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saintz08 09-22-2003 11:29 AM

My thoughts on the game
A few good questions .

Does Mc Carthy know how the defense will line up at the line when he calls the play ??
The answer would be , NO.

If Mc Carthy called a play and Brooks saw it was going into the strength of the defense , she he audible out , YES . Why would Brooks run a 1 gap dive if the linebackers were stacked in the gap ???

Does Brooks call a hard count to keep aggressive defenses off balance ???

Mc Carthy can call a play , but isn\'t the final decision to run the play based upon the defensive alignment Brooks call ???

JOESAM2002 09-22-2003 11:32 AM

My thoughts on the game
Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? :P

BillyCarpenter1 09-22-2003 01:13 PM

My thoughts on the game


If Mc Carthy called a play and Brooks saw it was going into the strength of the defense , she he audible out , YES . Why would Brooks run a 1 gap dive if the linebackers were stacked in the gap ???
I got what you\'re saying. The best way to call a play is for the QB to make a presnap read and call a play based off the defensive lineup. Since it\'s impossible for McCarthy to know what the defesive line up will be, why does he even call any plays? Why not just let Brooks call all of his plays at the line of scrimmage? Hell, why don\'t all teams do that?

While you bring up SOME valid points, you are mainly trying to point the finger at Brooks, when it should be pointing at McCarthy. You sound like you have some insider information. Does Brooks have the option to audiable on every call or just some of them? You don\'t know do ya? Which makes your whole arguement a moot point, doesn\'t it?

Things that make ya go HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

BillyCarpenter1 09-22-2003 02:53 PM

My thoughts on the game
It has been brought up that the problem of the offense is that Brooks isn\'t smart enough to call audibles when it\'s obvious that the defense is taking away the run. Now, I ask you, what is the best way to counter the extra defender(s) on the line of scrimmage?

A.) Let Brooks audible out of a running play and call a pass? Well, you must consider that only one or two receivers are on the field. While it might be more successful than the run that was called -- It still doesn\'t provide good odds for a completion -- Especially since all those guys on the line are bull rushing the QB.

B.) Spread the field with 3 and 4 receiver sets and make the safety play the pass. With the speed that ALL of our receivers have -- don\'t you think we would have an advantage over their 3rd and 4th corners? Deuce would also have much more room to run -- Don\'t you think?

While an arguement can be made for just about anything. I do not feel this agruement on audibles carries much weight, because this whole problem could be solved by spreading the field with 3 and 4 receives. Also, I think because of the one receiver set called on running plays, it doesn\'t provide much chance of completing a pass if Aaron were to call an audible.

[Edited on 22/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

saintfan 09-22-2003 03:32 PM

My thoughts on the game
Man, I don\'t know how old you are, but dude you sure are tired, or at least your act is. We win and Brooks got lucky...we lose and blame AB, even when 50 other glaring issues were right there in front of you on your TV screen, or are you listening on the radio? Maybe you need glasses.

104 passer rating. A TD that Joe Horn Dropped. Running for his freakin\' life ALL DAY! No, and I mean NO running game. No protection. No defense from the first snap. Terrible special teams play. Questionalbe play calling (and that\'s putting it kindly). All this and so many other things. The ONLY player who showed up last Sunday was Aaron Brooks. Will you PLEASE wake up and realize Delhomme plays for the Panthers. Like I said before, I think you should hurry back over there, they\'re missing you.

That goes for the rest of you too. That a thread like this could be started at all where all you same old people are in here doing your very level best to come up with a way to blame this team\'s problems on Brooks. It\'s old, and it\'s rediculous. His passes were lazers and they were on the mark and the man din\'t have time for a freakin\' 3 step drop! What in THE hell are you people smokin\'?

Lemme ask ya\'ll this ONE question since ya\'ll are gonna hold audibles against Brooks now (the latest instance of obvious reaching and a serios lack of vision by anyone who would entertain that thought)? What good is an audible where there is NO time to set up for a pass or no lanes to run through? Lemme simply it for you all...

