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saint5221 12-07-2003 03:02 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
I've been a Saints fan for over 27 years in all that time I've never been as frustrated or disgusted with any team as this one. There have been plenty of worse versions of the Saints, but none as loathsome. The level of talent that is being wasted on this team is unparalleled. The manner in which they have gone out and as a team and played just bad enough to overcome there ability is inexcusable and the worst kind of disappointment to have to watch. I can stomach a hard fighting bunch of losers but not this underachieving pack of fools.

If anyone doubts Brooks leadership let this game put those questions to rest. He is the undesputed leader of this team, they have responded with molding themselves in his erratic error prone image. They embodied his casual attitude and been able to be unmoved by there own awful play.

It was all there for them and they threw it away, they should be ashamed of the pathetic effort on the field today.

[Edited on 12/7/2003 by saint5221]

BillyC 12-07-2003 03:08 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
You would think that a Saints fan would be use to losing but it hurts just as bad as ever. At least now we can stop hoping. I can\'t fault the coaches. I can however fault Aaron Brooks. He alone bears the burden of this loss.

I\'ll continue to pull for the Saints each and every week, but my thoughts will be on what this team needs to do to improve. There\'s many question marks:

saintz08 12-07-2003 03:08 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
Looks just like another December in New Orleans , in the Haslett era .

BrooksMustGo 12-07-2003 03:10 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
Let\'s all have a moment of silence....

Billy has now crossed over to the dark side.

-RVD- 12-07-2003 03:13 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
I want Brooks gone...

We should do whatever possible to move up in the draft and get Eli Manning.

JKool 12-07-2003 03:13 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
There are still more games this December.

How many of you really think that what happened in past Decembers really has something to do with what will happen this December? How could those be connected? Please explain that to me.

Furthermore, I\'m with BillyC on this one. It is time to start pulling for a respectable ending to this season, we can still finish with a winning record. We\'re not going to get Eli people! Not only that, this team CAN win; I\'m in favor of finishing strong and letting the chips fall as they may!!

frankeefrank 12-07-2003 03:17 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
Eli Manning Sucks...
Let\'s not make the same mistakes over and over again

blake6900 12-07-2003 03:20 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
I\'m in favor of finishing strong and letting the chips fall as they may!!--JKool

Well, duh! I\'m still trying to figure out what BillyC is talking about. BTW, now I know why Saintfan took a powder...

WhoDat 12-07-2003 03:21 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
I am not for finishing strong - not b/c I don\'t like the Saints, b/c I want things to change. Another December swoon and Haslett is gone. I truly believe that has to happen for this team to play up to potential. I can\'t bring myself to root against this team ever, but I can\'t say that I\'ll really be pulling for them. Just watching and seeing. Haslett needs to go. The Saints need to look for other options at QB, but even with a new coach I doubt that will happen in time for the \'04 season. We\'re stuck with this moron. Thank Jim Haslett for that. Jim will do something a lot of coaches can\'t. He\'ll be able to continue to screw us even after he\'s gone. Thanks Jim.

JKool 12-07-2003 03:22 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
Blake, good on you to make me clarify that.

Here is what I meant, and maybe it is just trivial; it seems that some people think that we should just give up and try to get a higher draft pick. I am against that. That is all I meant.

JKool 12-07-2003 03:25 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
Billy, please play nice with the other kids. I think that Blake\'s post was a question for me, and not really directed at you. I hope I am right about that.

I do think that the discussion regarding what we should do next game (and for the next few games) is interesting. I thought I was agreeing with BillyC when I said we should finish strong, but I don\'t want to put words in his mouth again (it is honestly just that I thought he implied that).

BillyC 12-07-2003 03:28 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
JKool --

It isn\'t hard to understand what I was talking about. I said I will be pulling for the Saints to win the rest of their games and will be thinking about what the team needs to do to imrove. Blake has a history of making some foolish comments about my posts and quite frankly I\'m tired of it.

subguy 12-07-2003 03:28 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
Billy, I am really proud of you. The first step to curing a problem is admitting you have one in the first place. New Orleans presents Real Men of Genious.....We salute you Mr. Aaron Brooks turnover guy Lover. For supporting your man through the year of trips to the Superdome on his own special short bus, similar to the one the special kids took to the zoo, for having the patience while the staff tries to teach him the difference between a 5 step drop and 15 yard drop, and yes finally to support your hero as he learns, yes, the object is to let go of the football, but only in the direction of players wearing the same color jersey, and no the ground is not an option. Hats off to you because the rest of us saw it weeks ago. That\'s why we salute you Mr. Aaron Brooks turnover guy lover.

