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papz 08-21-2010 07:41 AM

Bobby Hebert Answers Fans Questions
By Alex Restrepo

Posted Aug 19, 2010

aaThe Cajun Cannon turned 50 on Thursday

Saints Hall of Fame quarterback Bobby Hebert turned 50 on Thursday. A number of Saints fans wished the “Cajun Cannon” happy birthday at Thursday’s practice and throughout the day. To show his appreciation for the fans support, the former Saints signal caller answered five questions submitted by fans to the Saints official Facebook page (Saints | Facebook).

Q: What was your favorite play to call at quarterback? ( From Shaun Darnell )

BH: “Whenever we got blitzed, to call a bump-and-run fade route. The advantage is in your favor on that. This goes back to my days at Northwestern when I was throwing to Mark Duper. I knew when they were going to blitz and bump and run him, there was no way they were going to stay with him. I always thought it was the closest play to being a guaranteed success. It was a play I always felt very confident in.”

Q: If you could have one super human power, what would it be? ( From Duncan Trahan )

BH: “Probably to be able to make myself invisible anytime I wanted. I think that would be pretty cool.”

Q: During your playing career, what was your favorite offseason activity besides spending time with family? ( From Susan Janel )

BH: “Scuba diving. Initially, how I got interested in it was the ‘The Adventures of Jonny Quest’ cartoons. Then, the James Bond movie ‘Thunderball’ that got me even more interested. I would go spear fishing in high school with friends who weren’t divers. That was a non-competitive sport that I really enjoyed.”

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Bobby Hebert Answers Fans Questions

Saint_LB 08-21-2010 07:44 AM

Q: Besides the "Cajun Cannon," what is your favorite nickname for yourself?

I guess it would be too much to expect him to answer, "turncoat".

QBREES9 08-21-2010 08:45 PM

U wrong U wrong LMAO

skymike 08-23-2010 08:31 AM

I think he paid his dues.

Coming back to suffer with us more, especially back in '05, when we had no hope, and possibly no future.

It sure was cool to get his autograph on my SI Cover this year. Got it hanging up in the Wall O' Saints Hallway.

I knew Bobby loved to be blitzed, because he would just stand there like a tree trunk and deliver that ball to E. Martin like clockwork on the inside slant. The dumbest thing you could do to Hebert was blitz.

Also, it was DUPER! I have been knocking my head out trying to remember who the other NFL star from the 80s was who played for Northwestern--- Mark Duper! FINALLY. Somebody reminded me. I kept thinking it was a Raider, like Cliff Branch.

I thought Hebert was among the NFL's most underrated QB's along with Warren Moon. The guy had outstanding skills, and a lot of guts. The Cajun Cannon sounds perfect for WWL. When you drive in from somewhere else, and punch up 870, you know what part of the world you are in immediately, when you hear his voice.

Happy 50th, Bobby!

strato 08-23-2010 08:40 AM

I have a hard time getting past the Eagle playoff debacle...then splits to the falclowns....but im a forgiving Hebert is ok in my book..

Rugby Saint II 08-23-2010 12:48 PM

Hebert was my favorite Saints QB before Drew came on board. I really wasn't around for the Manning era. I liked the way he stood in the pocket and delivered the ball most of the time. He was as close to a gun slinger as I have ever seen. His draw back was he couldn't throw the deep ball.

QBREES9 08-23-2010 02:12 PM

I go back to Archie then Bobby and DREW BREES !!!

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