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QB change??
First of all, I'm not posting this thread to advocate a change in QB's. Everyone has their opinion, and have made it know what they wish to have happen. The media is fueling this fire as well now. The only thing that will silence the national critics is a win with success on offense, and what better team to do that to than Carolina, touting one of the best defenses in the NFL. That aside, if Brooks does struggle against this aggressive D, if you were the coach, do you make the change, and do you make it on the road and spare it in front of the home crowd, or do you make the change in front of a home crowd, since based on the "at-game" fan reaction, it would seem to be the vocal majority?
I think we'll see some interesting opinions. |
QB change??
The thing is -- there is a POSSIBILITY that a QB change could help. If a change at QB would help, then I\'m all for it. But, I think it\'s too early to do that. Based off of Aaron\'s play through the first 4 games, there is no SOLID reason to think that it would help. There\'s just as much chance it could hurt this teams chances of winning and right now we can\'t afford to be changing, just for the sake of changing.
I would like to think these decisions are based on GOOD SOUND REASONING and not reactions like SwampDog. Mr. SwampDog would be yanking QB\'s in and out all year long if he\'s willing to yank Brooks at this point. But you have to understand that MR. DOG ain\'t exactly a FOOTBALL COACH !! He is a that CLAIMS to have all the answers. Ask yourself do you have the answers?? If not, then how the HELL does Dog know so much more than EVERYONE ELSE?? If Brooks struggles for a period of time, then I am in favor of replacing him. Now is not that time. [Edited on 3/10/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] [Edited on 3/10/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
QB change??
I try to keep a level head about things which puts me in the minority here to be sure. The media gets paid to create controversy. I\'m old enough to know that when I see it, and I\'m not the type of person that considers a knee-jerk response a good idea for any kind of crisis. I also don\'t need the media (or a collection of biased, short-sighted individuals on this board) to force feed me a QB problem when there isn\'t one. My eyes tell me the problems with our team point to poor blocking, injuries, and coaching/play calling, and NONE of those things require a change at QB. I find it dificult to believe that anyone who honestly looks at our team could see things any other way. Those with a short fuse / quick-fix mentality (see swamp boy or whatever his name is) or those who just don\'t like the QB (see Saintz08 among other Delhomme loyalists) will see things differently, but I see through them just as I see through the media. Any one of us can looks at Brooks\' numbers and see that he\'s performing quite well. He ad a bad game as any player can and does have. People like swamp rat (again, whatever his name is) mention interceptions without acknowledging tipped passes or hurried throws becaues they don\'t want to...plain and simple. As so, I\'ll say it yet again...
I continue to beleive it\'s a damn good thing some of you aren\'t in charge. |
QB change??
Thanks for both of your opinions. I already knew you\'d both be in favour of letting Brooks work through the games, but just to get a hypothetical opinion, if you would pull him, would you do it on the road or at the home crowd?
QB change??
Wouldn\'t matter to me. There are advantages and disadvantages to both situations. I\'ve seen QB\'s come in \"On the Road\" and play extremely well and at home as well. But if I just had to say then I would say at home, because at least he wouldn\'t have the crowd noise to contend with and maybe he would be inspired by the crowd.
QB change??
I\'d pull him whenever I thought it was necessary regardless.
QB change??
JoeSam --
I really don\'t understand you. I said \"Idiotic Reaction\" and \"Pretender\". I didn\'t call anyone an Idot -- I said \"Idiotic Reaction\" And how the HELL does Pretender get edited?? I just have to wonder if you don\'t hold a serious grudge against me. How bout\' an explination. Cause I can sure as HELL can show you much worse on this board that hasn\'t been edited. PRETENDER?? Give me a break... [Edited on 3/10/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] |
QB change??
I\'ve gotta side with Billy on this one JoeSam...and I could use ANY of \"swampdummie\'s\" posts as an expample of being \"edit worthy\" based on the edits from Billy\'s earlier post.
Really Man...What Gives? |
QB change??
Thanks for the credit. First of all, why in the world did we sign Bouman to a million dollar deal? Second, how long do we have to keep losing before a change is made? 1-5, 1-7, 1-10? LET\'S DO IT BEFORE THE SEASON GOES DOWN THE CRAPPER!
[Edited on 3/10/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
QB change??
