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saintz08 09-20-2003 01:05 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Alrightie then ,

BMG is a 00 Tampa Fan
Saintz08 is a 00 Panthers fan

Is Billy a secret plant from the Saints public relation department ? Sent in to control public outcry and promote ticket sales through fan based forums ???

They are out there ...........

BillyCarpenter1 09-20-2003 08:32 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
saintz08 --

I\'m not from the P.R. dept. I\'m just a guy sitting here looking at a lot of fans running around preaching the sky is falling. I\'m simply going behind you guys and telling everyone the sky is still there.

Couple of questions for you 08.

1. We had the # 1 offense in the NFC last year. You consider that bad?

2. We had the #1 special teams in the NFL last year. You consider that bad?

3. The defense sucked last year. Isn\'t this the real reason the Saints had problems last year?

4. The Saints addressed several areas of the defense in the off season and you guys are trying to tell everyone that it stilll gonna suck? How do y\'all know this?

5. Aaron Brooks doesn\'t deserve as much time as some other QB\'s to show he can get it done? Why not?

6. Venturi only gets one year to prove he can get it done? Why?

As soon as you guys can satisfy me on those questions, I will shut up!!

[Edited on 20/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

SuperbowlSaints 09-20-2003 09:40 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
1. #1 offense, Really Good, not bad.
2. #1 special teams, Really good also, not bad.
3. yes, that is the real and only reason we collapsed last year.
4. i heard the defense was 9th in the league, if thats bad, i don\'t know what to tell you guys.
5.AB deserves just as much time as every other QB in the league, and as he matures more and more, i think he has great potential.
6.first of all, think he has proven a lot already, and if he needs moe time than a year, we should give it to him.
there ya go billy, i answered for saintz08, cuz he is never gonna get the right answers anyway, LOL

WhoDat 09-20-2003 11:12 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Here\'s an interesting question - that I am just throwing out there. Do you think that there is a reason that Brooks was drafted by an orginization that had a Pro Bowl QB with the longest starting streak in the league and a young backup with great potential?

Brooks came into the league with Green Bay behind Favre and Hassleback. They weren\'t expecting this kid to be a starter. They were expecting him to be a career backup. Sounds to me like he was to Green Bay what J. T. is to us.

Just some food for thought....

rusta 09-20-2003 11:21 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
put the food back in the fridge because you just described tom brady, kurt warner, marc bulger, tommy maddox and probably a coupla guys i\'m forgetting

i guess they suck too right? or maybe they should still be backups?

oh and one more thing i\'m sure jake was drafted to one day be the starter right?

BillyCarpenter1 09-20-2003 11:23 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
LMFAO..... :P

BrooksMustGo 09-20-2003 11:48 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Uhh, Brady and Maddox were both drafted as eventual replacements. Maddox didn\'t work out for Elway and was a bust for a LONG time.

Brady just got the hot hand, and it seems like New England had gotten Saints syndrome and decided that Drew was a \"locker room cancer\".

But as always, WhoDat makes a salient point that you guys choose to totally overlook. The only argument you might have going for you is that Green Bay has a pretty long history of having Favre\'s backups going on to start other places. But that is most certainly NOT because Favre takes young players under his wing, if anything he taunts them.

Going 131st overall isnt a bad spot for Brooks to have been drafted, but the knock on him was that he wasn\'t real bright, which he has never really shaken.

BillyCarpenter1 09-20-2003 11:52 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed

Here\'s an interesting question - that I am just throwing out there. Do you think that there is a reason that Brooks was drafted by an orginization that had a Pro Bowl QB with the longest starting streak in the league and a young backup with great potential?

Brooks came into the league with Green Bay behind Favre and Hassleback. They weren\'t expecting this kid to be a starter. They were expecting him to be a career backup. Sounds to me like he was to Green Bay what J. T. is to us.

Just some food for thought....
I see absolutely no relevence to this post. What difference does it make? He could have been the water boy. But if he can play ball -- put some pads on and let him play.

BrooksMustGo 09-20-2003 11:54 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
By the way :casstet: If I can\'t be a Saints fan anymore because I disagree that AB walks on water and feeds the 5,000 in his spare time; can\'t I at least be a closet fan of a different team.

The Bucs make me vomit. :casstet:

BlackandBlue 09-20-2003 12:48 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed

But that is most certainly NOT because Favre takes young players under his wing, if anything he taunts them.
Mind if I ask how you know this? Everything that I\'ve heard is contradictory to this statement. Not that I would be suprised...
Green Bay has a history of overloading at the QB position. In 2002 they took Craig Nall, Aaron Brooks in 1999, Hasselbeck in 1998, McAda in 1997, Wachholtz in 1996 and so on. Not all of these names are recognizable, but they keep bringing in fresh new arms all the time, just in case. The quality of QB drafted has increased, amazingly, around the same time that whispers began concerning Favre and retirement.
Brady was selected in the 6th round of the 2000 draft- You don\'t normally select your future QB in the 6th round, so I have a hard time buying that.

