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TheOriginalSwampdog 10-09-2003 10:33 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Draftwatch by Dan Pompei


Eli Manning- 6'4, 220 lbs. Similar to older brother Peyton but with a little better arm and more mobility. A smart player with good intangibles. Makes good decisions. Has improved his accuracy and consistency. Is playing on a poor team and still excelling.

Gee, better arm and mobility than Peyton. We should be so lucky to draft this kid. Let's hope we lose every game this year so we can FINALLY have a qb with talent AND a brain!

[Edited on 9/10/2003 by TheOriginalSwampdog]

ScottyRo 10-09-2003 12:55 PM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Well, don\'t get your hopes up for Eli coming here. This IS the Saints, remember? We\'re gonna win just enough to keep us out of the running for Eli, but certainly not enough to make the playoffs or even look like a team headed in the right direction.

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-09-2003 01:20 PM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Nah, not this time. The cards are all falling into place. All the worst teams have young qbs. The Bears have Grossman, the Texans have Carr, the Lions have Harrington, Cincy has Palmer, the Raiders have Tuiososopo. I just can\'t see Eli not being there if we only win 3 games. Let\'s face it, 3 is about all we are going to manage this year. We have the hardest division and hardest schedule of any of those listed above. ELI WILL BE OURS! Do you think Benson will allow a staff to NOT draft Manning? Benson is dumb, but not that dumb. Even he can see the dollar signs with the merchadise and season tickets sales Eli would sell. The way AB is playing, this is almost a done deal already. I would think our only competition will be the Cardinals. And they still have McNown. I hope the Cards go on a winning streak. Course, they need wr\'s, a running back just as bad as a qb, so that\'s not a given either. Not to mention, they have a MUCH easier schedule than we do.

[Edited on 9/10/2003 by TheOriginalSwampdog]

canucksaint 10-09-2003 01:26 PM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
You forgot about the Chargers. They aren\'t all that happy with their QB situation either (other than Flutie who is a god)

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-09-2003 01:44 PM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
I don\'t know, Canuck. Drew Brees is still very young. I don\'t think they are ready to give up on him yet. They need some defensive help in the worst way. I think they will be looking at the DT from Oklahoma. They may also go with a Roy Williams or the kid from Oklahoma State to play opposite Boston. I don\'t see them picking a qb that high.

canucksaint 10-09-2003 03:05 PM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
True, he is young, but so far he hasn\'t preformed all that well this year. Last year he wasn\'t that great eitehr. Their team and our team are going through a lot of the same issues. They are really starting to question their QB (although no were close to the ammount that you question ours). It didn\'t take them long to ditch Leaf. Plus they have a great mentor in Flutie, but how much longer will that guy be around to mentor the young kids.

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-09-2003 03:26 PM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Hey, if Brees had the same amount of time in his offense as AB has and played the same way, I\'d say the Chargers would be the front runner for Manning. Here\'s my hope. Brooks continues to stink it up and he gets benched. Bouman comes in and does a better job, but the team is still losing. We draft Manning and keep Bouman for one more year. Manning learns the offense, Bouman goes down at the end of week four with our record at 2-2 and Manning comes in and gets us to the playoffs. Now, he won\'t be spectacular, but he won\'t lose us games like lunkhead Brooks. Then in year two, we win the division with Manning and go to the NFC Championship game.

BrooksMustGo 10-09-2003 09:59 PM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
You know,

I just don\'t want to talk about it or jinx it.
The year Peyton came out, the year Mora melted down in spectacularly memorable fashion, I remember the signs in the dome. \"Keep Losing, We Want Peyton!\"
I remember thinking, \"you know there\'s no way we can win enough to be out of the running for Peyon.\"

Then Venturi stepped in.

Winning like 5 or their last 6 or some other craziness that put us light years from the Manning kid. I agree with Scotty, we are the Saints and we could win just enough to make one of the premier draft pickups out of reach, still leave us too high for the player we end up making a \"reach\" to get (how many players are we going to draft from Georgia anyway) and stll look like a team running out of places to shoot ourselves.

I\'m with 08, this team needs a total rebuild and I\'m all for continuing to stink it up so that we have to do so. Let us get insanely high draft picks. Think about it, who else BUT a Manning will Benson be willing to pay a top 5 pick? If we pick in the top 5, which seems reasonable at this point, and that player is not named Manning, I think it\'s safe to say that we will enjoy a lengthy holdout. Kind of like that tackle who went to the Vikings last year.

So let\'s trade Brooks to somebody who\'s qb has a career ending injury this year and wants to make a playoff run and is willing to give up several picks to get him and just try to lay a solid foundation, pick up good free agent linemen, help Duece carry this team for a year so the qb gets a chance to learn and draft wisely.