Ok here\'s the explaination for you. I get tired of having to rewrite every post you two make just to make it where anyone can read it. You two act like I have nothing but time to edit ya\'lls posts. I\'m tired of it, you won\'t listen, you don\'t do what I ask. So here\'s your next answer. If I read anywherewhere the two of ya\'ll are calling each other names(and you both know what I\'m talking about) I\'m not going to edit it, I\'m going to delete it!
QB change??
But Joe....
do you yank him at home or on the road? |
QB change??
Home, If you\'re going to do it? Do it where you get the most support. From the fans.
QB change??
I agree with Joe on both posts.
If they can\'t abide by the rules of the forum, ban them or delete their remarks. 80% of what they have written this week seems like it was intended solely for the other so who cares if it gets deleted. They can handle that elsewhere. On the topic at hand... I hadn\'t really formed an opinion of my own except based on the comments I\'ve always heard from the coaches and players that playing at home is a \"friendly\" environment. They would know, wouldn\'t they? So, if it\'s friendly at home as compared to an away game, then start the new QB there. That is, unless you really want to throw him into the fire to see how he handles it. |
QB change??
QB change??
Hey, is Jeff George playing anywhere this season?
He could be a natural fit here this season, provide that \"Brooks-like\" spark for our offense. They are basically the same guy, George is no PRETENDER though. I used to enjoy that show, anyone know how it concluded? Did the guy end up with the really hot, mean woman? |
QB change??
QB change??
If I were the coach I think a benching on the road would be better. First off I think it would take the sting off the previous starter being he does not have to sit on the bench at home. Secondly I think it would be easier for the new QB to concentrate on the game and take a little pressure off him if he makes mistakes due to nerves or rust.
On the other hand I would pull a player regardless of where they are if I needed to get something going. Just my opinion. |
QB change??
Well gee Billy, now I feel really bad cause you think I don\'t do a good job. If you and The OriginalSwampdog would have stopped using the kind of language I asked you to stop using, then maybe I wouldn\'t have edited your posts? Ya think? If you choose to sit there at your little computer and call me names well, so be it. I really don\'t care. However , the two of you will do as I ask or I will do as I said. This is an open board and we do have women and most probably younger children as fans of this site. But as usual Billy, you know best. So go on and keep using that kind of language and see what it gets you! Love always, Joe Sam
[Edited on 4/10/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
QB change??
Joe --
Dog has constantly called me names and I did not respond in kind. Sure I did a few times but if you choose to think my behavior on this board is worse than most on here, then you are only reading my posts. I don\'t know what\'s best, but I know what fair. You go to great lengths to single me out and I\'m tired of it. |
QB change??
Lawd, lawd Billy, you\'ve found me out! I am the evil empire out to get you and turn you into a Brooks hater. Shame on me. I\'m only after you! I only edit your posts. Hmmmmmmmmm ? Should we poll the members and see who I have not edited? It would be a short list I assure you.Ask B&B,Saintfan, Swamp dog and others why they don\'t think i\'m singleing them out? I\'ve edited them all too, but am I after them? Hell no, only you! If you would choose to not get into these little tiffs with other members that bring out your nasty language side you\'d be a good member. But alas you won\'t. We have had the talk before.
Honestly Billy if you really think I\'m singleing you out, you\'re not that much of a favorite of mine. You could be if you would do what I ask, I\'m just sorry to say you will never do that. Oh and one last thing, why start antagonistic posts and threads like the ones you\'ve been starting today? Let\'s face it, that\'s all they are. Useless drivvel! |
QB change??
Until you\'ve been edited by Joe you aren\'t really a member though...
QB change??
But it\'s your show......... |
QB change??
Ok, you didn\'t call me a name. You have however used language on this board lately that you and I have had this same dicsussion ove in the past. I edited you and I edited Swamp dog. I will continue to do so! It would just be nice if you and he would realize this isn\'t ya\'lls personal pissing board. And yes I did say that, cause that\'s what the two of you have been doing.
P.S. I can give you the name of a good attorney to sue me if you need it. :D [Edited on 4/10/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
QB change??
I wonder just how many Eagle fans are screaming to have McNabb benched in favor of Detmer or Feeley since they both played very well last year and McNabb didn\'t and hasn\'t so far this year by his own admission. The Eagles have a 1-2 record so far this year.
