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Srgt. Hulka 05-03-2011 05:12 PM

For all you NW La and NE Texas fans...
I don't know if you've checked yet, but there are five Saints games that conflict with the Cowturd games this season: Oct. 2, Oct. 16, Nov. 6, Nov. 13 and Jan 1. KMSS Fox 33 in Shreveport will probably be pulling it's shenanigans again this year. For all you guys (and gals) not up here on the front lines, we will again be calling on you for help. Just an early heads up.



foreverfan 05-03-2011 06:06 PM


WhoDat!656 05-03-2011 08:00 PM

I am going to stuff the ballot box like the Cowhore fans did last year

darstep 05-04-2011 11:06 AM

The return of Romeo may have the cowpokes lick'in their chops and salivating about a return to their old glory days. We need to just make sure KMSS hears our voice. We don't even get a chance to spank that a$$ unless they lucky into post season

skymike 05-05-2011 08:31 AM

oh man, thanks Hulka for bringing back memories.

First thing, when the schedule used to come out, (in the newspaper)
I would get it out, and look for what weeks we clashed with the cowboy game. Then I'd see which ones were at 3. -- for us the only 3pm games were the Rams and 49ers games in California. No one past Lafayette would ever have seen us if it werent for Pacific Time.

The rest of the games, we were the noon start, buried In that long list of games Brent Musberger would preview on The NFL Today. "Most of you will see Dallas and Phildelphia." Wow, I really dont hate anymore, but when I remember that, I can feel the old anger. Why was The NFL Today so in love with the Cowboys? There were other teams.

I even decided sometimes which games to attend, based on which ones I couldnt see on tv, so I might skip a game vs. a cool team like the Redskins to go see us play the Cardinals. Besides I wanted to see a win.

I remember it actually looking weird sometimes to see the Saints on tv. Most games, I just struggled with WWL coming in and out on the State Line, near Many, La.

I can piece together what's going on pretty well, but it just seemed like the bigger the play, the more my neighbors must have been microwaving jiffy pop. I remember pacing in my living room, kicking a foam ball for "field goals" into my furniture, and hanging on every fragment of what I could hear of Jim Henderson:

"Fourth Down, Hebert .... CRRRRR !CRRRRRR!.... DONK dee dee DONK dee dee DONK dee dee -- arrriba! .... CRRRRRRR! CRRRRR! ...and hallelujah amen brother send your donations... CRRRR! CRRRRR!.... and Herbert Harris drops the ball in the Dolphins endzone, and the Saints will not have a winning season."

--or how bout "Bartkowski puts up a Hail Mary... CRRRRR! "

So, yeah, it was always such a slap to see the Cowboys on channel 12, (KSLA?) back then. How could they do that? Liz Swaine, I thought you loved me. (old hotness anchor-- for those of you who remember) Channel 5/Alexandria was pretty good about showing us, when we had an AFC opponent

-- oh yeah.. that was the other thing --- sit with the schedule figuring out which games were on NBC or CBS, and then you had to see who the home team was if it was an AFC game. I mean, it was a whole lot of X over Y, carry the 2-- just to figure out if I could see the Saints.

I actually made peace with my ex-mother-in-law after they got a satellite dish. Thats how desperate I was. (j/k, I love her.) This is before Dish was offered publicly. It was basically just you hacking the signals, so you had to SEARCH. Even then, there were 16 feeds of Dallas/St. Louis and 1 Saints/Falcons, and it was always in the far reaches of the solar system. So sometimes that didnt work. Not that I ever stopped trying to get the Saints.

(Someone actually asked me, recently, where I was for the "bad times," and to that person, I'd like to extend a healthy F*** Y**.)

Hard to believe I can just turn on a computer now and actually find out what happened at training camp, or listen to a clear broadcast of WWL, or get pictures, or video. I cant believe I can drive 5 minutes and a bar has the Saints on 6 different screens, with not a Cowboy game in sight. I cant believe how much we're broadcast nationally. Back then, I thought I was the only Saints fan in Louisiana. Now you cant drive 10 minutes in Houston without seeing a Fleur de Lis. I went to a NHRA racing event sunday in Baytown, and Saints stuff outnumbered Texans stuff 200-1.
Most of all, I never thought I'd ever have season tickets. Oh, and I also cant believe we're winning. I never thought I'd see that.

Do you remember how sweet it was that night in '88, when Morten kicked the 50 yarder with 2 seconds left to beat Dallas on MNF?

Keep fighting the good fight, NWLA. I will advise to keep your emails tasteful, that we might leave a good taste. But you guys up there have a special place in my heart. GEAUX

Ashley 05-05-2011 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 297903)
I don't know if you've checked yet, but there are five Saints games that conflict with the Cowturd games this season: Oct. 2, Oct. 16, Nov. 6, Nov. 13 and Jan 1. KMSS Fox 33 in Shreveport will probably be pulling it's shenanigans again this year. For all you guys (and gals) not up here on the front lines, we will again be calling on you for help. Just an early heads up.



Don't worry I got ya back

Srgt. Hulka 05-05-2011 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 297952)
I am going to stuff the ballot box like the Cowhore fans did last year


Originally Posted by darstep (Post 298045)
The return of Romeo may have the cowpokes lick'in their chops and salivating about a return to their old glory days. We need to just make sure KMSS hears our voice. We don't even get a chance to spank that a$$ unless they lucky into post season


Originally Posted by Ashley (Post 298224)
Don't worry I got ya back

Thanks Guys, we need all the help we can get. We are making progress though, slowly but surely. Once upon a time, like Skymike reminded us, we had no choice. You watched Cowboys or you watched AFC, usually Houston. We at least get to vote on it now. It still sucks, but it doesnt suck as bad. The Saints actually won all the votes last year, so yes, we are making progress. Thanks again and those of us up here on the Front Lines will keep you up to date.


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 298193)
Keep fighting the good fight, NWLA. I will advise to keep your emails tasteful, that we might leave a good taste. But you guys up there have a special place in my heart. GEAUX

Thanks for the stories Mike. I remember them well. We will keep fighting up here, and yes, we will keep it tasteful. We are by the way...Saints Fans!!!


21Hilliard 05-05-2011 04:29 PM

Srgt. Hulka, I feel your pain. I live in the shadow of DFW airport. No satellite, no NFL package. I only get the prime time games, or the ones where N.O. is a game of the week, and the Cryboys aren't playing at the same time. I spend most gamedays huddled around's live play-by-play. I'm with you in spirit, and keep casting those votes!

Rugby Saint II 05-08-2011 03:26 PM

I've got to say vote often. I will.

Rusty 05-08-2011 07:03 PM

I get sunday ticket every year and go to most of the games need another fox Channel like Monroe does because one show Cow####### the other shows SAINTS it would be nice to watch the games on a local fox than getting the ticket every year

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