[Edited on 20/9/2003 by BlackandBlue]

BrooksMustGo 09-20-2003 12:51 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Favre\'s typical summons to the backups is, \"come get you some scraps.\"

Referring to the snaps the backups actually take. He isn\'t a mentor, he isn\'t a teacher. He is a great player, one of the best ever, but he plays, he doesn\'t coach, help or teach.

BillyCarpenter1 09-20-2003 02:23 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed

Favre\'s typical summons to the backups is, \"come get you some scraps.\"

Referring to the snaps the backups actually take. He isn\'t a mentor, he isn\'t a teacher. He is a great player, one of the best ever, but he plays, he doesn\'t coach, help or teach.
Have you ever been to a Packer\'s practice? NO? PLEASE EXPLAIN TO US HOW YOU KNOW THIS?? If you can\'t do it, are we suppose to take your word for it?

BrooksMustGo 09-20-2003 03:30 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
You guys ever do any reading about Brett Favre, geez, it ain\'t rocket science.
Last season there were about a thousand articles done on Brett Favre, kind of evaluating his career, trying to get a response from him on retirement, etc.

Try,, the milwaukee journal sentinel and cbs.sportsline.

It\'s not an arcane science, do some reading

BillyCarpenter1 09-20-2003 03:37 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
BMG -- Why don\'t you post a couple of those articles pal? You\'re the one making the statement. Now back it up!!

BrooksMustGo 09-20-2003 04:16 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed

Check out Pederson\'s numbers in 2001: seven snaps, zero passes and a kneel-down against St. Louis in the playoffs. (Although he did crank a homer in the team\'s charity softball game this summer.) His numbers are typical. In the last nine seasons Favre\'s backups have averaged less than seven completions per season. Oh yeah, Favre also takes 99.9% of all snaps in practice, and if Pederson ever jumps in for a practice snap Favre yells, \"Go getcha a couple crumbs in there, big guy.\"

You cannot talk of Favre as one of the best ever without knowing the same has
to be said of Warner, not if you are objective at all and not mesmerized by
Favre\'s persona and his media popularity.
Sure maybe the swashbuckler is more appetizing to the average fan than the
choirboy, but isn\'t off the field character a GOOD thing, something you want
kids to follow?

Warner has also shown himself to be a far better mentor to the backup QBs
than Favre, who gave Warner the cold shoulder in Green Bay when Kurt was in
camp there.

Just a couple of sources. I don\'t lie. Reasonable people may disagree over what the facts mean, but I don\'t lie about what they are.

rusta 09-20-2003 05:42 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
who gives a crap if favre is a good mentor (although there have been several backups from GB become starters elsewhere)

the point is saying AB shouldn\'t be a starter because he was drafted to be a backup is retarded

and for all you idiots who think AB sucks: GET OVER IT!!!!!! :mad:
he is the starter and will be for several years to come, so quite whining and suck it up

just exactly who do you think we should have gotten instead? and if you say \'we shoulda drafted one\' you\'re dumber than i thought because that would have put us out of playoff contention for at least another 4 years, name one free agent QB over the last 3 years that is better than AB

you can\'t so stop the damn whining, there\'s probably close to 15 teams out there that would love to have AB, if you don\'t like AB from a personal standpoint fine BUT SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
i hate the lakers and the damn yankees but i don\'t try to put together weak arguements to prove they suck when they don\'t

BlackandBlue 09-20-2003 07:28 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed

You guys ever do any reading about Brett Favre, geez, it ain\'t rocket science.
Last season there were about a thousand articles done on Brett Favre, kind of evaluating his career, trying to get a response from him on retirement, etc.

Try,, the milwaukee journal sentinel and cbs.sportsline.

It\'s not an arcane science, do some reading
Don\'t ****ing come here and insult my intelligence, boy. I\'ve written more than you have read. Whoop-dee-f~king-doo, you posted one thread. But there are thousands of them out there, huh?
Personal note there, you want some cred, post three different sources stating the same thing, then I\'ll believe it. But if I\'m going to believe everything I read on the internet, then the kid that died in a hospital during a routine operation because someone used a cell phone, Metallica suing the group Unfaith over the use of E and F chords, and Bill Gates giving me $1000 for forwarding a damn email, must all be true, huh jack~ss? If someone asks you to back up something you post, either suck it up and do it, or be forthcoming and say you are lazy. All I did was ask for some links, you post one, and proceed to s~t on me, verbally. Battle of wits, you will lose.

[Edited on 21/9/2003 by BlackandBlue]

You knew I\'d have to do it. :D

[Edited on 21/9/2003 by JOESAM2002]

BillyCarpenter1 09-20-2003 07:42 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
BMG --

That\'s a very interesting article. I live in Brett Favre country and seems like everyone down here has a \"Brett Favre Story\" I\'ve heard a lot of people tell me what a jerk he is. I never really paid any attention to them, but I guess maybe it\'s true.

