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homerj07 02-19-2010 09:44 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?
I HATE the Falcons. I can not even put it into words. For me it goes deeper than footaball.

BUT - I HATE the Falcons.

acekilla89 02-20-2010 01:36 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by Choupique (Post 209386)
Patriots now want a piece of us.


so the pats want a piece of us cause we embarassed them? i think they embarassed themselves the whole season. the 4th and two? huge blown coverage in our game? not to mention 1 and done in the playoffs by way of a blowout...the JETS played did better than them.

foreverfan 02-20-2010 03:14 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Srgt. Hulka 02-20-2010 05:50 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 209444)

LMAO! :lolup:

voodooido 02-20-2010 11:06 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?
Falcons by far but before the Vikings I would have to she Philly. We have been playing them alot lately it seems. I would also put San Fran above the Vikings. Man how I hate San Fran. So many times Rice and Young/ Montana broke my heart.

skymike 02-22-2010 05:46 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by voodooido (Post 209500)
I would also put San Fran above the Vikings. Man how I hate San Fran. So many times Rice and Young/ Montana broke my heart.

When you're a Saints fan who hates the 9'ers, thats pretty much code in my book for "long time fan." I still hold that grudge too. Of course there are some more way-back fans than us who hate the rams and those blasted blue & white helmets.

Saint_LB 02-22-2010 08:18 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals? long as we are in the same division with Atlanta...they will be our biggest rival.

As everyone knows, we once were part of the NFC West. Our original division, the Capitol Division...had us along with Washington, Dallas, and Philly. That was 1967 and 1969.

In 1968 we were switched with NYG's and spent the year with, believe it or not, the Steelers, St. Louis Cardinals, and Cleveland Browns in the Century Division.

In 1970 we became part of the NFC West which included the Los Angeles Rams, 49ers, and the Atlanta Falcons...which is when the rivalry began.

In the early years, it seems that both us and the Falcons, if my memory serves me correct, were the Rams and 49ers whipping boys, with each of those 2 taking turns as the better team as the years went on.

Yes...there were years when the Rams were the team...many years. I can remember names like Deacon Jones, Merlen Olsen, Rosie Greer, Roman Gabriel, etc. Roman Gabriel...I always liked him...(because I liked the name...and we sent him to the finest school in town)

I guess it was around 2002 when the final realignment occurred and we were switched to the newly created NFC South and were joined by Carolina and TB while keeping our old rival Atlanta in the same division with us.

So, throughout the years...Atlanta has been the one that has been the "thorn in our sides" more than anyone else.

skymike 02-22-2010 09:27 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209640)
...As everyone knows, we once were part of the NFC West. Our original division, the Capitol Division...had us along with Washington, Dallas, and Philly. That was 1967 and 1969....

You old relic. You're like a damn wall in Egypt, except I dont need a Rosetta Stone. It never ceases to amaze me how many things I dont know, and the older I get, the longer that list grows. ok.. help me out:

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209640)
...As everyone knows, we once were part of the NFC West. ...

I do know that, and remember that division well, but does anyone know how they arrived at us being "west?"

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209640)
Our original division, the Capitol Division...had us along with Washington, Dallas, and Philly. That was 1967 and 1969. .

I'm 46 & I didnt know that. You have re-activated, within my mind, an old dormant memory of divisional standings. I do now remember the divisions having names, not just directions, like they have in hockey. Not as colorful as "Norris" etc, but interesting nonetheless. So what were all the divisions then? Can you name them?

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209640)
...In 1968 we were switched with NYG's and spent the year with, believe it or not, the Steelers, St. Louis Cardinals, and Cleveland Browns in the Century Division....

whoa dude, you are blowing my mind! Board, is he making this stuff up? Ok, I know the Steelers & Browns were old NFL Teams, but its been so long that they've been associated with the AFC, you forget this fact.

I also completely forgot how much older the Cardinals are, (get this kids, they started in chicago!) but I always associate the St Louis Cardinals with just being whipping boys for the Cowboys in the NFC East.

So then we went to the Century Division, ok? My head is exploding from all this craziness, but go on.

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209640)
In 1970 we became part of the NFC West which included the Los Angeles Rams, 49ers, and the Atlanta Falcons...which is when the rivalry began.

In the early years, it seems that both us and the Falcons, if my memory serves me correct, were the Rams and 49ers whipping boys....

Thats how I remember it too. When was Atlanta's 1st divisional title? Glanville era? No, wait, they had that run in '79. That sound right to you?

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209640)
Yes...there were years when the Rams were the team...many years. I can remember names like Deacon Jones, Merlen Olsen, Rosie Greer, Roman Gabriel, etc. ...

I think the Rams were pretty much the best team in a bad division. Sound fair? Deacon and Rosie are before my time, but I remember Merlen, and Roman I remember from the Eagles, I think. Such a weird name, Roman, but then there was Pfifer, Harper now, and that freakshow movie director. Speaking of Romans, why did they call it "greek" in the 70s? Were you, personally, ever considered "mod?" (70s meaning) I can still visualize the hairdo.

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209640)
...and we sent him to the finest school in town)


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209640)
I guess it was around 2002 when the final realignment occurred and we were switched to the newly created NFC South and were joined by Carolina and TB while keeping our old rival Atlanta in the same division with us.

So, throughout the years...Atlanta has been the one that has been the "thorn in our sides" more than anyone else.

agreed, Atlanta is the team we most love to beat. Im actually a big fan of this current alignment for us. Tampa for geography, Atlanta, for reasons mentioned, and there's something I just hate about Carolina too. Its a great division for rivalry.

