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saintz08 09-19-2003 11:24 AM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Saintsfan - has that positive twist on Brooks

Saintz08 - Has the negative twist on Brooks

Gator - just chews them all to pieces , when they have been naughty ....

lsusurfer 09-19-2003 12:04 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Hey think of Aaron brooks as you do our president. People can disagree on our president all they want during peace times (aka. the offseason) but in times of war we have to put our differences aside and all support the president and our troops. So since the Saints are at War now we should focus on supporting them and worry about a change of office during the off season!

Brooks in 2004!

saintz08 09-19-2003 12:31 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Wouldn\'t you think of Brooks as more the field general ??

Leader in the trenches with the men ??

BillyCarpenter1 09-19-2003 02:04 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
By WhoDat:


One more thing - a low efficiency rating does not mean a QB is wrong for his system. Playing style does. McNabb, for example, is a playmaker. He makes a lot happen on his own, and for that he gives up efficiency. Gannon, on the other hand, cannot do much on his own, and as a result, he is very efficient. Teams with lots of weapons should have an efficient QB - they already have playmakers. Teams with few weapons should have playmakers at QB. Get it? That\'s why Atlanta, Philly, and Minnesota have athletic, inefficient playmakers, and teams like Oakland, Pittsburgh, and St. Louis have immobile efficient quarterbacks. Is that really that hard to understand? B/c I\'ve explained it to you about a thousand times and you still don\'t seem to get it.

WhoDat -- Just for you ------ ;)


By Bill Walsh --

The size of the quarterback is not as important as his athleticism. Kerry Collins is the same size as Leaf, but I have doubts about his ability to excel in this offense. Mobility is key to West Coast success, and Collins just isn\'t real mobile. He also isn\'t what I would call a good \'touch\' passer, a requirement in an offense that calls for a lot of short and medium passes

[Edited on 19/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

saintz08 09-19-2003 04:05 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Billy ,

Would you call Brooks a good touch passer ????

BillyCarpenter1 09-19-2003 04:07 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Define touch

BillyCarpenter1 09-19-2003 04:17 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Let me just say this about Aaron Brooks and the West Coast Offense. I\'ve already showed where Bill Walsh said a mobile QB was key to running a West Coast Offense, which y\'all have so wrongly been saying it was wrong for.

Second -- Aaron is more than capiable of making any throw on the field as far as I\'m concerned. What y\'all fail to realize is that this offense doen\'t throw a lot of those 5 to 10 yard high completion percentage passes. If we did then his QB completion percentage would be WAY up there.

As far as touch passes. I thought before Aaron got hurt last year that he was extremely accurate. I think he puts as much touch on his passes as Brett Favre.

He\'s not perfect though.

saintz08 09-19-2003 04:23 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Touch pass: a soft throw from the quarterback that a receiver can easily and gently catch

BillyCarpenter1 09-19-2003 04:25 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Oh, you mean like the one he threw to Donte for a touch down last week? All day long !!

BrooksMustGo 09-19-2003 04:32 PM

Quarterback Stats Revealed
Ok, mobility is a plus in a west coast scheme, but it isn\'t mandatory. Montana moved around, but wasn\'t really a big running QB. Steve Young ran a lot. Both of them had success in the system, but Brooks isn\'t a west coast QB by any stretch of the imagination.

But let\'s think about what defines a \"west coast\" offense and how our man Brooks fits into it.

1. An offense predicated on traps, slants, crossing patterns, and outs--Well Duece certainly fits this system well (I even happen to think Duece would be a better power back than many people give him credit for though), but Brooks is a complete mystery to me here. I don\'t think Brooks is sharp enough to keep track of where everyone is supposed to be.

2. An offense predicated on a QB being able to read the defense and deliver the ball quickly--Brooks has never shown that he can do either of these things. I disagree with Detiller here. I don\'t think Brooks holds the ball too long because he\'s looking for the big play. I think Brooks holds the ball for the length of a Bible because he honestly doesn\'t know what to do with it; other than, \"wait for Joe to get open\"

3. An offense that emphasizes the horizontal field rather than the downfield passing game--Brooks is always waiting for separation from the receivers. He doesn\'t throw the trademarks of that offense. He\'s always looking for the hail mary or the dump it off to Duece.

4. An offense that empahsizes the QB\'s footwork and mechanics -- Now the space cadet isn\'t a poster child for either of these things, let\'s be honest here.

5. An offense that emphasizes timing patterns and touch passes -- Brooks can\'t throw either of these. Every pass is a line drive. The Saints don\'t throw the touch pass with Brooks. As for timing patterns, forget it. Brooks is always backing out of his protection and waiting for the receivers to shake their coverage.

Whatever sort of offense we\'re running, I guarantee you it isn\'t west coast.

I am convinced that we have the hardest working and most underpaid receiving corps in the league. Joe Horn is constantly shaking his coverage and going to find a passing lane so that Brooks can throw a fastball. Its like the receiver has to go find the lane and then basically stand in it so that Brooks can throw it to him.

I think if I were to make a real comparison, I would call Aaron Brooks the black Jeff George. Lazy, bad habits, me-first attitude and always believing that his cannon arm can get him out of any jam he gets himself into. Jeff George is also notorious for crushing the careers of a lot of coaches who repeated the mantra, \"Jeff has incredible athletic ability, he just needs time to develop in our system, but I totally believe we have a potential hall of fame quarterback here.\"

You have to admit that a lot of Brooks yardage comes as junk yards that come late in games that the Saints don\'t end up winning. Who cares if you throw 150 yards in the fourth quarter and end up losing? So let\'s give the Brooks as west coast QB a rest, there\'s really no way.

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