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BillyC 11-12-2003 08:15 PM

New and Final Name
I was told that I can come back but must use a new name because my current name was too long. I guess I can't use my old name so now I am BillyC. I've gone from a ProBowler to a rookie to a starter and now I'm a rookie again. Oh well --

[Edited on 13/11/2003 by BillyC]

WhoDat 11-12-2003 10:30 PM

New and Final Name
yeah, that\'s about right.

saintfan 11-13-2003 08:27 AM

New and Final Name
Rookie Hell, you\'re on the practice squad. Looks like Whodat gets his wish!


tweeky 11-13-2003 08:39 AM

New and Final Name
How\'d you change you name? I tried several times and can\'t seem to. Tweeky was my username in all the audio/stereo forums I surfed. It doesn\'t quite fit with football though.

ColdFusion 11-13-2003 08:43 AM

New and Final Name
Tweeky, just reregister under a new name and password. That will get you your new name.

BillyC 11-13-2003 08:43 AM

New and Final Name

How\'d you change you name? I tried several times and can\'t seem to. Tweeky was my username in all the audio/stereo forums I surfed. It doesn\'t quite fit with football though.

You can\'t use the same e-mail address. You can create a free email address in yahoo and just use that one to creat a new screen name.

BROOKSISBANKS 11-13-2003 03:12 PM

New and Final Name
It would have been perfect for you.

Not allowed.Read your rules.

[Edited on 13/11/2003 by ColdFusion]

saint5221 11-13-2003 04:21 PM

New and Final Name

You can\'t use the same e-mail address. You can create a free email address in yahoo and just use that one to creat a new screen name.
I love it, swamp has been lurking out there all this time to figure out how to get back in until Billy shows him. Any bets on how long it takes this latest incarnation of idiocy to get banned?

[Edited on 13/11/2003 by ColdFusion]

BlackandBlue 11-13-2003 06:12 PM

New and Final Name
I\'m gonna say five days.

whowatches 11-13-2003 06:42 PM

New and Final Name
Dude, Swampy is HOTTT!!

Who knew?

Clarification: Does the name mean Aaron Brooks is like Tony Banks? I\'m unclear... kind of an obscure reference, huh?

JOESAM2002 11-13-2003 09:19 PM

New and Final Name
From the picture under his name he must mean Tyra Banks. And by the way there\'s no comparison at all to her.

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