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Saintswrath 03-18-2010 12:41 AM

If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
Let's take a break from the world of free agency for a little bit and look at something from last season that may cause changes in seasons to come. It's been discussed for years now off and on, but it has really been pushed into the spotlight ever since the New Orleans Saints defeated the Minnesota Vikings in the NFC Championship game for a right to play in Super Bowl XLIV. The NFL is now looking into changing the rules of overtime so that both teams would now get a possession and a "chance" to win the game.

Amazing how much influence Brett Favre has on the game isn't it?

Come on, you don't really think that this would be getting nearly as much press and attention if it had been Marc Bulger that lost the NFC Championship game now do you?

As of right now the rules of the NFL's overtime are simply known as "sudden death." A coin flip starts an extra fifteen minute quarter and the first team to score wins the game. The winner of the coin flip has the option to receive the ball or defer to the opposing team. It has happened before.

NFL owners will vote next week on a proposal that will allow for both teams in a playoff game to get a chance with the ball if the game goes into overtime. It appears though that this proposal is only for the postseason and both teams would get a chance with the ball only if the coin flip winner kicks a field goal.

If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings

SAINT_MICHAEL 03-18-2010 12:59 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
It seems strange to me that they would have this rule change apply to playoff games only. If the rule is important enough to change then change it already. Apart from a game ending in a tie, does anyone else know a rule difference between playoff and reg season games?

SaintPauly 03-18-2010 02:18 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
I don't think Favre is the only one to blame on this "change". ESPN, and NFL Network, pretty much all came out guns blaring, that "the better team didn't win that game." Deion was the most outspoken. It's funny to me. The Saints win a superbowl, and lordy be, lordy be, we gotta change these rules, we gotta change these rules! I think it funny, because anyone remember the "tuck rule"? It didn't get changed, even after the Raiders were robbed of the AFC Championship game against New England way back when. Hmmmm, I wonder why? Maybe because the league, and all of it's cronies, WANTED the Raiders to lose that game. I wouldn't have really believed that before, but now that this is happening? You better believe I do.

SaintGup 03-18-2010 03:11 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
Go ahead, NFL. Change the rules. We'll only force you to change some more after next year. Want some help with a list? Here you go;
1) Drew Brees can only play in 10 games. However, as a special concession, The Saints can select which games and it doesn't include the Playoffs...maybe.
2) The Saints playbook can only consist of 5 Defensive plays, 10 Offensive plays and pictures to colour in. Onsides kicks are no longer permitted.
3) Saints defensive backs can no longer run with the ball. If it is intercepted they must stay where they are and wait for a referee to arrive.
4) Anyone scoring a touchdown must be replaced by a backup. Under no circumstances are multiple touchdowns from one player allowed.
5) Drew Brees's 'Receiver Locater' must be turned to half efficiency. He...he does have one, right?
6) If Brett Favre comes back and The Saints play him: LEAVE HIM ALONE! Too many old people are frightened to leave their homes these days. We don't want this part of society to permeate the NFL so stop hitting him.
7) If the Saints win the Superbowl again, flip a coin. Heads they get to keep it and Tails it gets returned and no one wins it.
8) Gregg Williams must not talk to his Defensive players except at mealtimes.
9) When passing, only count half the total yards made. (Saints only)
10) Saints receivers are only to use one hand and they must inform sideline judges which hand is eligible.

After these rules are implemented, the Saints should no longer be a threat and will know their proper place in the NFL hierachy. Glad to be of help guys.

vpheughan 03-18-2010 07:01 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
In professional American football, if the score is tied after regulation time has concluded, an additional 15-minute period is played. The captains meet with the officials for a coin toss, and then one side kicks off to the other, as at the start of a game. The first side to score by any means wins. In the regular season, if the overtime period is completed without either side scoring, the game ends in a draw. Because there cannot be a tie in the playoffs, the teams switch ends of the field and start additional 15-minute overtime periods until one side scores.

The NFL introduced overtime for the playoffs in 1941, and started in pre-season games in 1955. In 1974, the NFL adopted sudden death overtime for regular season games.

vpheughan 03-18-2010 07:08 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
NASCAR has it's "JR." rules so why shouldn't NFL have it's "Favre" rules?

savoyk 03-18-2010 07:29 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings

Originally Posted by SaintGup (Post 213688)
Go ahead, NFL. Change the rules. We'll only force you to change some more after next year. Want some help with a list? Here you go;
1) Drew Brees can only play in 10 games. However, as a special concession, The Saints can select which games and it doesn't include the Playoffs...maybe.
2) The Saints playbook can only consist of 5 Defensive plays, 10 Offensive plays and pictures to colour in. Onsides kicks are no longer permitted.
3) Saints defensive backs can no longer run with the ball. If it is intercepted they must stay where they are and wait for a referee to arrive.
4) Anyone scoring a touchdown must be replaced by a backup. Under no circumstances are multiple touchdowns from one player allowed.
5) Drew Brees's 'Receiver Locater' must be turned to half efficiency. He...he does have one, right?
6) If Brett Favre comes back and The Saints play him: LEAVE HIM ALONE! Too many old people are frightened to leave their homes these days. We don't want this part of society to permeate the NFL so stop hitting him.
7) If the Saints win the Superbowl again, flip a coin. Heads they get to keep it and Tails it gets returned and no one wins it.
8) Gregg Williams must not talk to his Defensive players except at mealtimes.
9) When passing, only count half the total yards made. (Saints only)
10) Saints receivers are only to use one hand and they must inform sideline judges which hand is eligible.

After these rules are implemented, the Saints should no longer be a threat and will know their proper place in the NFL hierachy. Glad to be of help guys.

LMAO!!!! This just might work! :bng:

FrenzyFan 03-18-2010 07:56 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
There will always be doubt from sportwriters about the NFC championship game. We didn't win it so much as the Vikes lost it. Even with that flood of turnovers, we could barely keep up with their scoring. Our offense was sputtering all day and we couldn't put together any kind of rhythm. As for the defense, about all they were able to do was recover fumbles consistently. Some might say we causes those fumbles, but that many fumbled doesn't happen in one game out of fifty. The Vikes' players just played loose and foolish - like I said earlier, they lost more than we won.

Also some of the hits we laid on "the-F-word" (I don't like that schmuck) could have given the impression that we were playing on the dirty side. I don't think that, but it was an easy sell to most people who aren't Saints fans.

All things considered it wasn't a good game for us and we were very fortunate to come away with a win. After as many last minute fluke-like losses over all these years, I think we were due. I'll take it. I don't blame a lot of sportwriters for saying the better team lost. Again, I don't believe that but its an easy sell to non-Saints fans.

VillainAgain 03-18-2010 12:12 PM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
Why not impose a rule so Favre doesn't have to throw with the game on the line?. He's shown time and time again he will throw picks when the game is on the line what do you expect????

Plain and simple as a fan i can't help but think the NFL doesn't like our boys. They propose a rule that years passed has been discussed but emphatically has been turned down, the try to steal WHO DAT!! try to trademark and copy right it, but leave who dey alone??? Star capps, I can go on about the bs we'v been handed but who care WE OWN THE FOOTBALL WORLD so everything works out

breesfan27 03-18-2010 12:44 PM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings

Originally Posted by SaintGup (Post 213688)
Go ahead, NFL. Change the rules. We'll only force you to change some more after next year. Want some help with a list? Here you go;
1) Drew Brees can only play in 10 games. However, as a special concession, The Saints can select which games and it doesn't include the Playoffs...maybe.
2) The Saints playbook can only consist of 5 Defensive plays, 10 Offensive plays and pictures to colour in. Onsides kicks are no longer permitted.
3) Saints defensive backs can no longer run with the ball. If it is intercepted they must stay where they are and wait for a referee to arrive.
4) Anyone scoring a touchdown must be replaced by a backup. Under no circumstances are multiple touchdowns from one player allowed.
5) Drew Brees's 'Receiver Locater' must be turned to half efficiency. He...he does have one, right?
6) If Brett Favre comes back and The Saints play him: LEAVE HIM ALONE! Too many old people are frightened to leave their homes these days. We don't want this part of society to permeate the NFL so stop hitting him.
7) If the Saints win the Superbowl again, flip a coin. Heads they get to keep it and Tails it gets returned and no one wins it.
8) Gregg Williams must not talk to his Defensive players except at mealtimes.
9) When passing, only count half the total yards made. (Saints only)
10) Saints receivers are only to use one hand and they must inform sideline judges which hand is eligible.

After these rules are implemented, the Saints should no longer be a threat and will know their proper place in the NFL hierachy. Glad to be of help guys.

Nice! :D

Seriously, this is the STUPIDEST rule change since the "Brady Tuck Rule." Leave it to the whiney cry babies to ruin EVERYONE'S fun.

CantonLegend 03-18-2010 01:18 PM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
isnt it true that the only thing that matters is the score at the end of the game?

an ugly win is always better than a pretty loss......i know this has been said over and over.....and over but favre had a chance to win the game.....he ****ed up

Rugby Saint II 03-18-2010 01:59 PM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
Those evil Saints just bullied everybody that got in their dare they win games against the NFL's most beloved players in history. Knocking those old guys down on their butts when all they wanted was to throw the football. It's just shameful. Shameful. I don't know how those Saints could actually hold their heads high after cheating to win...yes I said it. They didn't even give the "Best Team in Football" a chance to get the ball in overtime.....Cheaters.;)

VillainAgain 03-19-2010 08:40 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
+ WTF is up with said proposed rule. make it like college, play straight up, Td's only, start at the 25 yd line get in the end zone the first team to score and stop the other wins plain and simple.