1. Audible to a pass. No time to throw the damn ball.
2. Audible to a run. Nowhere to run the damn ball.

No, get off the Brooks debate long enough to recognize the problem and complain about something real rather then reaching yet again to further your agenda.

PS -- I tried really really hard to avoid this thread. I really did.


lumm0x 09-22-2003 04:38 PM

My thoughts on the game
Just to throw my two cents into the whole thing, I think the whole \"audible\" arguements are moot because this was one game where the crowd noise played a large part in our pre-snap problems. It was so loud the Saints were using a silent count. We were jumping off side at WR, let alone Brooks having to try to unite the players with an audible. Same goes for hard counting the defense. The crowd was dead silent when the Titans had the snap and were very vocal when we did.

Would Brooks have actually been able to get audibles in? Add two or three delay penalties to the game then.

SuperbowlSaints 09-22-2003 05:21 PM

My thoughts on the game

Runnin for his freakin life ALL DAY!!!

he was runnin all day because the O-line stunk, they were not giving AB any protection whatsoever. i also think that the O-line was a major factor in the loss, the other factor being the Difference, those two things are why we lost, plus the crowd noise didn\'t help, if the O-line, would have protected AB, AB would have been able to throw and not have to run for his life, brooks himself, had a great day.

BillyCarpenter1 09-22-2003 05:31 PM

My thoughts on the game
LummOx makes a very good point but I\'ll betcha that either no one will respond to it or they will say that Brooks is too stupid to deal with crownd noise.

SuperbowlSaints 09-22-2003 05:36 PM

My thoughts on the game
crowd noise was a huge factor. Any quarter back has a hard time with that, not just AB, especially on the road, crowd noise makes it hard to hear what play is being called, and even harder to Audible, which is probably why he didn\'t audible.

lumm0x 09-22-2003 05:37 PM

My thoughts on the game
WhoDat said it best when he stated that we were completely owned in this game. The Titans couldn\'t have handled us better if they had our playbook and play script for the week before.

I wasn\'t displeased with how our defense held up. When you consider we were down five projected starters and were on the field for almost two games worth of time, I felt they did better than I would have thought they could given those circumstances. It could have been alot worse. To think that for a large part of the second half we were only down by one possession was a feat. I liked what Tim Ryan said during the game. He was picking on Ambrose for playing back on the WR and then he followed up by saying, how can you blame Ambrose though if that is what the coverage called in says for him to do. All things given, Venturi had to do a lot with a little in this game. I would have rather gone down in flames with all out blitzes than to get picked apart like that. It was like watching vultures pick meat off our bones all day.

As for Brooks, he did everything I wanted to see him do. The problem.....he had no time to do it. He made nice scrambles, through accurate balls, and contended with alot of pressure and crowd noise. The plays that he was asked to run were.....highly predictable, repetetively ineffective, and plain bad. Deuce ran hard at a brick wall.

We were out coached.

BillyCarpenter1 09-22-2003 06:03 PM

My thoughts on the game
I just saw Haslett on TV and he said the buck stops with him. He went on to say that he was out coached. LummOx -- I felt the defensive line played exceptionally well but the secondary looked pretty bad --IMO,

lumm0x 09-22-2003 06:15 PM

My thoughts on the game
I think the corners played the coverage asked of them and were not too bad in their tackling. Jay Bellamy didn\'t play his worst game of the year. Tebucky Jones looks terrible. I can\'t even begin to think what he\'s doing out there. It\'s like he\'s lost. He looks like a rookie. In the secondary I think we were outmatched physically. The Titans have big, tall recievers. Erron Kinney impressed me as well. He has better hands and runs nice routes. We played an exceptionally soft coverage all day. They seem too worried about giving up the big play but too willing to give up the short stuff. It was absolutely painful to watch. And what about that punt fake!!! Did we not watch film at all? I heard a Fisher interview after the Indy game talking about that. And the WR screen/ pass to Bennett. Fisher bragged about how a few of his players are ex-QB\'s and they have the ability to run fakes effectively. Drove me crazy watching that sh!t.

