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WhoDat!656 03-14-2011 11:00 PM

Question for the Forum:
Unless I am forgetting one, the only 2 teams that have beaten the Saints in the playoffs that the Saints haven't then beaten at a later date are the Falcaints and the Bears.

The Saints beat the Eagles in '06 and the Vikings in '09. I don't think the Rams ever beat the Saints in the playoffs, but if they did, the Saints have already kept them from potentially repeating as Super Bowl champions.

Which of these 2 teams do you want to see the Saints beat next in the playoffs?

I want the Saints to beat the Bears, mainly because of their no-class fans.

|Mitch| 03-14-2011 11:03 PM

The Bears; I don't even want the Atl fans to have the satisfaction that they at least made the play-offs.

D_it_up 03-14-2011 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 289584)
The Bears; I don't even want the Atl fans to have the satisfaction that they at least made the play-offs.

I was going to go with the Falcons, but after reading the last part of this statement, I am going to have to agree with you, Mitch. We all know what happened with their golden opportunity last year. They flushed it faster than Charlie Sheen during a police raid.

RaginCajun83 03-15-2011 09:18 AM

I was hoping for this to happen last season, oh how sweet it would be to smash Atl in the NFCCG one year

st thomas 03-15-2011 01:54 PM

definitly the bears, the only respect thats handed out is beat someone from the black n blue div.

skymike 03-18-2011 07:24 AM

Bears. and i want revenge for the way our fans were treated up there.

Danno 03-18-2011 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 290051)
Bears. and i want revenge for the way our fans were treated up there.


End of Thread

subguy 03-18-2011 09:55 AM

Bears too

Rugby Saint II 03-18-2011 03:23 PM

I want to humiliate Atlanta......

CheramieIII 03-19-2011 08:57 AM


B_Dub_Saint 03-19-2011 09:31 AM

The bears and I want the to come to the thunder dome to play this time. I'm gonna get one of those red lazers and blind everyone of their fans. I hate them after what happened in '06.

foreverfan 03-19-2011 09:33 AM

Tough choice but I have to go with the Bears. For some reason I just don't hate the Falcons as much as some of you. Sure they're our oldest division rival sure, but that's exactly why I like them. I like to play them and I like to beat them.

Too many Bears fans are classless and so they get no pass from me.
I'm happier beating the Bears in the playoffs although losing to either would kill me.

BringTheWood 03-19-2011 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by D_it_up (Post 289585)
I was going to go with the Falcons, but after reading the last part of this statement, I am going to have to agree with you, Mitch. We all know what happened with their golden opportunity last year. They flushed it faster than Charlie Sheen during a police raid.

Except Sheen wouldn't flush it, he would smoke it. Remember, Sheen has no reason to fear the cops as he is not of this terrestrial plane and bangs 7 gram rocks.

skymike 03-19-2011 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 290194)
The bears and I want the to come to the thunder dome to play this time. I'm gonna get one of those red lazers and blind everyone of their fans. I hate them after what happened in '06.

lets get a bunch of styrofoam balls-- to symbolize their snowballs -- then piss on them, and throw them at the bears fans.

Im even nice to falcons fans.

but theres a time for revenge.

lynwood 03-19-2011 06:54 PM

Bears at there Stadium so they won't have any excuses.

But beating them at our pad would be cool to.

I don't sweat playing the falclowns.

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