I also wonder just how may 49er fans are screaming to have Garcia benched in favor of the potentially talented yet unproven thus far Ratay. The 49ers are off to a 1-3 start. Have the Lions given up on Harrington already with the team starting out 1-3 so far? Has Drew Brees been benched in favor of Flutie with the Chargers record of 0-4? Look, I will agree that Bouman came on in relief and played hard and played well in a game that was a blowout while we still had our starting group of receivers in the game against reserve defensive players for the Colts. Bouman has talent, but does not look as fluid as Brooks. Brooks has made all of the possible athletic plays from this position one could imagine since he has been here. With a little better play from the other 10 on offense and a good defensive effort, along with being turned loose to make plays as they come natural to him, Brooks can be successful. It\'s gutcheck time for the team this week playing on the road with their backs against the wall against an undefeated team leading in the division. |
QB change??
Joe --
I don\'t need an attorney. I am guilty as charged for calling DOG a FEW names. However, the worst word I said is Iditot. Shouldn\'t have said it but sometimes I do. I see you edit other members. I know that\'s your job. I just feel like you pay me a little extra attention. Next time I will use a B&B tatic and say \" I liken you to an Idiot\" instead of directly calling him an idiot. Just Kidding. Ok I\'m all better now. I got it off my chest. :mad: |
QB change??
Well hell! You\'ve ruined one of the best comebacks I\'ve ever thought up. I will remember it as I have written it down. So for all our sakes please don\'t get into this anymore. I really don\'t want to embarass anyone, not even you. ;)
QB change??
I hate I ruined it. Oh, and I don\'t get embarrased. Well, there was this one time when I was with this chik and I had a little to much to drink and couldn\'t \"Perform\" but that\'s another story.
I\'ll make you this promise. I\'ll try. Well, I\'ve been trying but just think -- If not for me, you wouldn\'t get as much practice. Pratice makes perfect and before I\'m done you are going to be the BEST.............. :P |
QB change??
Hey lumm0x,
Great news - I\'m going to talk about your post and not who called whom what. After all, it\'s long been established that Joe is a crotchety old man with nothing better to do than target innocent members of this board and persecute them for no other reason than his own enjoyment... right? LMFAO! Yeah, that was sarcasm people. Calling Joe a bad moderator is like saying Parcells is a bad coach (or Haslett is a good one, or Brooks is a top five QB... take your pick) ;) Now, ON TO THE SUBJECT AT HAND: I don\'t think where the switch happens matters as much as the fact that it does. A lot of people on this board, myself included, have been looking to past turn-arounds to find some type of hope. Well, let\'s think about some of the big turn-arounds in recent years. 1. The Jets of last season started 1-3 and then not only made the playoffs, but won their first game. The catalyst? Herm Edwards definitely, but what else? Hmm. Could it be that they finally sat Testapooey and gave Pennington a shot? 2. The NE Pattymelts that went from 1-3 to Super Bowl champs. We all know the Brady story. There are other examples as well. Look at what Seattle did when Dilfer got hurt and Hassleback was finally given the chance. Delhomme in Carolina this year! Hell, it happened here. Was Brooks not the spark that put the Saints over the hump in 2000? I agree with Billy and Saintfan in so much as Brooks\' play overall this season has not been bad, all things considered. However, as both of those two will be quick to tell you, the QB position may have more influence on the game than any other position on the field. This teams needs a spark QUICK. They need something to give them hope that they can turn it around. Brooks\' play may not prove to be deserving of a yank from the helm, but if things don\'t change, it should happen, just b/c it won\'t hurt to try and it\'s the best way I\'ve seen to give a team that boost that they need. [Edited on 5/10/2003 by WhoDat] |
QB change??
Who thought I\'d see the day that I actually missed WhoDat posting on this board but once you get him off of Aaron Brooks, he actually makes a lot of sense. After dealing with DOG and BMG, WhoDat is a genius... ;)
Anyway, I agree with all of your posts today. Good work. But, I still think JoeSam is a little rough on me. :D Joe is a good moderator. I\'ll find a way to get back in his good graces. ;) |
QB change??
Well Billy, then don\'t go read the comments I just posted in the Meuller on Brooks thread. They\'re about Brooks and call into question your logic on the Brooks debate. You\'re not going to like them... I\'d wait until after the game my friend. Don\'t get yourself worked up before it! ;)
... and what is this world coming to when Billy is glad to have me back? Cats and dogs living together! Total chaos! ;) LOL |
QB change??
I may only be an azzhole, but at least i\'m consistant! :D
QB change??
Yeah - that\'s like saying, \"Brooks may throw above or behind his receivers, but at least he\'s consistent!\" :) HA!
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