Saint2 09-22-2003 06:36 PM

My thoughts on the game
Can you say Carl Smith & Bobby Hebert? This sounds like the same ole song. Carl Smith alias \"3 runs & punt\" and Bobby couldn\'t throw down field so defenses stuck 8 in the box to stop the running game and the short routes and that was the end of that era and Bobby went on to fly with the Falcons.

I have seen games that Aaron takes sacks when he had ample time to get rid of the ball or take off. In fact I just saw a replay on ESPN tonight against Seattle and Aaron went back to pass and there were four or five defensive players coming at him, but off to his left Joe Horn (I think) was open in the flat and Aaron never looked at him. What did he do? Sat down. This might be a bad example and I have liked Aaron from the get go but I think he sits on one player and if he is not open he panics looks around and by the time he makes a decision to move it\'s too late. How many sacks has he run or stepped up into?

I still say they should roll him out more. Especially if defenses are going to collapse the pocket around you.

JOESAM2002 09-22-2003 07:04 PM

My thoughts on the game
What\'s the point of replying to a post when all I hear is we\'re picking on Aaron Brooks. I\'ve said it ever since he\'s been a Saint I like AB. Do I believe he can be better? Yes I do. I don\'t know to many players who don\'t have room to improve. However if we can\'t state our feelings without being called an idiot or moron, then there shouldn\'t be any room for discussion about anyone on anything. Maybe we should just all sit back and hope someone posts something from a news sorce and read it and not comment on it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as it agrees with everyone else and doesn\'t involve Aaron.

I think it was best said in the bible when they said \" let he who is without sin cast the first stone.\" Maybe we should adopt that sentiment here. And certainly it applies to the Saints. If anyone played the perfect game, then there would be no room for gripping about someone makeing a statement about Brooks play.

The truth is NONE of us are happy with the play of this team. We all have the right as fans to gripe and complain about the play of any and all players. We also have the right to ignore any and all posts that we just don\'t agree with. However it does make it hard to ignore when every post has something to do with, Don\'t pick on AB.

I think given the situation, if someone has a gripe about a player if you chose not to answer it, it would be ok. Just don\'t take complaints about a player as a personal affront to you.

As I said in another post, if you asked me who\'s fault is it that we lost Sunday, I\'d have to say it was the coachs and players fault. Both certainly could have and should have done better.

FWtex 09-22-2003 10:16 PM

My thoughts on the game
From Billy out of HAZ mouth, \"he said the buck stops with him. He went on to say that he was out coached.\"

At any time did he finish with something like \" I promise you will never see my team play this bad again as long as I am coaching\" ???????? Did he give any hope of anything??

An Observation I have had of Brooks in the SEA and TENN games. (did not see the HOU game) When the pressure is coming on, I tend to see him looking at the rush and not down field for a receiver. Watch his head if you have it on tape and you will see him watching the oncoming rush. I did see one time where he was watching the rush, it was picked up, he took two steps back then found a receiver. He had the ball at least 5 seconds before throwing it.

This tells me he does not trust his off. line and is not comfortable standing in the pocket. This is a step back in his development.

Disclaimer: Brooks is not the reason for any loss so far this year.

Memnoch_TP 09-22-2003 10:23 PM

My thoughts on the game
Wow, Billy! That is a really good point! Brooks may just be too stupid to deal with crowd noise! I\'m impressed, thanks for bringing that to light, even if it means I have to agree with you on this one.

saintz08 09-22-2003 11:17 PM

My thoughts on the game
Crowd noise , I like it ......

One problem , every N.F.L. quarterback is taught to deal with it .

They are called hand signals , was roughly gone over earlier in the post . Brooks pumps his hand down when he is audiblizing out to Duece .....

Lets go over some others , Receivers are to check the quarterback at the line . The infamous step back and then forward usually means , set motion man in motion .

Hypothetical situation :

Brooks goes to the line , corner is 12 yards off Horn , safety is dropped back in deep zone coverage and the middle line backer is clueless and is cheating up on the line to either slam the line or jam the T.E.

