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leilung 02-09-2010 08:23 AM

So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
For me, it was popping the cork on a virgin bottle of 21 year old Scotch and sharing it with some friends (none of whom are Saints fans) who knew how long I've been a fan!

That was after jubilantly reading my 19 text messages...

Sadly, I had to work the next morning. But I was 'that close' to calling out sick!


Sir Psycho Sexy 02-09-2010 09:00 AM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
Partied at Copeland's with a packed house. My pops came up to visit and watched the game. great time.

Choupique 02-09-2010 09:20 AM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
I don't understand the premise of the question.

In Louisiana we celebrate constantly for anything animal, vegetable or mineral. Joi de vivre.

Who Dat Festival is an eternal life style, not an event... I thought.


neugey 02-09-2010 10:24 AM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
Dropped off 2 dozen pastries in the breakroom at work and wrote ---

Drew Donuts and Reggie Rolls courtesy of Payton’s Pastries and the Super Bowl Champion Who Dats. In the breakroom.

emteejae 02-09-2010 12:05 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
Watched a fight break out on Bourbon within 2 minutes of arriving on the scene lol

The one complaint I have was the Hurricane.....the intent was to get it from Pat O'Briens but I ended up with a very poorly mixed imitation from a hole in the wall en route. Safe to say it was Long Island Teas from then on out lol

D_it_up 02-09-2010 01:20 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)

Originally Posted by emteejae (Post 206329)
Watched a fight break out on Bourbon within 2 minutes of arriving on the scene lol

That's pretty funny. I was watching some video from Bourbon St. on ESPN around midnight or so and watched a mounted policeman jerk a dude by the arm. Thought he was going to rip it right out of its socket.

Euphoria 02-09-2010 01:34 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
Well this party ends at the next SB in my opinion.

I opened a replica collectors bottle of the Super Dome filled with Jim Bean that I had saving from 1976 and kissed my 2 year old son after I cursed him because I waited 40 freakin year for this crap and he only waited 2 how f-ed up is that.

Rugby Saint II 02-09-2010 01:49 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
I threw a Superbowl party. When it was over I sent everybody away while I sat in the dark wondering if it had really happened. I must still be in shock. I keep wondering if I'm going to wake up in a mental institution. Nothing seems real.:nuts:

saintsfan1976 02-09-2010 02:23 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
On Bourbon St.

And yes, it was everything you'd think it would be.

I will always be able to say "I was there".

Hugs, tears, was truly one of my greatest personal moments.

Something else cool I saw: Many elderly Saints fans (some in wheelchairs) who clearly have been waiting for this.

skymike 02-09-2010 04:07 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 206401)
On Bourbon St.

And yes, it was everything you'd think it would be.

I will always be able to say "I was there".

Hugs, tears, was truly one of my greatest personal moments.

Something else cool I saw: Many elderly Saints fans (some in wheelchairs) who clearly have been waiting for this.

Agreed, '76. My favorite sight, really, was seeing the old people you know who've been thru the sh** all these years--- seeing them happy was my favorite thing.

I was a little worried for them, though. That street was not a safe place for some people to be. I thought we were dead a couple of times. But, I would have died happy.

You're all invited to my house. We're gonna watch the video again.

BIGEASY504 02-09-2010 05:09 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
i surprised my mom and drove from Elgin TX to New Orleans (Broad & Esplanade) and watch it with her my sister and other family members. Once the Saints won we all just poured out into the streets music fireworks 2nd lines than we took it to Canel St and more 2nd lines music WHODAT being yelled all even on type of the music. My mom bless her soul she cried we all cried (she 2nd lined in her wheel chair but didn't do Canel)

saintsfan1976 02-09-2010 05:40 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 206445)
Agreed, '76. My favorite sight, really, was seeing the old people you know who've been thru the sh** all these years--- seeing them happy was my favorite thing.

I was a little worried for them, though. That street was not a safe place for some people to be. I thought we were dead a couple of times. But, I would have died happy.

You're all invited to my house. We're gonna watch the video again.

One couple - most likely in their late 80's were working their way through the mosh pit that was Bourbon St. Just as it looked like their 5 foot 80lb frames would give in to the pressure of the crowd, I reached out a hand to help and they both smiled, gave me a hand shake and said "We are fine son - we've been waiting 40 years for this!!!"

I've never been happier to be a part of something.


SaintPez 02-09-2010 05:53 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
4 Attachment(s)
Up here in Baltimore, I had my nephews and neices at my house, all Saints fans...
When we got that pick 6, we all went to our skivvies and jumped in the snow! the whole neighborhood was cheering too! It was so awesome....

I unfortunately cut my foot and had to get 12 stitches, but it was ok, we won....godammit we won!!!

Oh yehah....ugh....dont judge me...

Srgt. Hulka 02-09-2010 05:56 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
Made gumbo, and sat at home with the wife and kids. My eight year old girl sat through the whole game with her Drew Brees jersey on. When the Colt's 4th down play failed, I screamed at my wife "Thats it, the game is over! The Saints won the Superbowl! The Saints Won!!!! My wife sat there and looked at me like I was crazy. She did not realize the Colts turned the ball over on downs with 44 seconds left. My little girl started jumping up and down on the couch screaming. I ran out of the house and fired off 10 morter shells and a 15 foot roll of firecrackers. Came in and popped open a bottle of Champaign I have been saving for 17 years (not Who Dat champaign), and watched post game and ESPN until about 1:30.

