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saintz08 11-10-2003 11:22 PM

Airball answer
Well there is the answer to the Brooks question of the infamous airball pass .

It is a Green Bay thing .

Brooks and Mc Carthy both being from Green Bay have brought the airball pass to the Big Easy .

Favre , will claim his thumb caused it . Saints fans know better ........

WhoDat 11-10-2003 11:29 PM

Airball answer

Dude, are you typing these from the bushes outside of Brooks\' house or what? You\'re seriously obsessed.

saintz08 11-10-2003 11:37 PM

Airball answer
Just waiting for Saintsfan to come up with stats on every airball thrown since the beginning of the N.F.L.... :P

saintfan 11-11-2003 08:10 AM

Airball answer
No Stats from me 08...just wonderin where Jake learned to throw off his back foot down ther middle of the field (or to the sideline for that matter) essentially throwing it up for grabs. Are these the kind of throws the game announcers keep saying Jake makes too many of? hmmmm? Maybe that\'s why he went undrafted eh? Guess we\'ll never really know.

WhoDat 11-11-2003 08:21 AM

Airball answer
Jake learned that from Aaron. Whether Aaron picked that one up from Favre on his own or if McCarthy had them running throw off your back foot drills in practice from the Green Bay days, we\'ll never know. ;)

whowatches 11-11-2003 09:11 AM

Airball answer
Jake\'s daddy can whoop Aarons\' daddy\'s azzzzzz!!!! :P :P

JOESAM2002 11-11-2003 09:22 AM

Airball answer
You guys just crack me up! :P

saint5221 11-11-2003 09:36 AM

Airball answer

Jake\'s daddy can whoop Aarons\' daddy\'s azzzzzz!!!!
LMAO! That is just beautiful Whowatches, the best take on this whole debate I\'ve seen yet.

WhoDat 11-11-2003 10:33 AM

Airball answer
He\'s been drinking his Tang! ;)

seraph33 11-11-2003 03:27 PM

Airball answer
I have been around for more than 25 posts. Actually before they changed the board a couple of times. Actually I have been around since the they changed the web address (used to be instead of Still say what you will about me it still doesn\'t make your argument in the least bit logical.

saintfan 11-11-2003 03:45 PM

Airball answer
Coulda fooled me. Take another sip of Tang young man. Whodat can provide you with a straw...

BlackandBlue 11-11-2003 03:58 PM

Airball answer
In case you haven\'t noticed Seraph, if you do not share the same exact viewpoint as Saintfan, your opinion is drivel and is treated as such.

saintfan 11-11-2003 04:16 PM

Airball answer
or bandb for that matter, but then he\'s drunk on 08er-aid anyway.


Hey BandB...isn\'t saying \"same exact\" redundant? Just checkin \'ol boy. ;)

[Edited on 11/11/2003 by saintfan]

BlackandBlue 11-11-2003 04:36 PM

Airball answer
Two adjectives, one intended to mean similar in kind, quality, quantity, or degree (ie same). The second with an intended meaning of, “Strictly and completely in accord with fact.� I guess one could confuse the two, similar to small and skinny, so I won’t split hairs.

WhoDat 11-11-2003 06:53 PM

Airball answer

Don\'t ever say I wasn\'t there for you BnB! ;)

BlackandBlue 11-12-2003 12:45 PM

Airball answer
Appreciate the love, bro :P

saintfan 11-12-2003 03:29 PM

Airball answer
No way you\'d mistake \"small\" and \"skinny\" I\'m guessing. It appears you\'re quite familiar with those two words.

Now, if you insist on being redundant (which, by the way, you are since the words are essentially synonomous), you could at least be grammatically correct by seperating the two redundant words with a comma.

I still have my 12th grade English text if you\'d like to borrow it for a few days.

Stallown3d!1 my eye. Oppps, sorry about that Whodat! ;)

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-12-2003 06:48 PM

Airball answer
Give B&B a cigarette before he hurts somebody. Good thing Swampy ain\'t still here. :o

BlackandBlue 11-12-2003 07:03 PM

Airball answer

Now, if you insist on being redundant (which, by the way, you are since the words are essentially synonomous)

Might want to check the thesaurus on this site before you call someone out. If they are synonomous, then it would list \"same\" under \"exact\", and vice-versa, incase you\'re not sure what a thesaurus is. I expect a certain degree of english butchering when I come to sites like this, but I\'ve never seen anyone fight so hard to be ignorant. ;)
Question my english all you want, I breezed through eight english classes in college, half of which were 300 and 400 level classes (for you unfamiliar with college, that\'s upper level classes). As a result, I have 7 A\'s and 1 B to my credit. It was one of the very few courses I was good at.

[Edited on 13/11/2003 by BlackandBlue]

saintfan 11-13-2003 08:10 AM

Airball answer
So, you must be what they mean by \"tests good but fails to retain the information\" I guess. The key word in my statement is \"Essentially\". Perhaps you could pull out your websters and give us a the definition of that word. Then you could re-read my post and make better sense of it. On second thought Mr. 7 A\'s and 1 B (insert golf clap here) maybe you should just give up and have a smoke. Your chain is WAY too easy to pull.


whowatches 11-13-2003 08:37 AM

Airball answer

tests good but fails to retain the information
tests well....

Sorry, but I couldn\'t resist.