Brooks makes the read : Brooks holds up his first finger towards Horn and that tells Brooks the play is dead , go to hot route no. 1 . For this example it is an inside slant to Horn . Brooks can show the finger to Stallworth and others but it is best not to advertise to the defense or they will make a quick adjustment .

For Saintsfan .

1. Audible to a pass. No time to throw the damn ball.
2. Audible to a run. Nowhere to run the damn ball.

1. Audible out of a seven step drop to a three step drop to cut the time down , can go with a hard count to catch them off guard . Seemed to work against the Saints .

2. Audible out because there is nowhere to run ...... :o

BillyCarpenter1 09-22-2003 11:47 PM

My thoughts on the game
JoeSam -- Welcome to the Aaron Brooks debate. You are right, no one plays a perfect game and everyone is entitled to their opinions. I absolutely think Aaron could improve on his audibles. But, 08 just didn\'t merely state Brooks should improve on is audibles, he put the WHOLE blame on the offense being shut down on Brooks inability to read defenses and call audibles. So, I have no problem with critcizm, when applied properly. I would also like to know where you are at when people are calling me and idiot and a moron??? LOL........... I have feelings too...... :D

Gator -- Yup, Aaron needs to improve in areas, as I believe most young QB\'s need to. You know what 08\'s agenda is and you know he tries to pin everything on Brooks. So, any valid arguement he brings up is offset by him trying to blame the whole damn thing on Brooks. I also haven\'t given up on this team. The fact is IF we beat the Colts we are a .500 team and we will start to get some of the injuried players back on defense.

saintz08 09-23-2003 12:14 AM

My thoughts on the game
Just repeating what those people who have played against Brooks have said on his ability to read coverages . Seems to me they might actually know ..........

\"We showed some coverages and then changed them,\" Browns free safety Earl Little said. \"Personally, I didn\'t think he could read (defenses) that well. I think that screwed him up a little bit. That\'s what gave them a problem.\"

Brooks completed 23 of 40 passes for a season-high 318 yards, but he threw three interceptions and lost a fumble inside the Browns\' 20.

\"What I was seeing was a guy that didn\'t know if we were blitzing, didn\'t know if we were in a zone or a straight man-to-man,\" Little said. \"Personally, with or without him (Deuce), we didn\'t think he could read coverages that well, and he proved it today.\"

saintfan 09-23-2003 08:49 AM

My thoughts on the game
I will be setting up an account soon. Donations will be accepted. The goal is to buy \"08\" season tickets for the Carolina Panthers.

Joesam -- if you don\'t see \"08\"\'s agenda here it\'s because you\'re not looking. Of COURSE everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, but to pop off about Brooks play last week in his typical fashion, all the while choosing to ignore the real issues when frankly (and obviously) Brooks was the only guy that showed up for that game, is rediculous. You think he would be as critical of \"his boy\" Delhomme? You know better and so do I, and so does Billy, and so does anyone else who\'s been here long enough and seen enough of his tired anti-Brooks nonsense. Don\'t defend it. It reflects poorly.

Now, I\'m not sure what Panthers tickets cost, but we\'ll need to get \"08\" close enough so that he can give Delhomme pointers about throwing off his back foot during the game.

JOESAM2002 09-23-2003 09:18 AM

My thoughts on the game
Let me put it like this. I\'m always here. I just have grown tired of the conspiracy theory that everyone is after Brooks. I think the reason most look at Aaron is because he is the quarterback and responsible for the ball at the beginning of every play. As the quarterback, most expect him to be the team leader on offense. Granted he can\'t make players perform or do it for them, but he can expect more and try to get more out of them. I agree with you on somethings but I agree with 08 on some too. I really don\'t think AB does a very good job reading defenses. It\'s not my job to figure out why or to try to fix it but someone needs to. I agree that he can only call plays called into him. He can however audible, but he has a hard time doing that when he doesn\'t have any idea what the defense is doing. Four years is a long time, it just seems to me that with that much time he\'d be farther along.

Maybe time will work this out but in my experience, if I hadn\'t performed up to my bosses expectations, i\'d be home scratching my unemployed ass!

