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Twitter 12-15-2010 05:30 PM

LanceMoore16: @DonteStallworth hahahahaha is it warmer in Italy right now? Lol
LanceMoore16: @DonteStallworth hahahahaha is it warmer in Italy right now? Lol


Twitter 12-16-2010 11:30 AM

LanceMoore16: Doing work like I'm supposed to lol. Have a great day everybody.
LanceMoore16: Doing work like I'm supposed to lol. Have a great day everybody.


Twitter 12-16-2010 10:31 PM

LanceMoore16: RT @NickMoore_1: Yall wanna good laugh? Go to youtube and type in "killer lizard attacks news reporter" lmao me and @LanceMoore16 were i ...
LanceMoore16: RT @NickMoore_1: Yall wanna good laugh? Go to youtube and type in "killer lizard attacks news reporter" lmao me and @LanceMoore16 were i ...


Twitter 12-17-2010 08:31 AM

LanceMoore16: TGIF everybody. Let's all do work today so we can enjoy our weekend!!!
LanceMoore16: TGIF everybody. Let's all do work today so we can enjoy our weekend!!!


Twitter 12-17-2010 03:30 PM

LanceMoore16: RT @Tayzabeth: Finally @LanceMoore16 is getting the shirts with his name on em! Just got "Moore is More" and "Moore ...
LanceMoore16: RT @Tayzabeth: Finally @LanceMoore16 is getting the shirts with his name on em! Just got "Moore is More" and "Moore ...


Twitter 12-18-2010 09:31 AM

LanceMoore16: Happy Saturday errrbody!!! Watched The Town last night w @NickMoore_1. One of the best movies I've seen in a minute. Anybody else see it?
LanceMoore16: Happy Saturday errrbody!!! Watched The Town last night w @NickMoore_1. One of the best movies I've seen in a minute. Anybody else see it?


Twitter 12-18-2010 06:31 PM

LanceMoore16: In Baltimore getting some rest. Gotta get focused for tomorrow! #whodat
LanceMoore16: In Baltimore getting some rest. Gotta get focused for tomorrow! #whodat


Twitter 12-18-2010 09:34 PM

LanceMoore16: Laying it down for the night. Big game tomorrow, as they all are. Thanks for all of the love and good luck tweets. Have a good one errbody!
LanceMoore16: Laying it down for the night. Big game tomorrow, as they all are. Thanks for all of the love and good luck tweets. Have a good one errbody!


Twitter 12-19-2010 08:31 AM

LanceMoore16: Up and ready to go today. Feels like its gonna be a great one. Let's do work #whodat
LanceMoore16: Up and ready to go today. Feels like its gonna be a great one. Let's do work #whodat


Twitter 12-19-2010 11:30 PM

LanceMoore16: Love our fans. Even after a tough loss you all keep the faith. Still a lot of ball to be played. Let's go get it #whodats
LanceMoore16: Love our fans. Even after a tough loss you all keep the faith. Still a lot of ball to be played. Let's go get it #whodats


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