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AsylumGuido 11-23-2010 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by cajun911 (Post 264252)
Well that's great to hear. Glad we were able to show that we have some class down here. Seattle is a really cool town itself, I loved it when I went a few years back. Now I'm wondering how it will be in Dallas tomorrow night when me and 3 friends show up in our black and gold gear.:bng:

Be prepared for the lowest of life's to appear. At least that has been my experience.

foreverfan 11-23-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 264214)
go wash your mouth out, blasphemer.

Isn't this why Strato and Skymike among other live in Houston? :mrgreen:

foreverfan 11-23-2010 06:09 PM

st thomas 11-23-2010 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by cajun911 (Post 264252)
Well that's great to hear. Glad we were able to show that we have some class down here. Seattle is a really cool town itself, I loved it when I went a few years back. Now I'm wondering how it will be in Dallas tomorrow night when me and 3 friends show up in our black and gold gear.:bng:

cajun watch out for a couple in black and gold uni's sporting D&D who dats on there back's. don't want to advertize there bussiness but tell them thomas says yell louder. its my sis and bnlaw.

cajun911 11-23-2010 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by st thomas (Post 264257)
cajun watch out for a couple in black and gold uni's sporting D&D who dats on there back's. don't want to advertize there bussiness but tell them thomas says yell louder. its my sis and bnlaw.

Ok man, I'll try my best to remember that. I hope out treatment in Dallas wont be too bad. I figured a game in the south would be better than say Chicago or Philly. Well except for Atlanta, that place can break off and sink into the Atlantic for all I care.:p

skymike 11-24-2010 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by strato (Post 264286)
So i guess Latex is a forgotten dream?

shoot no, we havent found time yet. As soon as I get a day off, we
we're gonna SECEDE!

foreverfan 12-03-2010 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by strato (Post 264286)
So i guess Latex is a forgotten dream?

Are you kidding... if my credit card would increase my limit I'd have 2 latex Lucy's so my wife would have somebody to talk to.

Saintswrath 12-04-2010 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 264174)
I have visited every fan forum over the past two years, and most before then, and no where else have I seen a classier fan base.

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Houston fans always have great words about New Orleans, New England fans raved about the city last time they visited, Tampa Bay fans always are friendly before and after (never during)..

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