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BrooksMustGo 12-17-2003 09:44 PM

I usually rate Mort with Peter King...
He has some pretty solid ideas about who needs to be taking the next big step as NFL head coach. Its on Mort's page at espn if anyone doesn't trust me.

Here are a few that I like to replace Haslett at the end of this season complete with Mort's take: (in no particular order of preference, I'm just against the Denny Green/Jimmy Johnson/Jim Fassel/Nick Saban hype machine)


Charlie Weis, New England Patriots -- Weis has the unique ability to adapt his offense to whatever the game dictates. If it's a defensive struggle, he plays it accordingly. If it's a shootout, he can have fun, too. But what I really like about him is that his entire NFL service has been under Bill Parcells and Bill Belichick. He's a smart guy, so I know he's grown every year.

Brad Childress, Philadelphia Eagles -- Andy Reid's right-hand man on offense, more than one GM said they think the time might be right for Childress to get his chance. He has some of the same skin-tough qualities as Reid and he understands players. His success with backups Koy Detmer and A.J. Feeley during QB Donovan McNabb's injury last year doesn't hurt him.

Lovie Smith, St. Louis Rams -- There's a tremendous aura about this guy that smacks of leadership. There's no way he wouldn't command the respect of players. He's meticulous in detail and preparation, an inheritance from his days under Tony Dungy and Monte Kiffin with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He and Weis may be the No. 1 candidates among all coordinators.

Romeo Crennel, New England Patriots -- He played for Parcells. He coached under Parcells. He coaches under Belichick. He's won most of his life as a player and assistant coach. He's got to be on interview lists.
I think we would be hopeless mental defectives to give any consideration to any college coach.

saintz08 12-18-2003 01:11 AM

I usually rate Mort with Peter King...
If I do not get Al Saunders on this list I will go Romeo .

Romeo O Romeo , Where for art the Play offs ???

Deny thine Head Coach and lead thine Saints to the promised land .

BlackandBlue 12-18-2003 07:09 AM

I usually rate Mort with Peter King...

I usually rate Mort with Peter King...
I feel sorry for Mort...

BillyC 12-18-2003 07:49 AM

I usually rate Mort with Peter King...
I\'ve always wondered why an assistant coach or a college coach would be consisderd a better candidate for a head coaching position than someone like Dan Reeves or Jim Fassel. Both Dan Reeves and Jim Fassel have proven without a shadow of a doubt that they can get a team to the Super Bowl. In the case of Dan Reeves, he has taken one team to multiple Super Bowls and and taken another perrienial loser to the big dance.

I don\'t know what kind of criteria any fan would use to hire a head coach, but if I were going to have open-heart surgery, I would want someone that had actually performed the sugery before. I\'ll let someone else let the new doctor practice on them.

Dan Reeves and Jim Fassel have a losing season and get fired? So what!! Does the owner expect to NOT have some losing seasons? It\'s all about \"what have you done for me lately.\" Fans are so impatient and I really believe that it impacts the owners decision to make a coaching change.

Contrary to popular belief, injuries, free agency, and other things play a BIG part in LOSING. Fans see SOME team that is able to win despite injuries and free agency and they believe EVERY team should do the same. In a perfect world, there would be no losers in the NFL. Every team would make the playoffs, but the TRUTH is that there will be more losers than WINNERS every year, and someones got to take the blame? Right?

BrooksMustGo 12-18-2003 09:27 AM

I usually rate Mort with Peter King...
Actually, I thinik hiring college coaches is a dumb idea ala Spurrier or Butch Davis.

I think finding old head coaches is a coin flip. Seriously, you could end up getting Parcells at Dallas or Ditka at New Orleans. The experience is valuable, but I\'m not always sure that the passion for winning is still as important as it was. To borrow your open heart surgery metaphor. I\'d rather have a doctor paying attention to all the details on his first turn as the chief surgeon than a guy who had done thousands and was thinking about what he was going to buy for his lakehouse off of my surgery.

My entire rationale for getting an assistant is simple: they\'re hungrier. Assistants have everything to prove and will give their very best effort and they have to win.

I\'d also prefer one of the African-American assistants, partly because of the the spotlight and partly because they have even more to prove. Guys who get perrenially passed over for head coaching jobs face a very simple reality, they cannot afford to fail. Marvin Lewis was as responsible as anyone for the Ravens winning the superbowl but kept getting passed over until the Bengals gave him a shot. He could not fail (sure it was possible) because there are no guarantees that he\'d get another shot somewhere else.

Even Peter King (blind squirrel if I\'ve ever read one) found a nut the other day. Anyone who could coax Jimmy Johnson out of retirement probably wouldn\'t get a guy with the same fire and discipline that Jerry Jones hired to replace Landry. Jimmy Johnson would rather manage his stocks and hang out on his boat than spend 14 hour days working on a football team.

That\'s basically why I don\'t like retreads. Everyone was elated when Mike Ditka came to town, but that amounted to nothing. I see every former head coach out there as the next Mike Ditka. I think we\'ll get a better and more consistant effort from an assistant. But the tough part is to avoid guys like Haslett who get promoted and give a lot of effort, but have a .500 kind of record.

So my only other criteria for picking a guy is to come entirely from outside the organization. That means finding a guy who has never been a position coach, coordinator, or equipment manager for the Saints. Bring in someone used to winning and someone who\'s not been part of our culture of mediocrity.

BillyC 12-18-2003 09:48 AM

I usually rate Mort with Peter King...
BrooksMustGo -- That was a good well thoughout post and one that I agree with.


To borrow your open heart surgery metaphor. I\'d rather have a doctor paying attention to all the details on his first turn as the chief surgeon than a guy who had done thousands and was thinking about what he was going to buy for his lakehouse off of my surgery.
I can see the logic in that, but only if they have a good experienced physican standing at the opeerating table to assist. Or, to apply to coaching, having good experienced assistant coaches.


I\'d also prefer one of the African-American assistants, partly because of the the spotlight and partly because they have even more to prove. Guys who get perrenially passed over for head coaching jobs face a very simple reality, they cannot afford to fail

I also see the logic in that. Although, I wouldn\'t let race be an issue.

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