The Brett Favre madness down here sickening as far as I\'m concerned. There\'s street\'s named after him and everyone of his 1000 realitives. His uncle is mayor of Bay St. Louis, Ms. There are countless shrines made in Brett Favres honor, including the bar he used to hang out in Kiln, Ms. We have the honor of getting to watch every Green Bay game down here, regardless if there are better games on. Of course the Saints do take priority if over the Packers though.

Anyway, you proved yourself correct but it\'s still irrelevent. :mad:

WhoDat 09-20-2003 10:15 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed

saying AB shouldn\'t be a starter because he was drafted to be a backup is retarded
I never said that. I didn\'t even insinuate that. I said the GREEN BAY didn\'t expect him to start b/c they have Favre. I only brought that question up for one reason - to see Billy\'s reaction - which suprisingly was fairly good.

On the Favre issue - the guy\'s good ole boy persona only works b/c he\'s as far away from the good ole boys as possible. His family is full of criminals, druggies, and just generally bad people. Yes, I know some of \'em. While I have never had a run-in with Brett, everyone I\'ve ever met who did down south way didn\'t have a kind word to say about him. Nonetheless, the guy can play football.

BrooksMustGo 09-20-2003 10:52 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed

Don\'t **** ing come here and insult my intelligence, boy. I\'ve written more than you have read. Whoop-dee-****ing-doo, you posted one thread. But there are thousands of them out there, huh?
B&B--Perhaps I should have just posted the sources I\'d looked at.

Without doubt you have posted more on this board than I\'ve read on this board, and often it\'s substantive.

As for intelligence, \"Whoop-dee-doo\" doesn\'t show any, boy.

By the way, if you\'ll forward this to 10 people, the Tom Benson will give you a new car, he\'s testing the properties of e-mail in South Louisiana.

[Edited on 21/9/2003 by JOESAM2002]

BillyCarpenter1 09-20-2003 11:28 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed

I only brought that question up for one reason - to see Billy\'s reaction - which suprisingly was fairly good.
I kind of figured that. You didn\'t put as much effort into as you usually do? What\'s up with that?


On the Favre issue - the guy\'s good ole boy persona only works b/c he\'s as far away from the good ole boys as possible. His family is full of criminals, druggies, and just generally bad people. Yes, I know some of \'em.
I\'ve met some of them too. Although living down here where he\'s from you can\'t help but to meet some of \'em. There must be a 1000 Favres down here. Most of the one\'s I\'ve met are good people. I\'ve heard the drug rumors before, but most of the Favres are considered good people and citizens of the community.

I\'ve also never heard anyone say a kind word about Brett Favre. What I have heard is that he is a jerk and has always been a jerk. He\'s been in plenty of trouble with the law down here but has always been swept under the rug.

WhoDat 09-20-2003 11:54 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Yes he has - as have many of his siblings and cousins.

JOESAM2002 09-21-2003 08:58 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Ok gents, I\'ve enjoyed all this comraderie about enough. You all know better than use some of the words you\'ve used. STOP IT NOW! I\'m a nice guy but don\'t push. At least act like adults, please.

Memnoch_TP 09-22-2003 05:46 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
AB\'s QB rating? Irrelevant. So is his completion percentage, his potential, his intelligence, or how well he fits into the west coast offense. Or even if the Saints have a west coast offense. What is relevant? This.

With the talent that we have had on offense for the last few seasons, we do not NEED someone who could be, or even WILL be, one of the all time greats. We need a solid, experienced QB to take advantage of this talented offense NOW.

We have had a unique window of opportunity that is closing. For a short time, New Orleans didn\'t look like such a bad place to be for a free agent. After last season, it may well have already closed. We had a winning season, went 9-7, beat some of the best teams in the NFL, and still ended up a laughing stock.

Did you guys see what happened to Arizona last year? Everyone got the hell out of dodge the instant they could. Kinda like our once powerfull defense has. Will we still have this talented offensive unit once Brooks has finally matured, if he ever does?

Is that enough of an explanation? Do you understand now why the bashers bash? Probably not. But I tried.

And to Rusta who was screaming about all the bashers just shutting up, go yourself. You don\'t want to hear people complain about AB, fine. Don\'t go anywhere they talk about Saints football. I\'m not forcing you to come to this site, or read the messages. You do that of your own free will. And if you are so stupid that you are constantly tortured by reading things you don\'t want to read, might be a good option. It would definately help us cleanse the gene pool I will state my opinion on AB when and where I like, without censoring it so my negative vibes don\'t hurt your delicate little ears. I think AB sucks. Deal with it.

To Isusurfer - You are wrong. In times of war, like in times of peace, all I have to do is pay my taxes. I still disagree with the war and the president. I don\'t wish harm on any American troops, but I don\'t feel much sympathy. They joined the Army of their own free will. If they didn\'t realize it is not uncommon for people in the army to get shot at... Well, no comment. So I damn sure don\'t have to support Brooks because the season has started.

Well censorship being what it is. I felt compelled to censor some of your comments. Sorry but it is in the best interest of all members.

[Edited on 22/9/2003 by JOESAM2002]

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