JOESAM2002 09-23-2003 09:22 AM

My thoughts on the game
saintfan, what 08\'s doing this year is no different than what he did last year. You know that as well as I do. I guess it just doesn\'t bother me like it does some. I remember the two of you going at it last year, the way you two do it made it fun for those of us that remember. So if you want to go at it go on and do it. I\'m sure he won\'t back down to much. LOL ;)

saintfan 09-23-2003 09:24 AM

My thoughts on the game
Forever the peacekeeper, you failed to acknowledge \"08\"\'s bias and agenda, and you simply can\'t deny it Joesam...cause it\'s there and we ALL know it whether the man makes sense every now and then or not.

Are you donating to the fund or not? LOL

saintz08 09-23-2003 10:59 AM

My thoughts on the game

Do I get the Delhomme jersey too ??? He is a starter now.... :P

saintfan 09-23-2003 11:06 AM

My thoughts on the game
Doesn\'t matter to me. They aren\'t worth much anyway. I\'m sure if enough money is donated we could swing that for ya.

SuperbowlSaints 09-23-2003 12:10 PM

My thoughts on the game
i am goin to that game, and i\'ll tell you this, Brooks is gonna make Delhomme look like a HighSchool QB.

BillyCarpenter1 09-23-2003 12:36 PM

My thoughts on the game
JoeSam -- Don\'t drink the 08 kool-aid. It\'s pure poision !! I see you\'ve taken a couple of sips already, but I think me and saintsfan can save you, but you can\'t drink anymore. Joe --- for God\'s sake look at the evidence -- If this were a court of law -- 08 would be on death row and his last request would be for Delhomme to be the starting QB for the Saints.

08 -- I bet you have a Brooks\' voo-doo doll and poke it in the shoulder every time Aaron drops back to pass. Look at the talent. Look at the stats. Look at anything other that the hate that is blinding ya. Smile man. Smile with Brooks. He will take you to the promised land.....

SuperbowlSaints 09-23-2003 02:14 PM

My thoughts on the game

maybe its time you join the Brooks bandwagon, don\'t hate him, by ths time next year Brooks will be the best QB in the league, and Delhomme will be ridin the bench for the Bungles

WhoDat 09-23-2003 07:08 PM

My thoughts on the game
I agree with Joe completely. By the way Saintfan - if ANYONE on this board has an agenda, it is YOU. You and Billy defend Brooks more ardently than ANY of us attack him. At least Billy has started to admit the man isn\'t perfect. I can\'t remember a time when you ever once conceded on this topic. No matter what we say about Aaron, we\'re just trying to discredit him b/c we have some vendetta against him.

WEll, I\'m about to flip that script. Nothing you say about Brooks is based on anything more than your undying love for him. Your agenda is to turn everyone on this board into an overly sensitive Brooks lover. In fact, you defend Aaron like he\'s your dad. Is he? Doesn\'t matter, from this day on, he is. Everything you say about AB is void b/c he\'s your dad and you defend your dad to any end.

Notice that Saintfan\'s first rant in this post mentioned how Brooks was throwing lasers? And to think, we were all talking about him not having any touch. Guess you helped prove that point.

Yeah, I\'m stirring the sh!t - and you all love me for it. ESPECIALLY Saintfan and Billy. I\'m giving them the chance to call me nuts and tell me why Brooks is the best quarterback to ever play the game yet again. Go ahead boys, we\'re all on the edge of our seats.

Sorry Joe, I know this stands in contrast to the spirit of your post. Everyone deserves the right to their opinion... I\'m just sick and tired of Saintfan saying that anyone who questions Brooks whatsoever has an agenda, while he is just some completely unbiased observer. Now that is RIDICULOUS!!!

AGAIN. EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD. RIDICULOUS IS NOT SPELLED WITH AN E!!! LOOK IT UP! You sound f*cking ignorant. R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s. Got it?

BillyCarpenter1 09-23-2003 07:46 PM

My thoughts on the game
WhoDat -- I know stupid people when I talk to one and you ain\'t stupid, so I know that you know that 08 truely does have an agenda. We can discuss it in detail if you like but you know. And while your agenda might not run as deep as 08\'s, there\'s no dening you don\'t particularly like Brooks either. The BIG difference between you and 08 is you don\'t try to tie a preceived Brooks\' weakness into every short coming the Saints have.

