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lynwood 01-25-2011 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 282499)
I think you ought to talk to some of those Veterans about their opinion regarding government-run health care.

I've been to a VA hospital for work purposes. I don't know the quality of Doctors that are there but if what I saw is the level or service and the wait time to even get into the place is what we have to look forward too everyone should be afraid.

saintfan 01-25-2011 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by lynwood (Post 282503)
I've been to a VA hospital for work purposes. I don't know the quality of Doctors that are there but if what I saw is the level or service and the wait time to even get into the place is what we have to look forward too everyone should be afraid.

To be clear I never served, although I would have flown helicopters for the army had they not been auditing their aviation department at the time...God knows I endured their relentless testing...but I digress...

My dad was in the Navy on the USS Cole for roughly 6 years and then served in Korea and Vietnam in the Army. I grew up on a base and can speak first hand of the situation with health care. Of course I knew and still know many people who are either in the Army or who have spouses or other relatives who are serving. Let me just say it's easy for people to argue for free or government run health care. Let me also say that none of them ever served or worked in an emergency room in a military or even a civilian hospital.

It is also easy to be anti-war. Hell, nobody likes war, but the anti-war mentality that is prevalent today smacks of a lack of understanding. The truth is we didn't learn our lesson in Korea and we repeated those mistakes in Vietnam and in the Middle East, but to do it right means you hack off the anti-war establishment even more. I'm not sure how this country got to the point where we give those arguments any credibility at all other than our on unwillingness to give the rest of the globe the finger once our men and women are sent to fight.

Of course it cannot be done this way anymore because the country doesn't have the stomach for it, but you win wars by asking the opposition to surrender. If they don't, you kill them...all of them, and you do it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Extremists, to include extreme conservatives and liberals, don't get it. The truth is they are ONLY willing to accept their agenda. They are right. If you disagree you are wrong. Period. They ought to cancel each other out in favor of clear thinkers who can certainly still lean in one direction or the other.

Truman told Japan...end the fighting now or we shall wipe out one of your cities. Japan continued to fight. Truman wiped out one of their cities, to include innocent women and children who would have otherwise bred more innocent children who would have grown up to fly more planes into our battleships. It's hard to stomach. It's tragic, but it is us against them. They didn't stop fighting, so Truman says you will stop now or I will destroy yet another one of your cities, to include women and children. Of course he did just that..

...and then, Americans being Americans, we befriended them and rebuilt them. That's how it works, and all this *****-footing around that we have been doing since then is at least partly to blame for why the world is in the mess it's in.

No matter the rhetoric you'll get from the anti-war liberals, the American way of life IS the best brand going. People are dying trying to get here and have been doing so since this country was founded. They make sacrifices that will break your heart just to call themselves Americans. They readily recognize oppression and they join our military to give back and to help spread democracy. This in spite of those who live here and are spoiled because they've been given damn near everything they need and can otherwise go out and get it preaching all our ills at every opportunity.

As my friend from Zimbabwe told me whilst listening to me grip about Obama's election..."At least you were able to vote for the other guy". And he's right. Those that are so eager to speak negatively about our government, even through its faults, turn my stomach. It wasn't given to us. It isn't given to anyone, and in fact it can be taken away in a hurry if we allow it. It must be protected in many ways that are not always clear and evident. This is where the anti-war establishment's agenda misses the mark.

lynwood 01-25-2011 04:38 PM

Sadly War strategy has turned into political strategy. We no longer have War Heros and Ticker Tape Parades. We have military trials and threats to block funding for the troops.

I served for about 7 years and fortunatly didn't see any combat. But I'll say this. I'm glad I got out when I did and it has nothing to do with being in combat but the leadership that is in place today and the political driven agenda behind the war.

Notice since Obama has been in Office they no longer do an American Body Count anymore? There are no "Stop the war" protests? I haven't watched the news in a while but one of the broadcasts used to read the names of the soldiers that died in combat that week or day. No marches to close down Guantanimo Bay. No daily Media reports on the costs of the war and how it's sinking us. Can't make our current POS President look bad.

Now can we go back to talking football?

saintfan 01-25-2011 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by lynwood (Post 282516)
Sadly War strategy has turned into political strategy. We no longer have War Heros and Ticker Tape Parades. We have military trials and threats to block funding for the troops.

I served for about 7 years and fortunatly didn't see any combat. But I'll say this. I'm glad I got out when I did and it has nothing to do with being in combat but the leadership that is in place today and the political driven agenda behind the war.

Notice since Obama has been in Office they no longer do an American Body Count anymore? There are no "Stop the war" protests? I haven't watched the news in a while but one of the broadcasts used to read the names of the soldiers that died in combat that week or day. No marches to close down Guantanimo Bay. No daily Media reports on the costs of the war and how it's sinking us. Can't make our current POS President look bad.

Now can we go back to talking football?

Really. The Players and the Owners should be thankful for all they have damnit. Figure it out and get back to work. :mrgreen:

Oh, and by the way, thanks for serving Lynwood. Today's Tom Sawyer!

D_it_up 01-26-2011 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by lynwood (Post 282516)

Now can we go back to talking football?

Amen! I was wondering when this became a political science class.

xan 01-26-2011 03:07 PM

Yes, Thank you for serving. I have several students in ROTC programs and the Reserves. Fortunately I feel good about the Services with them eventually in "charge". I cannot say the same about political leaders who wish to be "liberal" in using their lives pursuing transient political agendas.

saintfan 01-26-2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by xan (Post 282644)
Yes, Thank you for serving. I have several students in ROTC programs and the Reserves. Fortunately I feel good about the Services with them eventually in "charge". I cannot say the same about political leaders who wish to be "liberal" in using their lives pursuing transient political agendas.

Unless and until your agenda and theirs match, right? Of course you know that many 'students' grow up and out of that which you are praising them for at approximately the same time they encounter the realities of the real world. To stay on topic, the NFL players, if forced to endure those same 'real world working man' realities might be singing a different tune too.

How many of those ROTC (this doesn't count by the way) and Reserves students will ultimately refuse to fight due to a Presidents "transient political agenda"? Not many. You are their teacher. They are likely telling you what they believe you want to hear...

The liberals got their president elected, and yet we fight on. Oooops...

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