Love having you around here, LB. You're like an online grandpa.

Saint_LB 02-22-2010 10:26 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by Saint_LB
...and we sent him to the finest school in town


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 209643)
. will find that much like when I converse, when I post my mind is all over the place. Your question? I actually thought you would pick-up on this since you are in the radio business. Anyway...remember Levon?

Levon wears his war wound like a crown
He calls his child Jesus
`Cause he likes the name
And he sends him to the finest school in town

Srgt. Hulka 02-22-2010 11:05 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 209625)
When you're a Saints fan who hates the 9'ers, thats pretty much code in my book for "long time fan." I still hold that grudge too. Of course there are some more way-back fans than us who hate the rams and those blasted blue & white helmets.

Wouldn't it be nice to go back and stomp the s**t out of the 49ers twice a year like they did us for so many years?

Saint_LB 02-22-2010 11:10 AM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 209661)
Wouldn't it be nice to go back and stomp the s**t out of the 49ers twice a year like they did us for so many years?

In a word...YES!

skymike 02-22-2010 04:10 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 209652) will find that much like when I converse, when I post my mind is all over the place. Your question? I actually thought you would pick-up on this since you are in the radio business. Anyway...remember Levon?

Levon wears his war wound like a crown
He calls his child Jesus
`Cause he likes the name
And he sends him to the finest school in town

hahaha... yeah... thats a really confusing song, btw. well maybe that's the "jesus" that elton john was talking about last week when he made those blasphemous comments.

skymike 02-22-2010 04:17 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 209661)
Wouldn't it be nice to go back and stomp the s**t out of the 49ers twice a year like they did us for so many years?

You know its funny, I like Steve Young now. He's a super nice guy, I think, and well spoken. But I have this video of a Saints/Niners game from the 90's and there's this one play where he gets his bell rung, goes back to the huddle, then takes a knee realizing he cant function--- and I go crazy everytime I watch that. (in the tape, you can hear the crowd cheering, once they realize he's hurt) awful, isnt it?

RaginCajun83 02-22-2010 04:23 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?
You got to remember these were the same fans that cheered when Wade Wilson got hurt so that doesn't surprise me that they would cheer when Young was hurt since they would cheer one of their own limping off the field

21Hilliard 02-22-2010 05:51 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 209643)
When was Atlanta's 1st divisional title? Glanville era? No, wait, they had that run in '79. That sound right to you?

Close. Atlanta's first Division title was in 1980 with a 12-4 record and 14 seasons in the league. Their second wasn't until 1998, after another 18 seasons. On that average the Falcons are due again 2020. :mrgreen:

skymike 02-22-2010 06:25 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 209739)
You got to remember these were the same fans that cheered when Wade Wilson got hurt ...

Would you believe??? old guys help me out here, correct me if im wrong... would you believe we had a DIFFERENT guy, also named Wilson around '85? Dave Wilson. He was our "starter" for lack of a better word. And he SUUUUUUCKED! And he got hurt in a game... And we---cheered! myself included. (Im sorry... I was young)

It might have had something to do with the fact that his backup was Bobby Hebert.

Originally Posted by 21Hilliard (Post 209772)
Close. Atlanta's first Division title was in 1980 with a 12-4 record and 14 seasons in the league. Their second wasn't until 1998, after another 18 seasons. On that average the Falcons are due again 2020. :mrgreen:

oh oh oh...

smite thine own tongue.

RaginCajun83 02-22-2010 06:28 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?
Oh my dad chewed my arse out for cheering when Wade got hurt that night. He was like how could you cheer for one of our own getting hurt, I was like he stinks and they need someone else out there (the backup was just as bad or worse)

skymike 02-22-2010 06:39 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?
in 28 years, the only non-kicker Saints player i've ever boo'ed was Dave Wilson.

21Hilliard 02-22-2010 06:43 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 209775)
Would you believe??? old guys help me out here, correct me if im wrong... would you believe we had a DIFFERENT guy, also named Wilson around '85? Dave Wilson. He was our "starter" for lack of a better word. And he SUUUUUUCKED! And he got hurt in a game... And we---cheered! myself included. (Im sorry... I was young)

It might have had something to do with the fact that his backup was Bobby Hebert.

Yep. I remember Dave Wilson. Played 8 years for the Saints, from around 81-82 to about '88 (I looked him up recently). I don't think Dave ever actually got a decent chance to be the starter or he would have been better. There were a string of quarterbacks who kept relegating him to a backup. Kenny Stabler, Richard Todd, Bobby Hebert, John Fourcade...

BOLTS4LIFE 02-23-2010 03:47 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?
I say Cowpies for this reason... Falcons will always be your biggest rivalry since they're in the same division and with the history of the Saints/Falcons rivalry BUT unless the Falcons become Super Bowl contenders, you guys have bigger fish to fry!

voodooido 02-23-2010 05:00 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?
Man I ht the rams too. Anyone remember when Flipper Anderson broke our heart on monday night? What a forth quarter for that jerk. I went to bed with the saints way ahead and woke up with flipper scoring 3 tds. Oh how I hate them.

21Hilliard 02-23-2010 05:04 PM

Re: New Arch Rivals?
Ugh. I remember that night. He had about a thousand yards on us that night. Hated the Rams cause they were in our division, but I REALLY hated that whole "Greatest Show on Turf" nonsense.

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