I don\'t see folks running around here starting posts on how great Brooks is. I see plenty blaming Brooks for damn near everything though. Criticizm goes along with the QB postion but you guys go to no end to drive it in the ground. I don\'t think I\'ve ever read a post by 08 that doesn\'t involve Aaron Brooks.

Another thing, I hear all this sh!t you criticize Brooks on, like reading defenses. First make sure you know how to read defenses before stating as fact that Brooks can\'t do it. How did you learn how to read defenses? By sitting in front of your TV on Sundays?? If it\'s that damn easy looks like anyone could to it, HUH?? You guys sound RIDICULOUS trying to come across like you\'re such student\'s of the game. Please, if you have so damn much knowledge of how to run a west coast offense, go apply for a damn coaching job.

What might make you and 08 sound much more crediable is if you critique your boy Delhomme like you do Brooks. Or, for that matter, anyone other than Brooks.

If you see me start posting how great or perfect Brooks is then feel free to tell me how much he sucks. Cause as long as y\'all keep STARTING posts that I feel are unjustified I will continue to call you on \'em. So, if you\'re sick now, you ain\'t seen nothing yet.

[Edited on 24/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

WhoDat 09-23-2003 08:38 PM

My thoughts on the game
Well Billy, you started off well. I commend you for that. Your only problem is that this is a two way street. Can you read a defense? I doubt it. Hey man, I never said I could either. But you can\'t prove that Brooks can any more than 08 can prove he can\'t.

Now, I haven\'t started a thread about Aaron Brooks in a very long time. Sure I jump in on them, but in case you haven\'t noticed, I\'ve jumped in to defend him as much as I have to criticize him in recent weeks. You know that. Who was the first to agree with you in week on that the loss wasn\'t on Brooks? Who was the first person this week to say that Brooks looked good - efficient - and if he keeps it up he\'ll prove himself to at least one person on this board? Me.

Yes, I like Jake Delhomme. I like his grit and determination. I like his style of play. Maybe I am skewed in that view, but not nearly to the degree that Saintfan is suggesting (you weren\'t around on this board when all that debating was going on). I did want to see Delhomme over Brooks at the end of last season. I did think the Saints were wrong for not playing him. However, that criticism of the COACHES\' decision has been pushed way beyond its meaning by certain members of this board. Furthermore, criticizing Brooks does not necessarily mean that I think he is all around bad, or that I think Delhomme is a star.

Billy - I respect that you come back with strong opinions and I can at least understand where your arguments come from even if I don\'t agree. The same used to be true for Saintfan as well, however, recently his posts have been so dismisive and disdainful it makes it hard to believe or even be interested in a word he has to say. Furthermore, the fact that he RARELY jumps into debates that don\'t concern Brooks is suspect - whereas you on the other hand, talk about pretty much everything on this board.

The bottom line here is that we\'re all using the same series of events and set of facts to make our determinations. How we perceive those events differ. You\'re generally more optimistic about Brooks whereas I am doubtful. We have to agree to disagree. I think most of the people on this board are still on the fence. My point is that Saintfan\'s posts are just as ridiculous to me as I would assume 08\'s are to you, b/c both polarize the issue to such a degree that it\'s completely unproductive (actually 08, I agree with some of what you\'re saying, as I\'m sure Billy agrees with Saintfan, but I gotta concede to some degree).

BillyCarpenter1 09-23-2003 09:17 PM

My thoughts on the game
WhoDat --

That\'s very fair brother. Truth be known, you have brought to my attention some things that I haven\'t looked at the way I probably should have. I respect your opinions although I don\'t agree with some of them. I think if we both saw things the same way that we wouldn\'t be forced to look at things that we might have overlooked. Personally, I enjoy the debate and I think we both know where each other stands. I think overall when it all comes down to it, that you are pretty fair and willing to concede in certain areas.