Looks like I\'m gonna have to pull out my red pen!

BillyC 11-13-2003 08:39 AM

Airball answer

tests good but fails to retain the information
Is that like having a \"photographic memory\" but being out of film?

saintfan 11-13-2003 08:55 AM

Airball answer
I have been corrected. It hurts, but I accept it graciously and promise to do better in the future. That\'s for you whowatches. I still think BandB needs to go smoke something!


BlackandBlue 11-13-2003 09:17 AM

Airball answer

I still think BandB needs to go smoke something!
Too late, I already did :cool:

saintfan 11-13-2003 09:23 AM

Airball answer
Passing it to the left would be the very least you could do. I hope you brought enough for everybody.


BillyC 11-13-2003 09:25 AM

Airball answer

Passing it to the left would be the very least you could do. I hope you brought enough for everybody.

Keyou? Is that you? :P

saintfan 11-13-2003 09:27 AM

Airball answer
Naw. I\'m trying to get a gig on Playmakers.


saintz08 11-13-2003 10:38 AM

Airball answer
Heard playmakers was cancelled .

You can have the lead Saintsfan ......

saintfan 11-13-2003 11:16 AM

Airball answer
Well, there went my 10 minutes of fame.

BlackandBlue 11-13-2003 11:16 AM

Airball answer
Why would they cancel the highest rated show on ESPN? Hell, I gave in and watch it religiously, and I don\'t even like TV. Where did you hear this?

saintfan 11-13-2003 11:22 AM

Airball answer
Fact or Fiction? Could just be the 08 Propaganda machine strikes yet again.


saintz08 11-13-2003 09:17 PM

Airball answer
N.F.L. has been very much against airing it\'s dirty laundry .

Playmakers does just that ........

From the 08 propaganda file ..... ;)

Madden: \'Playmakers\' realism has NFL\'s brass squirming

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

By Mark Madden

Playmakers,\" ESPN\'s pro football drama, has been the best show on television since its first episode. But \"Playmakers\" hit new heights Tuesday when gangsta rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg played the older brother of DH, the crackhead rookie running back of the fictional Cougars.

In real life, Snoop is a former drug dealer. He hosts hard-core adult videos. In his raps, Snoop glorifies violence and substance abuse and denigrates women. He once was accused of murder.

Somehow, none of that got mentioned during \"Playmakers,\" nor Tuesday during SportsCenter, which had a lengthy feature about Snoop coaching youth football. Confession may be good for the soul but helping ESPN get ratings can make up for a multitude of sins PR-wise.

Anyway, Snoop was great. He got shot, helped police solve a murder and inspired DH to do the right thing, namely ratting out one of his posse for two shootings. Ray Lewis must be proud.

The season\'s final episode of \"Playmakers\" airs Tuesday. The cliffhanger: Will ESPN bring back \"Playmakers\" for a second season despite pressure from the NFL not to do so?

The NFL hates \"Playmakers\" because the series paints an all too realistic ... uh, sorry, I meant to say the NFL hates \"Playmakers\" because the series paints an unrealistic picture of pro football. But I think the real reason the NFL hates \"Playmakers\" is because it\'s more entertaining than the NFL. Parity hasn\'t made \"Playmakers\" boring.

Assuming \"Playmakers\" returns for a second season, the series will need new material. It has already pirated every single real-life NFL scandal over the past decade or so.

Further information to review from the 08 propaganda file ... ;)

ESPN undecided about return of \'Playmakers\'
The series about a fictional football squad has drawn heat from the NFL, players and owners.
By Ron Reid
Inquirer Staff Writer

ESPN has not decided whether to bring the popular but controversial dramatic series Playmakers back for another season, a spokesman said.

Asked whether the NFL had called ESPN to complain about the program, or the recent controversy sparked by Rush Limbaugh\'s critical opinion of Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb, spokesman Chris LaPlaca said yesterday: \"You should speak to the NFL about that. I\'m not aware if that\'s the case. Same deal with Rush. I\'m not sure what communications have taken place there.\"

Limbaugh resigned Wednesday night in the face of criticism over comments he made on ESPN\'s Sunday NFL Countdown, including the statement that, \"The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well.\"

On Thursday, Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie spoke out about the Limbaugh issue and also criticized the network for its portrayal of athletes in the fictional Playmakers series.

The league and the players\' union both have been unhappy with the series, NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said yesterday. He said commissioner Paul Tagliabue, who has described the show as a \"gross mischaracterization of our sport,\" has called the network about the show.

\"ESPN is well aware of our feelings toward the show, and it not only comes from the league office but every team around the league,\" Aiello said.

[Edited on 14/11/2003 by saintz08]

saintz08 02-04-2004 07:09 PM

Airball answer
From the 08 propaganda machine .

It hurts to be this good .

ESPN cancels \"Playmakers \"

pakowitz 02-04-2004 09:13 PM

Airball answer
that really sucks, i loved that show, i would watch the show then watch the replay, how about that for excitement

WhoDat 02-04-2004 09:59 PM

Airball answer
Pak - you need to get out more amigo.

I\'ve gotta say that I just reread this entire thread and it may be my favorite here at BnG. This one is just hilarious. Were we all on crack for this one or what? Look at the humor and levity... aaahh - those were the days. I do like to see BnB in a huff too! ;)

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