Oh, and we\'ll need a new GM and head coach to do this.

canucksaint 10-10-2003 09:00 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Maybe I read that wrong.
Swampy, are you hoping for a player to get injured?

Bouman goes down at the end of week four
Come on now. I know you don\'t like how the team is going, nor do many people, but wishing for an injury??

BlackandBlue 10-10-2003 10:08 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb

Swampy, are you hoping for a player to get injured?
And that suprises you? Consider the source and ask yourself that question again.

canucksaint 10-10-2003 10:13 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
I guess I was most suprised by the fact that he was wishing for Bouman to get injured. If he said that about Brooks I would just ignore it like ususal.

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-10-2003 10:16 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Come on, man. Get real. I mean a slight injury. Nothing serious. It\'s just a hypothesis, not a wish. I like Bouman and pray he gets his shot, but the above post is my HOPE of what will happen next year. Of course I don\'t want him to get seriously hurt. I\'m talking a pulled hammy or something.

canucksaint 10-10-2003 10:29 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Not a wish, just a hope? Are those two words not synonyms?
Personally I don’t wish/hope any player gets any type of injury, no matter how much I dislike them.
I guess I just don’t understand your thought process. I know that you want Eli, but wishing/hoping that your team does poorly is something I will never understand.
What would you rather have; Brooks stinking for the remainder of the year, and us having a major losing season, then being able to draft Eli, or Brooks and the rest of the team discovering their heart and pulling it together to get into the playoffs, meaning we wouldn’t have a hope of drafting Eli, but would be able to draft a quality D player?

BlackandBlue 10-10-2003 10:31 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb

Come on, man. Get real. I mean a slight injury. Nothing serious. It\'s just a hypothesis, not a wish. I like Bouman and pray he gets his shot, but the above post is my HOPE of what will happen next year. Of course I don\'t want him to get seriously hurt. I\'m talking a pulled hammy or something.
You state that it is a \"hypothesis, not a wish\", but then you state that the above scenario is whst you \"HOPE\" will happen. Suffer from multiple personality disorder, George? People that wish injuries on others, regardless of the severity, are scum and cowardly.

BillyCarpenter1 10-10-2003 10:52 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb

By BMG--

I\'m with 08, this team needs a total rebuild and I\'m all for continuing to stink it up so that we have to do so.
So, you hope we lose this week and every other week, huh? And I suppose if you get your wish that you will want to come here week after week, and tell us how bad they suck huh? I just don\'t get people like you!!!

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-10-2003 11:18 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Listen If the Colts, Eagles etc didn\'t have really bad seasons, they wouldn\'t be where they are today. Please read the WHOLE post. We must take a step backwards to go forwards. If getting to the NFC Championship Game or SB means going 1-15 this year, so be it. It\'s but a small price to pay.


[Edited on 10/10/2003 by JOESAM2002]

canucksaint 10-10-2003 11:22 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
Yea guys, Lets look at Cincy, Detroit, Arizona and the Chargers record this year. They prove that taking a step back gets you farther ahead :casstet:

ps. was there REALLY a need to call us all fools?

BlackandBlue 10-10-2003 11:25 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb

Listen FOOLS! If the Colts, Eagles etc didn\'t have really bad seasons, they wouldn\'t be where they are today. Please read the WHOLE post. We must take a step backwards to go forwards. If getting to the NFC Championship Game or SB means going 1-15 this year, so be it.
Oh, well that\'s different, that makes it ok, then.


It\'s but a small price to pay.
So much easier when it\'s someone else\'s health that you are jeopardizing, rather than your own. Anyone willing to start taking wagers as to how long it will take before TOS contributes anything worthwhile to this website?


ps. was there REALLY a need to call us all fools?
Once again, consider the source, and ask yourself that question again.

[Edited on 10/10/2003 by BlackandBlue]

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-10-2003 11:36 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb
B and B, I\'ll consider you as a less than credible source of anything related to Saints football. You know nothing about the game nor the Saints. That is obvious.

I really was going to edit the hell out of this post swampdog but I think you\'ll get the message by just telling you to quit trying to belittle other members. All you accomplish is belittling yourself.

[Edited on 10/10/2003 by JOESAM2002]

BlackandBlue 10-10-2003 11:47 AM

SportsIllustrated has some good stuff on our qb

B and B, I\'ll consider you as a less than credible source of anything related to Saints football. You know nothing about the game nor the Saints. That is obvious.
Alas, you are correct. For I didn\'t play high school football nor do I have season tickets. And we all know that in order to be an expert, you must have both of these. Gee, you really know how to hurt a guys feelings- keep up the good work. And please, continue giving me more material to work with.

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