BillyC 12-07-2003 03:31 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
subguy -- You really don\'t want to trash talk with me today. I think last time you left the board for 6-months. That is all.

saint5221 12-07-2003 03:32 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
I think the focus of this team needs to change. Lets see what we have in some players who have not been getting playing time. Lets find out who can play with passion and determination now. Try and find some options at several positions and develop a better wining attitude. Encourage players who play with more emotion and intensity. Set some examples and find some new answers.

[Edited on 12/7/2003 by saint5221]

WhoDat 12-07-2003 03:32 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
Great post subguy. Hilarious.

saintz08 12-07-2003 03:33 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team

How many of you really think that what happened in past Decembers really has something to do with what will happen this December? How could those be connected? Please explain that to me.
December is crunch time in the Nfl .

December is when pretenders are eliminated and the cream rises to the top .Coaches have to dot their I\'s and cross their T\'s in preparation for their next opponent . Players must be motivated and mistakes eliminated .December is about coaching .

BillyC 12-07-2003 03:37 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team

December is crunch time in the Nfl .

December is when pretenders are eliminated and the cream rises to the top .Coaches have to dot their I\'s and cross their T\'s in preparation for their next opponent . Players must be motivated and mistakes eliminated .December is about coaching .
The loss today had nothing to do with with the last game, the last season, or anything else. Coaching did not lose the game for us today. That honor belongs to Aaron Brooks. The game plan was fine. The coaching was fine.

If you want to evalutate Haslett and look at the big picture, then I think his time is up. But, not because I think one December has anything to do with another December.

UK_WhoDat 12-07-2003 03:42 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
subguy - brilliant :D

I am gonna keep it for when I am in a better mood :casstet:
But credit where due subguy

iceshack149 12-07-2003 03:53 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
I had to change my avatar today. Brooks broke my heart again.
An athletic quarterback with all the physical tools is really appealing but the truth is, Aaron Brooks is an imbicile. Stupid quarterbacks can\'t win in the NFL. Some, like Kerry Collins, get lucky and make it to the Superbowl but it\'s not very common.
Hopefully the Saints pick up a good, intelligent qb in the offseason.

ScottyRo 12-07-2003 04:26 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
I can\'t say that this is the most disgusted I ever been by the Saints. Last year, was worse by far for me. All the Saints had to do is win one of their last three against some pretty bad teams and they would be in the playoffs and they lose all 3 - that was much more disgusting.

The way this season has gone this loss wasn\'t so unexpected. Obviously, they are good enough to win, but they are much too sloppy and carefree to win consistently. They display very little emotion and the QB refuses to prioritze ball protection. With this type of play, making the playoffs would be a waste of time.

This, still, is better than the Ditka years. At least we have a team that can win. Of course, I want more, but it is not the low point in the franchise\'s history. But then again, there are 3 games left. Maybe they can get there.

whowatches 12-07-2003 04:45 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
subguy, your post would probably be hilarious if I was not in such a bad mood.

I\'m tired of deciding whether this year is more disappointing than the last one. Honestly, how many times have we asked ourself that question?

I did not get to see the game, but listening to it and watching the highlights leads me to believe it was not the defense\'s fault today. They kept us in the game. Kudos to Bellamy and Ruff.

I agree with Billy. We should not cut Brooks (that is hard to say right now). I do think that he should have a legitimate challenger next year. He obviously needs someone on his heels in order to motivate him to play.

I don\'t know about Haslett. I definitely don\'t like him right now. My biggest question is where would we be without those early injuries. I dunno... we had our own destiny in our hands today and, well, we blew it.

Billy, do you really think the coaching was not to blame today? This is a real question, not sarcasm. I only heard pieces of the game because of a bad connection. Please elaborate.

BillyC 12-07-2003 04:50 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team

Billy, do you really think the coaching was not to blame today? This is a real question, not sarcasm. I only heard pieces of the game because of a bad connection. Please elaborate
The coaches did nothing wrong today. The defene and special teams had a very good game. The offensive game plan was fine. We totally dominated this game >EXCEPT< in 2 very important catorgories.

