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Twitter 10-07-2010 12:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: Everyone wish my dude @ChaseDaniel a happy birthday!
TylerLorenzen: Everyone wish my dude @ChaseDaniel a happy birthday!


Twitter 10-07-2010 02:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: Am I sitting next to illuminati? Yes I think so. No it's not gaga or jay-z.
TylerLorenzen: Am I sitting next to illuminati? Yes I think so. No it's not gaga or jay-z.


Twitter 10-07-2010 04:32 PM

TylerLorenzen: @ShainaP @lorimallini you both are sooo illuminati recruits!
TylerLorenzen: @ShainaP @lorimallini you both are sooo illuminati recruits!


Twitter 10-08-2010 05:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: U C O N N #Uconn #Uconn #Uconn! Good luck to my guys tonight against Rutgers. Cody Endres is gonna drop bombs and put eggs on it!
TylerLorenzen: U C O N N #Uconn #Uconn #Uconn! Good luck to my guys tonight against Rutgers. Cody Endres is gonna drop bombs and put eggs on it!


Twitter 10-09-2010 04:01 AM

TylerLorenzen: Cajun wedding...tons of fun!
TylerLorenzen: Cajun wedding...tons of fun!


Twitter 10-10-2010 11:30 AM

TylerLorenzen: Happy 10/10/10 everyone. 10:10pm ultimate wish.
TylerLorenzen: Happy 10/10/10 everyone. 10:10pm ultimate wish.


Twitter 10-10-2010 07:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: Ty Ty #1 @tyvonbranch I see you buddy! You didn't go hyphy but still stupid with that dance!
TylerLorenzen: Ty Ty #1 @tyvonbranch I see you buddy! You didn't go hyphy but still stupid with that dance!


Twitter 10-13-2010 08:32 PM

TylerLorenzen: Big ups to the miners in Chile fir surviving and rejoining their families. I couldn't imagine.
TylerLorenzen: Big ups to the miners in Chile fir surviving and rejoining their families. I couldn't imagine.


Twitter 10-13-2010 09:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: Typos in tweets annoy me especially when I am the one doing it.
TylerLorenzen: Typos in tweets annoy me especially when I am the one doing it.


Twitter 10-14-2010 12:32 AM

TylerLorenzen: Haha this had me crackin up RT @GeauxSports @TylerLorenzen @jgoody76 PLEASE WATCH THIS!
TylerLorenzen: Haha this had me crackin up RT @GeauxSports @TylerLorenzen @jgoody76 PLEASE WATCH THIS!


Twitter 10-14-2010 03:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: Everyone welcome my west coast friend @AndiVanetta to the twitter world. She is "hella" dope!
TylerLorenzen: Everyone welcome my west coast friend @AndiVanetta to the twitter world. She is "hella" dope!


Twitter 10-14-2010 06:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: In Des Moines with my dude @tmoneyy3 headed to three bag perhaps!
TylerLorenzen: In Des Moines with my dude @tmoneyy3 headed to three bag perhaps!


Twitter 10-15-2010 11:30 AM

TylerLorenzen: @HeathEvans I am sure your family is doing great as am I. Waiting for that good call. Tell dt to put an egg on it. And get a win this week!
TylerLorenzen: @HeathEvans I am sure your family is doing great as am I. Waiting for that good call. Tell dt to put an egg on it. And get a win this week!


Twitter 10-15-2010 05:33 PM

TylerLorenzen: SMILE MORE!
TylerLorenzen: SMILE MORE!


Twitter 10-16-2010 01:32 PM

TylerLorenzen: Just got my guy @toddDurkin book! Looking forward to reading it. Go get ya one and get ya mind and body right!
TylerLorenzen: Just got my guy @toddDurkin book! Looking forward to reading it. Go get ya one and get ya mind and body right!


Twitter 10-16-2010 03:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: With my sister @nicatch watching @cyclonevb! She help build this program!
TylerLorenzen: With my sister @nicatch watching @cyclonevb! She help build this program!


Twitter 10-16-2010 09:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: Word I dont like lol at all RT @kanyewest: I hate when people type LOL next to stuff that is nooo way near LOL-able...
TylerLorenzen: Word I dont like lol at all RT @kanyewest: I hate when people type LOL next to stuff that is nooo way near LOL-able...


Twitter 10-17-2010 02:32 PM

TylerLorenzen: @HeathEvans you better thank DT for that "pick" on your TD!
TylerLorenzen: @HeathEvans you better thank DT for that "pick" on your TD!


Twitter 10-17-2010 09:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: RT @ocrunkoskunko: @HeathEvans Paypal is donating $0.05 for everytime someone tweets #BeatCancer. Please tweet it.
TylerLorenzen: RT @ocrunkoskunko: @HeathEvans Paypal is donating $0.05 for everytime someone tweets #BeatCancer. Please tweet it.


Twitter 10-17-2010 11:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: "Live 365" Jasper Jazz Howard. Forever remembered.
TylerLorenzen: "Live 365" Jasper Jazz Howard. Forever remembered.


