called heads my blood pressure started rising again from its already elevated state. We WON the toss and I started gasping for air. (Fast Forward again) Hartley steps off for THE kick and Childress calls time out to ice Hartley. The TV becomes fuzzy and clear and continues to alternate. He comes out again steps off, by this time I am in deep prayer that the snap is good and Brunell ges it down . . . . my heart is palpatating, my arm is tingeling, my breathing is non-existent. The ball splits the uprights . . . I was so close to the TV at that point the screen gets thoroughly washed down by the tears that came gushing out of my eyes. By this time I didn't even know where my cell phone was much less punching in the other 1 to complete the call. Then a peace came over me heart quit palpatating. I finally took a breath after what seemed like 10 minutes, my arm quit tingeling . . . I felt 42 years of abuse, ridecule, bag heads and being the butt of way to many jokes had just been vindicated . . . The Who Dat Nation had overcome . . . we were going the the Superbowl, the ain'ts were dead and we did not have to say wait until next season anymore.

skymike 01-29-2010 10:12 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
Dont forget to tell us WHERE YA AT? And if anyone else was celebrating in your neighborhood.

Saint_LB 01-29-2010 10:14 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
Bump for my buddy Mike and I want to read more stories...and also was wondering if I could put in my application to Mr. Benson for Carney's job when he leaves(did anyone notice that it was him holding the ball for Hartley when he was practicing on the sidelines?)...kicking consultant...I like that and think I could be pretty good at it.

When my kicker asks me what to do, I simply point out to the field and asks him if he sees those two poles sticking up in the air...when he responds yes, he does, I simply say, "Kick it between them!"

dizzle88 01-29-2010 10:48 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
k everyone, i was sat in my front room, in Nottinghamshire, England, when i seen garrett hartley coming out onto the field, i got up from my lounge position, walked into the kitchen, then walked back (really weird, no reason at all, was VERY VERY NERVOUS) then i crouched to the floor about 3 ft away from my tv, and just stared!! i kept muttering to myself, "if one time to come through for us hartley, this is the time".

when heard the thud, i knew he hit it well, wen i see it was on its way through, and the announcer shouted it, i got up sprinted through the kitchen, then back, upstairs and woke my mum and dad up with the shouts of WE WON!!!!!!

Saint_LB 01-29-2010 10:52 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 200627)
k everyone, i was sat in my front room, in Nottinghamshire, England, when i seen garrett hartley coming out onto the field, i got up from my lounge position, walked into the kitchen, then walked back (really weird, no reason at all, was VERY VERY NERVOUS) then i crouched to the floor about 3 ft away from my tv, and just stared!! i kept muttering to myself, "if one time to come through for us hartley, this is the time".

when heard the thud, i knew he hit it well, wen i see it was on its way through, and the announcer shouted it, i got up sprinted through the kitchen, then back, upstairs and woke my mum and dad up with the shouts of WE WON!!!!!!

Now that is just too think that someone across the pond was sitting there watching and the best part is where you say "WE" other word but cool.

What time was it there, btw?

dizzle88 01-29-2010 10:59 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
hey thanks Saint LB, everybody played a part in it. Not only did i want to see it because i'm a very passionate saints fan, i wanted to see the reaction from everyone in New Orleans, you guys in that area deserve this so much!!!

PS - Garrett Hartley put the kick through the posts, it was around 3am in the morning, i had got up at 5am the previous morning for work. So i was awake for a total of 23 hours as i went to bed a 4am.

What time was it in New Orleans Saint LB?

Saint_LB 01-29-2010 11:02 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 200635)
hey thanks Saint LB, everybody played a part in it. Not only did i want to see it because i'm a very passionate saints fan, i wanted to see the reaction from everyone in New Orleans, everyone there deserves it so much!!

PS - when Garrett Hartley put the kick through the posts, it was around 3am in the morning, i had got up at 5am the previous morning for work. So i was awake for a total of 23 hours as i went to bed a 4am.

What time was it in New Orleans Saint LB?

Must have been somewhere around 9PM...10 for me as I'm in eastern time zone.

NOLA54 01-29-2010 11:18 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
I live in Denver & I wasn't there. I was watching it a home. The game was so close that when Hartley kicked the field goal everything went into slow motion. I was exahusted after the game but had enough energy to celebrate with a glass of the bubbley.

darstep 01-29-2010 11:53 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
I'm like most others: finding a place on the shelf for this season along side all the others; especially when we gave the ball back with all of that time left. Its been a good year, let me get my excuses together for all of the "I told you so" haters and Cowboy fans. Wait a minute! What is this? 12 men on the field...huhn? Is it happening AGAIN? Now they are nearly out of field goal range. Then the pic...any flags laying around that the media overlooked? Did someone call timeout before the play started and its all coming back again? I'm trying to eliminate every possibility that gives the ball back to Minni before OT. We get the coin toss, the ball, and the win. I'm watching the Dome go crazy and I'm on the couch under my Saints blanket frozen. My phone is blowing up - cell phone and my house phone; my neighbor is ringing my door bell, and I'm thinking I'm Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day: when I wake up tomorrow it will still be Sunday morning. I don't even know what to do. I left the chat room in the 1st qtr because it was just too much. I'm back on the chat...talking to my brothers in ATL and Ohio, my boys in OKC. Houston, & Cali. I went to sleep about 3...had to shake and roll at 5 and it didn't even matter.

