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rich006 10-13-2003 09:57 AM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency
Any thoughts on why the Saints are leading the league in third down efficiency (on offense I mean). I heard they were 9/15 yesterday and were already leading the league before that. I think we all agree the offense has major problems, but third down efficiency is one of those statistics that lots of people think are really important. So how do you explain a team that plays well on third down but doesn't score mcuh or build much time of possession?

By the way, Chicago sports radio was lamenting the fact that the Saints put pressure on Stewart all day but Brooks stayed clean. It was nice to hear someone who is more miserable than we are.

saintz08 10-13-2003 10:10 AM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency

100 + yards with Urlacher spying him all game .......

saintfan 10-13-2003 10:35 AM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency
Duece...solid as a Rock, but give Brooks credit where credit is due. Duece ain\'t gettin\' us many first downs on 3rd and long \"08\" he? We convert those 3rd and longs on the arm of Aaron Brooks my man. Nice try though...

saintz08 10-13-2003 11:04 AM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency

Joe Horn 31 330 10.6 42 3
Ernie Conwell 21 231 11.0 32 2
Jerome Pathon 14 223 15.9 38 2
Donte\' Stallworth 15 220 14.7 35 1
Deuce McAllister 25 172 6.9 39 0

To date receiving stats , Notice Duece is the teams second leading receiver . ;)

saintfan 10-13-2003 11:08 AM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency
Sure is. Did you bother to notice who he\'s receiving the ball from?

Old and Tired...Old and Tired.


saintz08 10-13-2003 11:15 AM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency
So we can give Brooks credit for the little dump off pass . ;)

saintfan 10-13-2003 11:17 AM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency
Or the 21 yard Lazer you should have seen yesterday. Maybe you would have seen it if you hadn\'t been out back smokin crack or doin whatever it is that you do that causes you to miss things like that.

WhoDat 10-13-2003 05:39 PM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency
And the 15 yard touch pass he... oops, nope, he didn\'t throw one of those b/c he CAN\'T DO IT! Ever think maybe the receivers are dropping balls b/c it\'s hard to catch a \"lazer\" thrown two yards behind you 5 yards down the field?

BrooksMustGo 10-13-2003 06:21 PM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency
Maybe we could get the new and improved mutant Aaron Brooks with a \"lazer\" attached to his helmet.

whowatches 10-13-2003 07:36 PM

Saints lead league in 3rd down efficiency
:P and kung-fu action grip! :P

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