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st thomas 01-21-2011 06:19 PM

do you remember what the feeling was last year at this time? for me i had to pinch myself daily to see if i were still alive. we were about to make history. the memory still sticks with me how elated i, we were feeling. maybe a little nervous but so dammed excited about the game against minn. and having not a doubt where we were heading. i'm feeling confident about next year already. well just wondering if ya'll are reminiscing about yesteryear?

skymike 01-21-2011 07:05 PM

I'm not reminiscing right now, because Im so busy, but last year was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.

Every day was like I had stepped off into another dimension of time and space.

I kept thinking something was gonna fall over on my head and kill me at any moment, or that I'd just wake up on the ride home, and realize that really we had lost, and I was just dreaming.

I couldnt hug enough people. I couldnt tell enough people. It just didnt seem real.

From the moment Hartley hit the FG, it was just surreal. You know, I didnt cheer when the ball went through. I looked around for penalty flags, or somebody to run out on the field and say, "Wait a minute, wait a minute." When Sharper was doing "snow angels" in the confetti, " I let loose.

Im glad you mentioned this Tom. You picked a good time to do it. Everybody who knows me was calling me and congratulating me, or ribbing me, or slapping my back.

But you know what really makes me happy? It makes me happy to see everyone in New Orleans happy and hugging each other. I've never seen so many white people and black people dancing and hugging each other, as I've seen at Saints games. I could have stayed up all night watching the celebration, but you know the drive from Houston takes its toll, so I have to sleep sometime.

And you know what? Im happy to see people in smaller towns like Lafayette and Henderson and Vacherie wearing their Saints gear and waving their flags around proudly. I look forward to going to Natchitoches and Many soon, and seeing Saints stuff, and getting "WhoDat'ed when I walk around in mine.

quick note: I was in the Galleria in Houston last weekend, and a store had Saints stuff-- lots of it -- and no Texans and no Cowboys. Can you believe that???

I'm very happy to see my Lousiana friends happy. You know how much I love your state. I wish I could meet you all. Remember, its almost crawfish time. Everybody smile and think about something good.

Here's a thread I did last year I'd like you to visit. Its from last year after we won it all. It's about YOU. :

AlaskaSaints 01-21-2011 07:11 PM

I hear ya, bro. It's tough watching these games that we could be winning, but you know, if we won it all again so soon this year we'd be the most hated team in football.

Don't really want to take that distinction from the Cowboys just yet.


Saint_LB 01-21-2011 08:55 PM

After the Saints SB win, obviously I was happy...but at the same time I was feeling a little worried. I was worried that it was now my time to pass on, because I didn't think I would ever see them win it all in my lifetime.

Then it came to me...the San Francisco Giants, my favorite baseball team since childhood. (The first team I ever played for was Giants in pee-wee league..and at that time there were no other teams even close to the Gulf Coast) The last time they won the World Series was the year I was born. Then they won...and then I got even more depressed...until recently.

It suddenly occurred to me that Ole Miss hasn't won a national championship in my conscience lifetime...they haven't even been to the SEC championship. Now I feel very, very secure. Who knows...I may live forever! :)

D_it_up 01-21-2011 09:53 PM

I know exactly what you mean. I wasn't able to attend the NFCCG, but I was in New Orleans that weekend on a spontaneous trip. The night before the game, a friend and I went down to Harrah's. I put a twenty in a video poker machine and within five draws, I won 200 bucks. I played with it for a while. I watched my credits go up and down, up and down. Then it started to crap out. I wasn't winning any hands. I figured I would cash out at an even 150 bucks, and still have a nice little profit. I was about 10 bucks away from cashing out when, in the words of Emeril, "BAM!", I hit a royal flush for the jackpot which was a little over 2 grand. Two thoughts immediately ran through my head. The first was "is there any way I can find tickets before tomorrow?" The second thought was "where is a bookie, because I want to put it all on the over/under". I was going to put it on the over, of course. In hindsight, I wish I had. That would have been an even bigger profit. The next thought that came through my head was "The Saints are going to the mf'n Super Bowl!" I had no doubt in my mind after that moment.