Choupique 03-19-2010 08:56 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
If they call it the whiner b.i.t.c.h rule, I'd be all for it.

SapperSaint 03-19-2010 05:54 PM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
I won't go into just how pissed off this makes me...however, here are some random thoughts FROM THE SAPPER!

1. Dear Vikes Front Office, Fans and sports writers who think they got robbed. (Clearing my throat) FARVE THREW THE INT! GET OVER IT! YOUR TEAM LOST! 44 SuperBowls, NFC CHampionships and AFC Championships had the chance of being decided by the "Dreaded OT FG". It is all of a sudden an issue because the NFL gods did not get the match up they wanted (Manning vs Favre) with Favre winning and proving Green Bays FO wrong.

My only response to all that think the Saints stole their way into the SuperBowl...... GET F@#$ED, STICK YOUR HEAD IN YOUR ARSE AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH!

With loving reguards,

NOLA54 03-22-2010 03:47 PM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
It's called the "if I throw an interception then I don't want to loose in overtime because we tried to buy a Super Bow appearance Brett Favre rule". or something like that. I believed for a long time the overtime rules should be changed for both regular & post season. However to change it because some people feel the Vickings should have gone to the Super Bowl just stinks!

CantonLegend 03-22-2010 03:50 PM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings

Originally Posted by NOLA54 (Post 214304)
However to change it because some people feel the Vickings should have gone to the Super Bowl just stinks!

this is the main reason most people are opposed to it

its not that they are trying to change the rule......its why

**** brett favre.....there isnt a single other reason that this is being pushed so far

according to an article i read before our championship game, i read that NBC wanted the vikings to win because the ratings for the super bowl would be that much better

well guess what NBC......the super bowl this year was the most watched program go **** yourselves because you were wrong

saints nation is here

rich006 03-22-2010 05:02 PM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
Setting aside the discussion of why this change is being proposed...

I never liked the OT rule anyway. The current setup makes the coin toss too important. I think the proposed change is an improvement, and more natural than the NCAA OT system. In fact, why not make OT for regular season games the same as playoff OT? (Personally, I'd rather drop OT completely in the regular season, but that's another discussion.)

SaintGup 03-23-2010 07:29 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
In all seriousness, I think the overtime rule is fine the way it is. I find it exciting and actually quite funny the way fans go wild after they win the coin toss. I would not like to disrespect the Defense by saying 'you have no hope' because that is what is being implied. And for those that think the coin toss virtually decides the game; that's ridiculous. Plays have to be made and plans formulated. But what gets my goat and what CantonLegend has stated, is the reason behind it all. For example, why wasn't it brought up when the Saints beat the Redskins? Please don't tell me it was regular season because surely the big bods knew that there was a possibility it could happen in the playoffs (Playoffs, PLAYOFFS!!) As it did happen in the playoffs why were there no calls for it to be changed then? Is it because the team that won were not the team that won the toss (which blows certain theories out of the water) Why was there a huge outcry when WE won in overtime? Because, as the majority of the WhoDat Nation know, we ruined the glamorous matchup of the Cerebral Quarterback Vs the 'Old Gunslinger' in his final (?) year. Well guess what? We have a cerebral gunslinger, which is more cerebrally gunslingerish than those other two put together and it was proved when the Black and Gold came marching in so...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHOHOHOAHAHAHAHH.....OH STOP, my sides...they're hurting...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH.

Dasidreidia 03-23-2010 07:54 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
Absolute shenanigans. Why was there no outcry when Favre lost the NFC Championship in the 07 season? I know I wanted to see Brady vs Favre, Young vs Old, New King of the NFL vs Old King of the NFL, etc. I wanted to see Favre make it back to The Big Game one more time and have the game of his life, just barely losing to Brady and finishing the perfect season. (Yes I wanted to see the Patriots do it because I thought no one would ever get that close again. I'm now glad that they didn't because now WE can do it.) Of course, I got my wish this year with Brees vs Favre, almost all criteria fulfilled.

I want to see some serious hate mail directed towards the Giants. How dare they subject the old man to such frigid temperatures! He could have caught his death out there!

Ranting aside, the new proposal sounds logical, and I could live with it.

TheOak 03-24-2010 11:41 AM

Re: If the NFL changes the overtime rules, we can thank (or blame) the Saints and Vikings
Ironically the Vikings voted against the rule change lol

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