It is still hard to believe...No more "Wait until next year". This is "Next Year."

saintsfan1976 02-09-2010 05:58 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
I bet there are some happy Baltimore fans up there that we beat the thieves!!

SaintPez 02-09-2010 06:06 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
saintsfan1976, YES
there were Saints lovers and Colt haters equalling an unprecedented support for one team in the superbowl.
I already took a vacation day for monday so it was all good.

Memnoch_TP 02-09-2010 07:52 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
I spent the afternoon in the Quarter, soaking up the atmosphere. Then I watched the game in the Royal Sonesta on Bourbon with some friends. I brought my MP3 player so I could listen to Jim Henderson call the game on WWL. When Porter picked off that ball, everyone knew it was over. The screaming and hugging began, and I went out to Bourbon to jump in the mosh pit and feel the love.

I'm glad I'm not a germiphobe, because I hugged, kissed, and high-fived hundreds and hundreds of people. Halfway down Bourbon the crowd was thicker than I have ever seen it. I'm 6'2" and 240 pounds and staying on my feet was a challenge, holding my ground was impossible. You could tell everyone was a local because no one was freaking out about the crush, most everyone in the crush was grinning ear to ear and enjoying the ride.

There was an odor in the air, all the way down Bourbon Street. Cigar smoke. Victory cigars were lit everywhere. Usually you can smell liquor and beer and sweat and the street itself and all those nasty things that are on it, you can smell lucky dogs and pizza, but that night you could literally smell victory in the air.

While I was in the middle of that sea of black and gold, a thought hit me. I realized, I was living out a song. I WAS in that number. I was in that number when the Saints went marching in. A chill went down my spine just thinking about it. For the rest of the night I wandered, I drank, I hugged, I kissed, and I danced. Oh, how I danced. I spent the rest of the night with a million of my closest friends, knowing that we could win every other Super Bowl for the next 20 years, but nothing would ever generate the level of joy and togetherness I was experiencing on that night.

I was in that number...

RaginCajun83 02-09-2010 08:56 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
We went to my mom's house in Houston. Dad flew in from Libya to watch the game with his boys. There was all kinds of food but supper was seafood gumbo. After the game was over and we were done crying and hugging each other, we went through 3 bottles of champagne and alot of shots of jager.

breesfan27 02-09-2010 09:09 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
Here are a few pictures from our Super Bowl party. It was a blasty blast!
Barkeep decorated for us. They're big Denver fans, but they had black & gold balloons all over the place. It was great!
Gator bites, jambalaya, alligator etouffee, gumbo, red beans and rice
I'm third from the left, in the Brees jersey
I kid you not, this is what it looked like after the Saints won the Super Bowl. My brother (pictured) looked outside and said, "Becky! Hell has frozen over!!"

SaintPauly 02-09-2010 09:10 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
Private superbowl party at my friend Tony's house. I met him for the first time, at the grill, watching the Detroit game week one. Needless to say, we have made a life long pact, to stay in touch, and watch as many games together as possible.

We drank two bottles of patrone, drank about three cases of beer, had some victory cigars, and then went out to a pool hall, where we smashed all comers, in partner's pool! It was an awesome night, that I will remember for the rest of my life.

lildood 02-09-2010 11:27 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
I walked from bucktown got a ride from jp to city line then walk all the way to bourbon. Once to bourbon I let my brees shirt geaux while listin too the one who sang about me in her blackout alubum. Then more pics started flying

lumm0x 02-10-2010 09:41 AM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
I can't say I was at some huge party or celebrating in the Quarter (since I am no where remotely close to there). This day was so monumental to me I simply could not be around anyone. I was alone in my basement watching it. The rest of my family was upstairs together but I just could not do it. I was far too emotional a time for me and I just needed to experience it privately and they understood that. I am still without words and lose my breath even thinking about the moments during the game and tear up every time someone mentions we have won the Super Bowl. It is sinking in slowly day after day. The greatest time in sports in my entire life. I am gonna throw one hell of a kick off party this September though!

stockman311 02-10-2010 10:12 AM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
Pretty simple. Once Porter intercepted the pass to seal the deal, my group exploded and hugged everyone in the bar. We were at Jimani on Iberville. We then paid our monstrous tab as quickly as possible and RAN to Bourbon St. We got there just as time was expiring, and let's just say it felt like the Earth was shaking. I hugged probably 200 strangers in a matter of 10 minutes and spent the rest of the night walking the French Quarter from Bourbon (which got too crowded) to Royal, following a drummer with a large crowd to the St. Louis Cathedral where I prayed at the front door. To Frenchman St, where I got more drinks, back to Canal St. where we danced with hundreds of people in front of the Sheraton to the Ying Yang twins. They had the Halftime song on loop so people were just line dancing all night to it. Finally back to the hotel for a victory cigar on Decataur, followed by passing out for a couple of hours until I could get up and go buy as many newspapers as I could get my hands on.

Let's just say, it was one of the greatest nights if not the greatest night of my life. The one thing I will remember forever is the sound. Pure joy for HOURS. I've never heard that many people so happy at once in my life. You can't manufacture that kind of emotion and it's very hard to explain unless you were there. I'm grateful that I got to be there.

skymike 02-10-2010 03:38 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)
I remember outside my balcony at 2am at the Holiday Inn on Loyola, the people on the streets were so loud, it sounded like there was a football game going on outside.

Choupique 02-10-2010 03:41 PM

Re: So, How did YOU Celebrate? (For those who have stopped anyway!)

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