The next night as we were watching the game on the tube, I don't think I sat down for the entire 2nd half. I was confident, yet nervous, the whole time. I knew we were going to win, but I just didn't know how. My friend couldn't watch the Hartley kick at all. She just looked away from the t.v. I, however, couldn't take my eyes off the screen, nor could I sit down. As soon as the ball left his foot, I knew it was good. I ran outside the house screaming, "WE'RE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!" Many people in the neighborhood were outside screaming the same thing. As Jeff Foxworthy would say, "it was pandelerium"! I could only imagine what it was like to be in the French Quarter that night, but I enjoyed the moment as if I was there. Fireworks were going off everywhere. People were outside of their cars dancing on the Crescent City connection. We were at Academy Sports at midnight, waiting in line to get our NFC Championship gear. Being a Laker fan, I never felt that much joy from their championships. I guess mainly because it is expected from them to be good. As a Saints' fan, I cried, I laughed, I screamed, I prayed. Maybe one day my Cubs will win it all, because I will probably feel almost as close to what I felt that day when OUR SAINTS were going to the Super Bowl.

pherein 01-22-2011 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by D_it_up (Post 281891)
I know exactly what you mean. I wasn't able to attend the NFCCG, but I was in New Orleans that weekend on a spontaneous trip. The night before the game, a friend and I went down to Harrah's. I put a twenty in a video poker machine and within five draws, I won 200 bucks. I played with it for a while. I watched my credits go up and down, up and down. Then it started to crap out. I wasn't winning any hands. I figured I would cash out at an even 150 bucks, and still have a nice little profit. I was about 10 bucks away from cashing out when, in the words of Emeril, "BAM!", I hit a royal flush for the jackpot which was a little over 2 grand. Two thoughts immediately ran through my head. The first was "is there any way I can find tickets before tomorrow?" The second thought was "where is a bookie, because I want to put it all on the over/under". I was going to put it on the over, of course. In hindsight, I wish I had. That would have been an even bigger profit. The next thought that came through my head was "The Saints are going to the mf'n Super Bowl!" I had no doubt in my mind after that moment.

The next night as we were watching the game on the tube, I don't think I sat down for the entire 2nd half. I was confident, yet nervous, the whole time. I knew we were going to win, but I just didn't know how. My friend couldn't watch the Hartley kick at all. She just looked away from the t.v. I, however, couldn't take my eyes off the screen, nor could I sit down. As soon as the ball left his foot, I knew it was good. I ran outside the house screaming, "WE'RE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!" Many people in the neighborhood were outside screaming the same thing. As Jeff Foxworthy would say, "it was pandelerium"! I could only imagine what it was like to be in the French Quarter that night, but I enjoyed the moment as if I was there. Fireworks were going off everywhere. People were outside of their cars dancing on the Crescent City connection. We were at Academy Sports at midnight, waiting in line to get our NFC Championship gear. Being a Laker fan, I never felt that much joy from their championships. I guess mainly because it is expected from them to be good. As a Saints' fan, I cried, I laughed, I screamed, I prayed. Maybe one day my Cubs will win it all, because I will probably feel almost as close to what I felt that day when OUR SAINTS were going to the Super Bowl.

yep, and you caped it "when OUR SAINTS were going to the Super Bowl", not won, they were going. The impossibility came into it when they won.

We are not like most fans bases in the NFL, we love football, support our team threw thick and thin, and don't believe in being disrespectful to visiting fans. Don't get me wrong, when we are provoked, Ive rarely seen a saints fan that cant smack talk with the best.

.as I said we are not like most fans. I know every Saints fan enjoyed this SB to the fullest. This was our Mecca. We don't need 14 rings like the giants,Pats,steelers, 49ers,and etc. to feel good about ourselves.

We love our boys, and we just want them to play well. I think the only thing that hurts a saints fan is when , say, reggie or harper, dont play well. We love those kids, we want them all to do well. It hurts when they don't because we care so much. We know it bothers them and that bothers us.
We didnt want to cut Scott Fujita, we love these guys. Sure he's not the best in the NFL but he is ours and we know Scott was doing his best. He just got offered money we cant handle, and good for him for taking it. We still love him.

