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saintz08 10-25-2003 10:56 PM

Leadership project in progress
Who Dat

Sad part is I had the Saints picked for that game on this board .

The Panthers secondary was suspect , it has been noted and commented on . Duece gets the C note in the game . Brooks can settle the score in this game .

I would have put the farm on Brooks to blow the hinges off the door , and he flat lined it .

The Saints are favored this week against the Panthers , are odds makers saying it is because the Saints beat the worst team in the N.F.L. last week . Do not think so .

Leaders inspire good men to be better , the secondary is suspect and can be exploited . Will Brooks do it , we will see .......

WhoDat 10-25-2003 11:01 PM

Leadership project in progress
Two things 08. One - I wouldn\'t use lack of EXECUTION as an example of poor LEADERSHIP. They are two very different things. Brett Favre doesn\'t always execute well, but he is a good leader nonetheless. You\'re confusing the issues. Second, you\'re trying to extend one incident as a blanket argument for three years. C\'mon man, I know you can do better. I\'ve been in the trenches with you before in this topic. Either you\'re too tired to go through all that again, or you\'ve simply forgotten what those arguments were... or maybe, just maybe, Brooks ain\'t as bad as either of us thought. Hmmm....

saintz08 10-26-2003 04:19 PM

Leadership project in progress
Your right Who Dat we have been down this path before and nothing changes .

Leaders generally lead by example .

The leader on a unit , defense or offense is the one who makes that squad accountable to them , leads by example and inspires others to greatness . Consider the Panthers game in New Orleans , Horn is hurt and Gandy is there , not once but twice to help him off the field , wether he needed it or not . Turley , known for his halftime speeches and tirades , could inspire and lead .If Brooks leadership ability was not in question , would the Saints organization sent him to leadership classes ???

I mean really now Who dat , the Saints organization felt that Brooks leadership ability was enough in question to send him to leadership classes . I personally do not know of another quarterback in the league who has attended such a class .

saintz08 10-26-2003 05:08 PM

Leadership project in progress
That\'s kind of one of those interesting thoughts Gator .

Here is an interesting thought to go with it .

I think it was last week , The Cowboys offense lined up screwy on a certain formation , and Quincy Carter called timeout . Carter starts toward the bench and Parcels sends him back to the huddle without talking to him .

Parcels point was clear . Carter , you are the leader of the offense , fix it .............. Do not come running to me . Make the men accoutable to you and lead them .

I have seen quarterbacks send receivers out of the huddles and to the sidelines , they were made accountable for their play .

I think we have all seen Peyton chase down a receiver after dropping key balls delivered to them . He make his receivers accountable , and that make them better .......

DblBogey 10-26-2003 09:50 PM

Leadership project in progress
Well Billy finally won me over! I vote for him as either AB\'s press agent or the newly created Saints coach of renewable confidence. Go get \'em Billy -- you are the MAN. Ignore all of those naysayers. I don\'t how so many of us could be so wrong. BTW the previous is probably something you will never read on this board until the Saints become the team that is good enough to win the game after a 20-20 tie against one of the better teams in the league. The winner is a good team -- better than average, the loser is just another team -- below average at best. Billy be content that as long as the Saints are playing like they are -- you will continue to take a pounding and continue to defend your views. Good Luck.

BillyCarpenter1 10-26-2003 10:05 PM

Leadership project in progress
DblBogey -- It has been asked of me not to be flaming other members. I intend to honor that request. Now your post has nothing to do with anything useful about the Saints. It serves only to get me to jaw back and forth with you.

We have all been asked to not to engage in this type of conversation. I\'m requesting that you leave my name out of these type of posts. If you want to discuss something relevant and useful about the Saints, then I have no problem with that.

BillyCarpenter1 10-26-2003 10:31 PM

Leadership project in progress

See thats why these rules stinks. Billy sounds like a Puh-see!
Well, let\'s just say it better that I don\'t get involved in these type of conversations. I plan on sticking to the rules. That\'s what I\'ve been told to do and I have to respect that.

saintz08 10-26-2003 10:52 PM

Leadership project in progress
It has been asked of me not to be flaming other members. I intend to honor that request.

Honor a bet --- no
Honor a request --- yes

very interesting ;)

BillyCarpenter1 10-26-2003 10:56 PM

Leadership project in progress

Honor a bet --- no
Honor a request --- yes

very interesting

This is more serious than the bet.

saintz08 10-26-2003 11:00 PM

Leadership project in progress
A mans word is his honor .

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