Twitter 10-18-2010 12:30 AM

TylerLorenzen: All is well my dude waitin for that good call. You good? RT @Mark_Sebastian: @TylerLorenzen T Lo. What's good
TylerLorenzen: All is well my dude waitin for that good call. You good? RT @Mark_Sebastian: @TylerLorenzen T Lo. What's good


Twitter 10-18-2010 11:30 AM

TylerLorenzen: RT @UConnCountry: It was a year ago today... remembering Jazz...
TylerLorenzen: RT @UConnCountry: It was a year ago today... remembering Jazz...


Twitter 10-19-2010 12:32 AM

TylerLorenzen: @MikePosner did his thing in Des moines. Caroline Stevens, she a real girl?
TylerLorenzen: @MikePosner did his thing in Des moines. Caroline Stevens, she a real girl?


Twitter 10-19-2010 03:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: RT @SterlingOSPT: Wow. Pretty alarming. RT @WellmarkBrooke @USATODAY: #Obesity costs U.S. $168 billion, study finds
TylerLorenzen: RT @SterlingOSPT: Wow. Pretty alarming. RT @WellmarkBrooke @USATODAY: #Obesity costs U.S. $168 billion, study finds


Twitter 10-22-2010 09:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: @johnnypolygon where can I get the Imma Be freestyle that you did on @laleakers? I need that download cuz im a loser and a weirdo!
TylerLorenzen: @johnnypolygon where can I get the Imma Be freestyle that you did on @laleakers? I need that download cuz im a loser and a weirdo!


Twitter 10-23-2010 02:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: Hahaha ISU! RT @scottshanle Wow I am feeling even worse about that loss to Texas last week! Iowa state beating Texas in Austin
TylerLorenzen: Hahaha ISU! RT @scottshanle Wow I am feeling even worse about that loss to Texas last week! Iowa state beating Texas in Austin


Twitter 10-23-2010 03:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: Big congrats to ISU for beating Dave Thomas's longhorns, I love it!
TylerLorenzen: Big congrats to ISU for beating Dave Thomas's longhorns, I love it!


Twitter 10-24-2010 11:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: Easy killer! RT @RandiSavoie hahaha, Matty!! y'all need to learn to share! :) RT @mattycakes61 Put an egg on Iowa taking away my best friend
TylerLorenzen: Easy killer! RT @RandiSavoie hahaha, Matty!! y'all need to learn to share! :) RT @mattycakes61 Put an egg on Iowa taking away my best friend


Twitter 10-25-2010 09:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: RT @kara_kovach @TylerLorenzen thanks for the call back budddddyyy -- eh my bad cuzzo
TylerLorenzen: RT @kara_kovach @TylerLorenzen thanks for the call back budddddyyy -- eh my bad cuzzo


Twitter 10-26-2010 08:32 AM

TylerLorenzen: @tbalt speak some's rainy here in Minnesota
TylerLorenzen: @tbalt speak some's rainy here in Minnesota


Twitter 10-26-2010 12:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: RT @espn Study: Student athletes on full scholarship still pay for thousands in expenses -
TylerLorenzen: RT @espn Study: Student athletes on full scholarship still pay for thousands in expenses -


Twitter 10-26-2010 03:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: What is everyone being for Halloween?
TylerLorenzen: What is everyone being for Halloween?


Twitter 10-26-2010 09:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: THIS YEARS BEST HALLOWEEN IDEA! yes I was yelling! RT @kmsingley an egg. So I can put an egg on it! whoop
TylerLorenzen: THIS YEARS BEST HALLOWEEN IDEA! yes I was yelling! RT @kmsingley an egg. So I can put an egg on it! whoop


Twitter 10-27-2010 09:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: Parma 8200 is delicious!
TylerLorenzen: Parma 8200 is delicious!


Twitter 10-27-2010 10:32 PM

TylerLorenzen: RT @TBalt I don't live careless, I live carefree. Kodak moments, no opponents just me. Old Heart, Young Feelings. #ForeverYoung #ayup
TylerLorenzen: RT @TBalt I don't live careless, I live carefree. Kodak moments, no opponents just me. Old Heart, Young Feelings. #ForeverYoung #ayup


Twitter 10-28-2010 01:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: Shout out to my UConn people. #uconn Miss all of ya.
TylerLorenzen: Shout out to my UConn people. #uconn Miss all of ya.


Twitter 10-28-2010 08:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: Coach Zach Fears is legit. @SterlingOSPT #fitness
TylerLorenzen: Coach Zach Fears is legit. @SterlingOSPT #fitness


Twitter 10-31-2010 12:31 PM

TylerLorenzen: Trick or tweet! Happy birthday to @AndiVanetta!
TylerLorenzen: Trick or tweet! Happy birthday to @AndiVanetta!


Twitter 11-04-2010 07:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: RT @JenniferLamm: I don't know why I find it necessary to drive like I'm in a video game on my way to work every morning. -- #compete!!!
TylerLorenzen: RT @JenniferLamm: I don't know why I find it necessary to drive like I'm in a video game on my way to work every morning. -- #compete!!!


Twitter 11-05-2010 12:30 PM

TylerLorenzen: RT @cpetric: In the running to be Sunglass Hut's "Full Time Fabulous" blogger! Watch the video & (cont)
TylerLorenzen: RT @cpetric: In the running to be Sunglass Hut's "Full Time Fabulous" blogger! Watch the video & (cont)


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