If they did their level best and got beat every week, it wouldn't bother us at all, because we would know they tried.

We love our boys, and we are so blessed they worked so hard to give us a Super Bowl. I have no problem waiting 43 years for another, my son can put it on my grave. I saw the 1st one.
I just want a good man like Brees, vilma and others to get their due, and make the HOF, and if that means another SB , well so be it, lets do it. They deserve it.

SaintGup 01-22-2011 05:16 AM

I remember. My wife and I watch the Superbowl every so often and remember where we were (Broussard's in Conti) as we booked our flight the following day after Hartley's kick split the uprights. I remember the tears and laughter, the look on the elderly fans because they probably thought they wouldn't see it and the look on the smallest fans maybe not realising yet the enormity of what had just happened. I remember how we got up early to get a Times Picayune, my wife sprinting to CVS in Canal Street and me to the Walgreens further on. I remember actually FEELING the joy and happiness as we walked the streets of the French Quarter. I remember staying on Canal Street for around 6 hours before the floats came past and the memory of being hit in the face with a bunch of beads which is caught on video and makes me laugh. I remember the flight back to England with the best memories of New Orleans. But the memory that will be the most poignant, is the image of Drew Brees lifting Baylen on the podium. That image is the strongest for me.

ozzie8 01-22-2011 10:21 AM

i certainly do , its tough at the moment but just have to dig in

dizzle88 01-22-2011 11:44 AM

I remember kneeling infront of my TV as Hartley lined up for the kick, just thinking "if your gunna make any kick, it has to be this one"
I saw the snap, Hartley made a good connection with the ball, then I saw all the fans behind the uprights going crazy as the ball grew closer and closer to them, that was it - I was up around the house running around and waking everyone up.
HOWEVER - Whats real strange is, Like every saints game i watch, i literally am perched on the edge of my seat no matter how much we are winning. When Porter intercepted Manning i had reached down for a drink of Cola, and heard "picked off" BUT this time i did not run around the house, i was literally frozen sat on the Couch Watching Porter cut inside and be off to the races. I asked myself when Hartley kicked the XP, did that just happen? I just couldnt believe what happened, when i saw the clock, i had the great feeling that i knew we would win.

SapperSaint 01-22-2011 01:13 PM

I was sitting in the desert this time last year.....I would rather forget that.

CheramieIII 01-22-2011 05:38 PM

At least we made the playoffs again. No Superbowl hangover here and if we would've beatin the Seahags The Packers would be playing the NFC Championship in New Orleans again so I don't feel bad about this season at all and winning one Superbowl in my lifetime was all I asked for but I really don't believe it's all I'm gonna get. GEAUX SAINTS

st thomas 01-22-2011 07:48 PM

dam, some of u made me cry all over it will be with me to the grave, and a great season to back up a superbowl ain't all bad either.

st thomas 01-22-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 281866)
I'm not reminiscing right now, because Im so busy, but last year was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.

Every day was like I had stepped off into another dimension of time and space.

I kept thinking something was gonna fall over on my head and kill me at any moment, or that I'd just wake up on the ride home, and realize that really we had lost, and I was just dreaming.

I couldnt hug enough people. I couldnt tell enough people. It just didnt seem real.

From the moment Hartley hit the FG, it was just surreal. You know, I didnt cheer when the ball went through. I looked around for penalty flags, or somebody to run out on the field and say, "Wait a minute, wait a minute." When Sharper was doing "snow angels" in the confetti, " I let loose.

Im glad you mentioned this Tom. You picked a good time to do it. Everybody who knows me was calling me and congratulating me, or ribbing me, or slapping my back.

But you know what really makes me happy? It makes me happy to see everyone in New Orleans happy and hugging each other. I've never seen so many white people and black people dancing and hugging each other, as I've seen at Saints games. I could have stayed up all night watching the celebration, but you know the drive from Houston takes its toll, so I have to sleep sometime.

And you know what? Im happy to see people in smaller towns like Lafayette and Henderson and Vacherie wearing their Saints gear and waving their flags around proudly. I look forward to going to Natchitoches and Many soon, and seeing Saints stuff, and getting "WhoDat'ed when I walk around in mine.

quick note: I was in the Galleria in Houston last weekend, and a store had Saints stuff-- lots of it -- and no Texans and no Cowboys. Can you believe that???

