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Twitter 03-05-2012 03:30 PM

LanceMoore16: @SavLugo how u doin bruh?
LanceMoore16: @SavLugo how u doin bruh?


Twitter 03-05-2012 05:30 PM

LanceMoore16: Hoop court flow. Let's see what the jumper's hittin for tonight lol @NickMoore_1
LanceMoore16: Hoop court flow. Let's see what the jumper's hittin for tonight lol @NickMoore_1


Twitter 03-05-2012 09:30 PM

LanceMoore16: Felt great on the court tonight. Getting my game back right. Now I'm so tired. Bed soon. Early morning wake up for legs tom morn
LanceMoore16: Felt great on the court tonight. Getting my game back right. Now I'm so tired. Bed soon. Early morning wake up for legs tom morn


Twitter 03-05-2012 10:30 PM

LanceMoore16: Today was great.......tomorrow will be greater. Good night everyone!
LanceMoore16: Today was great.......tomorrow will be greater. Good night everyone!


Twitter 03-06-2012 01:30 PM

LanceMoore16: Congrats bro! RT @UrbanMath_llc: Urban Math Populating #1 on google searches now check us out
LanceMoore16: Congrats bro! RT @UrbanMath_llc: Urban Math Populating #1 on google searches now check us out


Twitter 03-06-2012 05:30 PM

LanceMoore16: ? RT @EricRomer: As happens with most controversy, one buzzword clouds the real issue. People hear 'bounty' and think the absolute worst.
LanceMoore16: ? RT @EricRomer: As happens with most controversy, one buzzword clouds the real issue. People hear 'bounty' and think the absolute worst.


Twitter 03-06-2012 06:30 PM

LanceMoore16: The smell of a fireplace burning reminds me of elementary school when we used to go to spruce run for camp. The good old days lol
LanceMoore16: The smell of a fireplace burning reminds me of elementary school when we used to go to spruce run for camp. The good old days lol


Twitter 03-06-2012 07:30 PM

LanceMoore16: Its great!!! RT @LesleyMag: @LanceMoore16 How's the hamstring?? We gonna need you this season!!! #WHODAT
LanceMoore16: Its great!!! RT @LesleyMag: @LanceMoore16 How's the hamstring?? We gonna need you this season!!! #WHODAT


Twitter 03-06-2012 09:31 PM

LanceMoore16: Haha love the grind! RT @NickMoore_1: Still adjusting to this 7am wake up call. Bed early tonight huh @AlfredFincher56
LanceMoore16: Haha love the grind! RT @NickMoore_1: Still adjusting to this 7am wake up call. Bed early tonight huh @AlfredFincher56


Twitter 03-07-2012 07:30 AM

LanceMoore16: @h_breezzy it's a part of the game heim. Happens this time of yr, every yr.
LanceMoore16: @h_breezzy it's a part of the game heim. Happens this time of yr, every yr.


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