1. Turnovers
2. Points.

This loss is on the turnovers. Although, the Bucs defense deserves some credit. The Bucs defense was able to pressure the QB very effectively today. They also shut Deuce down. The coaches getting the blame for today??? Nah........ I don\'t see it.

saint5221 12-07-2003 04:51 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team

Obviously, they are good enough to win, but they are much too sloppy and carefree to win consistently. They display very little emotion and the QB refuses to prioritze ball protection.
Thats part of why this is the most annoying Saints team for me. This team is doing less with more. Last year Deuce and Aaron were both injured. This year they are both healthy and the team had last year to learn from. All we were told by the Saints this year was how better the focus was and how they learned from last year. Looks like the only thing they learned was how to keep doing it.

Sorry,Not trying to get into a pointless pissing contest with you Scotty about the worst team, just so damn sick about this season right now. I know it\'s been this way all season long and the game today was a fitting accompaniment to the rest of the year to date. But it\'s finally over now, no dreams of resurrections or tomorrows and all the back dated accountability is now due.

[Edited on 12/7/2003 by saint5221]

saintz08 12-07-2003 05:04 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
[quote:26def14d15] The loss today had nothing to do with with the last game, the last season, or anything else. Coaching did not lose the game for us today. [quote:26def14d15]

Is Brooks still suffering from the knee sprain he had scoped 2 weeks ago ??

If so then when Tampa pins their ears back and comes after Brooks and Haslett see\'s this he could have optioned to put Bouman in , in the 4th to add quarterback mobility to the option of the offense .

In the red zone , a healthier Brooks may have opted to run it in and not try to force a pass . It looked for a moment that Brooks had a lane to go but opted to pass .

[Edited on 7/12/2003 by saintz08]

Stork 12-07-2003 05:07 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
How\'s it going everyone?
I didn\'t get to see the game so there\'s not too much I can say about it. They don\'t show the Saints very often in Korea. I tried to keep up with it play-by-play on What I can say is everytime it seemed there was an opportunity, Brooks was dropping it on the turf. Can anyone give me the real un-biased scoop on the game?

BillyC 12-07-2003 05:26 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team

How\'s it going everyone?
I didn\'t get to see the game so there\'s not too much I can say about it. They don\'t show the Saints very often in Korea. I tried to keep up with it play-by-play on What I can say is everytime it seemed there was an opportunity, Brooks was dropping it on the turf. Can anyone give me the real un-biased scoop on the game?
Korea huh. Military? Man, good luck over there. Here\'s the scoop:

1. Brooks cost us the game with fumbles. The Bucs did get a decent amount of pressure on him most of the day though.

2. Our defense played outstanding. I think the Bucs scored all of their points (14) off of turnovers.

3. Special Teams. Michael Lewis had a good game and overall our special teams were solid.

Not too much else to write about.

JKool 12-07-2003 05:26 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
I don\'t think I can provide an un-biased scoop. I\'m pretty sure you\'re looking in the wrong place if you want that.

JKool 12-07-2003 05:38 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
Ok. That was pretty unbiased (by BillyC); I will consider eating my words... though I stand by the sentiment.

imthechasman 12-07-2003 07:13 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
how can you guys say our special teams was solid? It sucked, how did tampa get their go ahead TD? yes, our crappy special teams. Lost the game at Carolina in large part because HE HATE ME ran back a KO for a TD, gave up a TD last week on a KO return. Between punting, kicking off, and a QB that thinks pigskin is radioactive or something, the Saints have many holes. The D actually looks reasonable out there most of the time. Yes, they cant stop the run, and Tebucky was a giant waste of money, but theyre coming together reasonably well. If Brooks doesnt fumble 3 times and they can actually get a punt off with 28 seconds to go before the half, they win, But, the ifs and buts are there every week. When it comes down to it, the Saints are a talented team with a stupid QB and devoid of fundamentals. That is a combination of a \"leader\" with a lackluster intelligence level and a lack of good coaching. There was NO F\'N WAY that Tampa was going to go 80 yards for a TD today, so what do the saints do? they give them 2 td\'s...truly pathetic.

WhoDat 12-07-2003 08:53 PM

I have never been so disgusted with a Saints team
So Billy, you\'re saying Aaron Brooks and turnovers cost us games? Who ever would have thought that? LMAO. Who said you could take your goggles off?

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