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lumm0x 11-11-2003 09:21 AM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?
If you are from Moose Jaw and you do anything other than huff gasoline you\'re a success by their terms.

Truth be told it\'s quickly becoming Deuce, but it was always Dalton before that.

whowatches 11-11-2003 09:22 AM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?

you guys over in Mizzssippi are way ahead in the dumber and fatter awards
Easy there, Dat. Easy. It\'s just cause our food\'s better over here. Our mommas spend time cookin while ya\'ll\'s are out der ho\'in... not talkin bout the garden. ;)

While we\'re being homers and everything, I\'m gonna pick my two boys:

Fred McAfee and Deuce. Both born and raised in the Magnolia State.

WhoDat 11-11-2003 10:29 AM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?
I\'m surprised the internet has made it down to Mississippi - Who, Bill, you sure you two don\'t have to cross the state line to get online? ;)

whowatches 11-11-2003 10:30 AM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?

I\'m telegraphin\' these babies in! :D

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-11-2003 10:36 AM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?
Just for the record. I was born and raised in LOUISIANA. North Louisiana. Does that count? But, the Mississippi Gulf Coast is great. It\'s a whole different world from the rest of Mississippi. Not that there\'s anything wrong with the rest of Mississippi -- ;)

WhoDat 11-11-2003 10:41 AM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?
Damned if you do Bill, damned if you don\'t. I would say the same thing about New Orleans. It is very different than the rest of the state in my opinion. I like the MS gulf coast too, but then, you come from where? Jonesboro? ;) hehehe.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-11-2003 10:52 AM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?

you come from where? Jonesboro?
Nope, but not far. Jonesboro/Hodge used to be in my service territory when I worked as an electronics tech. There\'s nothing there but one paper mill. I\'m from Monroe, La. Home of the NLU indians.

BlackandBlue 11-11-2003 11:41 AM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?

I\'m from Monroe, La.
My apologies.

Lived there for a short stint (and when I say short stint, I mean it- made the company I was working for relocate me to Little Rock because I couldn\'t stand the fart smell that the city has hanging over it 24/7).

frankeefrank 11-12-2003 01:43 PM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?
1. Dalton
2. Ricky Williams
3. Deuce
4. Earl Campbell

pakowitz 11-12-2003 08:19 PM

Favorite Saints RB of all time?
what kinda fan likes ricky over deuce? i just dont understand it!!

1. Deuce
2. Deuce
3. Deuce
and finally 4. DEUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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