exile 01-29-2010 11:55 AM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
I was yelling and screaming that the Vikings were dirty and took cheap shots at Drew the entire game. Then I realized the kick was good.

saintfan 01-29-2010 03:39 PM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
1 Attachment(s)
My brother was at the game. I only wish I could have been back home in Louisiana somewhere, anywhere, but instead I watched the game at home here in San Francisco. My wife and daughter fell asleep early, so it was just me.

Now, my dog, a blue heeler with Saints colors of a sort has had trouble adjusting to the move to California and has been in trouble lately, mostly for getting into the trash, so he was in his crate upstairs - banished by the wife for bad behavior. So, just me on the couch watching in HD. We seemed to do better when I sat on the edge of the couch as opposed to sitting all the way back, so by halftime I'm perched permanently on the edge of the couch a true nervous wreck.

Rocker (the dog) sat on his rug in front of me for the game against the Falcons after Katrina. I reached down and scratched his head and then the snap, the block, and the score! He's been good luck ever since.

Somewhere around the end of the first quarter I freed the poor animal. The wife is asleep after all.

He joined me on his rug. Just before the coin flip for overtime I kissed that dog square on the mouth and flip, tails, and Brees signals "we want the ball". And for the next little while that dog got more scratch than he deserves, but he's the good luck charm.

By the time Hartley came on to the field I'm on the rug with 'fat boy' scratchin' his tummy like there's no tomorrow, and then...the kick goes right down the middle. I fall over onto my back with my fists in the air...and I begin to ball like a big 'ol baby. Rocker is giving me high paws and licks and I just lay there pumping my fists and balling quietly.

My mom and sister both called in tears. My 84 year old grandpa, who's never really been a sports fan, took the time to watch the whole game and called. My wife woke up, called me an idiot and then went back to sleep.

And I'm still not sure it happened. I mean, I'm trying to take it all in, watching everything on TV I can find and reading every thing I can find and giving all the Cowboys fans I know as much hell as I can.

That's Rocker on the left, then Muffin, and my daughter, Marlee, holding the guinea pig Pottsie.

strato 01-29-2010 03:42 PM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
After the kick i coudlnt believe it drunk ..woke up and still couldnt believe it...

breesfan27 01-29-2010 03:51 PM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
I was at my local sports bar with about 30 Vikings fans and 10 Saints fans. The whole game, I was cheering and struggling to breathe. When the game went into overtime, I started to get restless, I probably changed chairs three times, trying to get the best view possible. When Hartley kicked the winning field goal, I leaped out of my chair so fast, I tipped it over. Through my tears, I kept shouting "WE'RE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL! OMG WE'RE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL." There were a few Vikings fans telling me to shut up, but I just kept crying and cheering. My dad called me from Mississippi and he was excited as I was. I woke up Monday morning with the worst headache and a sore throat, but it was totally worth it!

SaintsFanInLA 01-29-2010 06:12 PM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
I live out here in the Los Angeles area after leaving NOLA in Grammar school. Playing football, I would get laughed at for always rooting for the Saints instead of 49ers, Raiders, Rams, or even Chargers. I never strayed and kept wondering when that moment would come, how I would react.

I had a small gathering with close friends at my father's house. Didn't want to go to a bar and have to deal with some fat Viking fan. I made a bet as a kid to my dad if the Saints made the Superbowl, he would have to shave his mustache. When this year came, he said if I would settle for a plane ticket to Miami, I was game.

Being the only Saints fan in the room with friends from Denver, Atlanta, Miami, and San Francisco I sat anxiously with the Vikings with the ball. When they were in field goal range, I was "Well, what else is new.." I was prepared for the let down. Then when Tracy got the ball, I jumped up out of my seat and high fived everyone in the room. I was in disbelief that we won the coin toss and it was surreal that we were heading on that last drive. I said if it was any way for the Saints to make the Superbowl, they could not make it any more dramatic. My friend said to me, "Mike, you are going to remember this moment for the rest of your life...let's hope its good." Hartley drills it and I sat there in shock. My friends said I looked like we lost. Then tears started coming down my face, my phone starts blowing up with calls and texts. Its been 30 years and I still pinch myself. I was speechless and it was perhaps one of the happiest moments of my life.

Who Dat.

CheramieIII 01-29-2010 06:13 PM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story
I cried.

strato 01-29-2010 06:20 PM

Re: NFC Championship--- Tell Your Celebration Story

Originally Posted by CheramieIII (Post 200872)
I cried.

me 2 brother me 2...30 yrs of frustration set free!!!

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