SuperbowlSaints 09-23-2003 09:23 PM

My thoughts on the game
what is up wit this? nobody even acknowledges my posts, its almost like im not even on the board, ya know, i am postin stuff too, and i would like to be included on this board.

BillyCarpenter1 09-23-2003 09:36 PM

My thoughts on the game

what is up wit this? nobody even acknowledges my posts, its almost like im not even on the board, ya know, i am postin stuff too, and i would like to be included on this board.
Sup, Superbowl. It ain\'t all it\'s cracked up to be. You got to go to war with some of these hard headed bastards to get \'em to notice you. I read your post when you said it was mainly the defenses fault. While the defense deserves there fair share of the blame I place the blame in this order.

1. Coaches
2. Play calling.
3. Defense

SuperbowlSaints 09-23-2003 09:37 PM

My thoughts on the game
Gatorman- Brooks is gonna embaress the panthers, hopefully, i admit he isn\'t perfect, but he was the best player on the field Sunday, as for Delhomme, he doesn\'t have enough experience to lead a team to a Superbowl, the Saints have a really good chance if: 1. Brooks stays healthy
2. our defense gets better
3. the O-line does its job
4. no more INJURIES!!! on either side of the ball
5. special teams, become more than special,which thay aren\'t even that right now.

if they can do all that, they\'re goin all the way.

WhoDat 09-24-2003 05:56 PM

My thoughts on the game
Jesus. And if a frog had wings it wouldn\'t bump it\'s a$$ when it hopped. Anymore IFs you want to add to that scenario we need to be a good team?

saintz08 09-25-2003 12:27 AM

My thoughts on the game
If the Saints had a head coach that could keep the team focused in December .

Memnoch_TP 09-25-2003 02:48 AM

My thoughts on the game

Posted by SuperBowlSaints:
i am goin to that game, and i\'ll tell you this, Brooks is gonna make Delhomme look like a HighSchool QB.
That would cheer me up if our defense didn\'t make HighSchool QBs look GOOD.

saintfan 09-25-2003 08:24 AM

My thoughts on the game
Brooks is my dad? OK...was that your mother wearing the purple hair beating that drum in the terrace level during the Houston game? I think I saw the cops hauling her off in the third quarter, but I hear she\'s accustomed to the procedure.

Whodat, the apostrophe in the word \"Coach\'s\" goes BEFRORE the \"S\" to show ownership, or didn\'t they teach you that in financial advisor school. And, ummm, you spelled it wrong too. Are you really that stupid? I\'ll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one and we\'ll just call it a typo.

Nor, Sir (and I use the word loosley here ) if you were to be completely honest you have to admit that I have NEVER...that\'s N-E-V-E-R indicated I thought Brooks was perfect. Again...that\'s NEVER, and you know it. But, you\'re right. I DO have an agenda, and that is to call out people like YOU and 08 when you attempt to blame the teams problems on Aaron Brooks...all of \'em...and you were in here hollering for Brooks\' head LONG before his injury. The record will prove it. Yes, you have come around recently. I give you credit for that, but not for much else.

By the way, Brooks is in the top five in two of your favorite statistics. Have you looked recently or are ya too shallow to admit it? Those numbers are below...and so is Jake Delhomme\'s QB rating. All I\'ve ever asked is that the critics be fair.

92.6 passer efficiency
63.9 completion percentage

Oh, I almost forgot. Jake\'s QB rating versus Tampa was 15.9. NOT a typo...15 point freakin\' 9. Put that in your pipe and smoke it...then pass it to mom. F^&*er.

WhoDat 09-25-2003 01:06 PM

My thoughts on the game
Actually Saintfan. Coach\'s is singular possesive. Coaches\' is plural possesive. As in the decisions made by more than one coach... but I\'m sure you knew that, huh? Nice try. I\'m sure that whole rant was just a giant typo, so I will give YOU the benefit of the doubt.

And you\'re right - I did say Brooks was the wrong guy for the Saints BEFORE he got hurt. I continue to believe that. That hasn\'t changed... although I have admitted his play has been particularly good so far this year. Where does he rank in yards and TDs? Your two favorite categories...

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