I'm very happy to see my Lousiana friends happy. You know how much I love your state. I wish I could meet you all. Remember, its almost crawfish time. Everybody smile and think about something good.

Here's a thread I did last year I'd like you to visit. Its from last year after we won it all. It's about YOU. :

skymike your as black and gold as they come bro. and i remember the your saints too write up. so solid dude.

Belair57 01-22-2011 07:58 PM

after each playoff game and the superbowl, I remember crying...and saying how i couldnt believe that finally happened...I never thought it would in my life time honestly..thats why this year hasnt bummed me out so much. I feel like my life is complete in a way...LOL

RailBoss 01-23-2011 09:17 AM

Damn I still get emotional watching the SB video. That INT by Tracy Porter
and Will Smith blocking Manning plays in my head when I need a Who Dat fix.
Here try it: Peyton Manning Throws Interception in Superbowl 44

dizzle88 01-23-2011 10:17 AM

Mardigras9 01-23-2011 10:33 AM

Love watching those commercials showing that moment from different places of that pic-6, memory will never be forgotten.

st thomas 01-23-2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by RailBoss (Post 282022)
Damn I still get emotional watching the SB video. That INT by Tracy Porter
and Will Smith blocking Manning plays in my head when I need a Who Dat fix.
Here try it: Peyton Manning Throws Interception in Superbowl 44

it was the icing on the cake that would be the most amazing year in my/every saint fan's life from here to MARS. how awesome, how unbelievable, how tremendous. it can not be taken from us ever. i have to thank my father who took me to tulane stadium in 1967 for my first saints game. met archie manning in 1971 at cajun field. it was some kind of promotion for burger chef back then a chain that went defunk. but i was on board after i caught a pass from archie that day. all the heart break years never threw me off.

niteadept 01-23-2011 04:46 PM

As soon as Hartley kicked the field goal, all our friends and family were calling and we were booking our stay in NOLA for the big game! Didn't want to be in Miami cause I knew the only place to be when we won was with my friends in NOLA who love the Saints as much as me! Bourbon St was just plain madness after the game! Nothing but love on those streets that night! It was the happiest moment of my life. So glad I got to be a part of it:)

darstep 01-23-2011 07:21 PM

We were just one average defensive effort away in the wildcard round from moving on in the playoffs causing 3-4 more Cowboy fan suicides with the thought of us squating in Dallas. Good job this year boys. With all the injuries we had, 11-5 was fantastic and three of the losses were just give aways to sub-par teams. Last year was a beautiful thing and we'll be doing it again next year. Haters beware - we'll be back.

RaginCajun83 01-23-2011 09:56 PM

I'll never forget huddling up with my bro's at our seats in the dome, after the kick we just stood there hugging each other with tears in our eyes cause the Saints finally made the superbowl, I pointed to the sky cause I just knew my late grandmother was smiling up in heaven (wish she got to live last season) then we started high fiving everyone around us. We didn't leave the dome till they made us and the joy in everyone's eyes and smiles, you could see 43 years of waiting was washed away and to think 2 weeks later it was even better

Choupique 01-24-2011 03:12 AM

No matter what ever happens, the Saints have a Super Bowl ring.
That is what I focus on.

No one can take that away. Ever.

Two Dat can have a year in between. I can't wait for next season.
I can't stand the fudgepackers or the pitts. burgh.

Hurl. Go nobody. I hope it ends up in a tie.


Go. Saints.

skymike 01-24-2011 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by niteadept (Post 282076)
As soon as Hartley kicked the field goal, all our friends and family were calling and we were booking our stay in NOLA... cause I knew the only place to be when we won was with my friends in NOLA who love the Saints as much as me! Bourbon St was just plain madness after the game! ...

We did the exact same thing. I had always said, "If the Saints ever go to the Super Bowl, I want to watch it on Bourbon St." So when the unbelievable happened, that exactly what we did. It was more than I imagined. Little scary for a minute, I thought, but I made the right choice.

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