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skymike 07-21-2011 09:35 AM

If You Had a Billion Jillion $$$, Where Would You Sit?
Just as the title says. You can afford to sit anywhere in the Superdome
for Saints games. While we're at it, dream a little about your weekend in New Orleans.

I'll start.

Im staying in the Terrace. Are you kidding? These people are nuts. My kind of people. We're the "bleacher bums" of the Dome. We're the
"Dog Pound" of the Dome. You just dont see us on tv.

I'd probably move down to the 500 section, so at least I'd have some buttroom. right next to the rail. I'd stay on our Girod St. side, where Hartley's FG went through.

If I had a billion jillion dollars, I would actually take 3 or 4 days off work.
I'd get a houseboat and float to New Orleans.

papz 07-21-2011 09:58 AM

Umm... holding the clipboard on the sideline.

SAINT_MICHAEL 07-21-2011 10:14 AM

In my owner's box as I would purchase the team.

Srgt. Hulka 07-21-2011 10:47 AM

"If You Had a Billion Jillion $$$, Where Would You Sit?"

Any where I want! LOL

Crusader 07-21-2011 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by SAINT_MICHAEL (Post 309995)
In my owner's box as I would purchase the team.

Since I have a billion jillion, I'm not selling!

dizzle88 07-21-2011 12:24 PM

On the f***cking fleur de lis, to quote our head coach, right in the centre of the action :P

SAINT_MICHAEL 07-21-2011 12:37 PM

Of course, if I had a billion, jillion, it would be fun to purchase the Falclowns then:

a) run them miserably into the ground (just for dano, I would trade my whole draft class for a punter in the first round!)

b) once the fanbase completely dries up (it wouldn't take more than a season or two with their fans), I would move the team to Gnome, Alaska.

SaintsBro 07-21-2011 12:39 PM

I'd do exactly what the dude who has the seats next to me does. I'd have a block of seats in the rowdy terrace, way up with the rabble pounding on the metal walls, and then also a block of some posher seats lower down, and I'd sort of swap them around for different games of the season, depending on my mood or the opponent, and then each week I'd give the other ones I'm not using away to friends.

If I truly had a billion jillion dollars, I would probably spend at least a couple of jillion per season on overpriced food items at the game, instead of eating beforehand, since I can't afford it, and a LOT more on beers. In fact, I'd have my own personal beer guy in the flourescent vest -- each week I'd arrange to buy him an aisle seat on my row, another seat for his bucket, and I'd say, "sit here, pal, watch the game, pop me one whenever I'm ready and pass it down, and LET ME KEEP THE CAP!"

saintfan 07-21-2011 01:42 PM

I'd sit in the owner's box of course, because I'd be the owner, and I'd pour beer on people's heads when they weren't looking and then LMAO.

Luda34 07-21-2011 01:54 PM

I would sit where ever the party is, and the fine woman.

SapperSaint 07-21-2011 02:43 PM

I would buy Benson's owners box and let a section of the cheap seaters, sit in it for the game...with full on -free cajun buffett. All you can eat Gar included, just for Mike.

Then I would sit in the empty cheap seats and eat and then pass out from drinking.

Speedy Ron 07-21-2011 02:51 PM

50 yard line on the first row of the terrace. i sat there once and it is by far the best seat in the dome. suites are nice too. i got to go in the dome a week ago and look at the new suites. they are bad @$$

jnormand 07-21-2011 04:41 PM

I'd sit at home. I'd fire my wife and become a massive alcoholic with very poor eating habits. My wife would get most of the money in the divorce and ya'll would have to send someone over to wake my passed out ass up before the game. Just callin it like I see it.:-)

Rugby Saint II 07-21-2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by strato (Post 310065)
With the cheerleaders of course.....

First I thought it would be the owners box, but that was taken and then I thought about the cheerleaders. Now that's taken so...........I'd sit with the B&G folks.

foreverfan 07-21-2011 05:09 PM

If You Had a Billion Jillion $$$, Where Would You Sit?

I'd make every game free to all B&G Members with over 1000 posts who would be in my 10,000 sqft specially catered (by Hugh Hefner and Charlie Sheen) suite which would make winning special and losses even better!

Of course you would have to leave the wife at home. :bng:

foreverfan 07-21-2011 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 309990)
Just as the title says. You can afford to sit anywhere in the Superdome
for Saints games. While we're at it, dream a little about your weekend in New Orleans.

I'll start.

Im staying in the Terrace. Are you kidding? These people are nuts. My kind of people. We're the "bleacher bums" of the Dome. We're the
"Dog Pound" of the Dome. You just dont see us on tv.

I'd probably move down to the 500 section, so at least I'd have some buttroom. right next to the rail. I'd stay on our Girod St. side, where Hartley's FG went through.

If I had a billion jillion dollars, I would actually take 3 or 4 days of work.
I'd get a houseboat and float to New Orleans.

Screw work. :doh: I'd quit. :cool:

Actually the best seats are at the 50 yardline in section 546 in row 5 since the rail doesn't interfere with the field. This section offers wide butt seats and is closer to the field and higher up than the Lodge. The thing I hate about he Plaza/floor is that if one person stands up, everybody does. I've spent too many games wanting to kick everybodies butt in the section in front of me. :mad:

skymike 07-21-2011 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 310028)
I'd do exactly what the dude who has the seats next to me does. I'd have a block of seats in the rowdy terrace, way up with the rabble pounding on the metal walls, and then also a block of some posher seats lower down, ... love this!...
If I truly had a billion jillion dollars, I would probably spend at least a couple of jillion per season on overpriced food items at the game, instead of eating beforehand, - you do this too? And there still arent enough cheap places open near the Dome. since I can't afford it, and a LOT more on beers. ... and LET ME KEEP THE CAP!" -- why do they need the cap?


Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 310058)
I would buy Benson's owners box and let a section of the cheap seaters, sit in it for the game...with full on -free cajun buffett. All you can eat Gar included, just for Mike.hahahaha--- you remember that thread, huh? I'll eat it!
You know? I have said before that if I were rich, I would get a luxury suite, just to help ensure the Saints stick around. But I'd let a bunch of poor kids sit in there--- and I'd stay right in my Terrace seats with the Crazy Cajuns.
Then I would sit in the empty cheap seats and eat and then pass out from drinking. -- I damn sure wouldnt be driving all the way back to Houston after all the games anymore.


Originally Posted by strato (Post 310065)
With the cheerleaders of course.....

"oh, Hi there, I'm Suzanne. ... really? a musician? ohhh..." - then we'd get all these Strato Love Children. (Like I'm one to talk...)

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 310081)
I'd sit at home. I'd fire my wife and become a massive alcoholic with very poor eating habits. My wife would get most of the money in the divorce and ya'll would have to send someone over to wake my passed out ass up before the game. Just callin it like I see it.:-)-- aim high Normy, aim high... hahaha...


Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 310082)
..........I'd sit with the B&G folks.-- we'd have our own section for sure. And a tailgate spot outside.


Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 310085)
Of course you would have to leave the wife at home. :bng:

-- If I had a billion jillion $$, I'd keep the same wife, since she loved me back when I was poor.

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 310086)
The thing I hate about he Plaza/floor is that if one person stands up, everybody does. I've spent too many games wanting to kick everybodies butt in the section in front of me. :mad:

--exactly why I never sit on the ground level anywhere. As you know, I need the angle.

Saintswrath 07-22-2011 06:18 PM

I would be sitting in the Owners box.. because i'd own the Saints.

The Dude 07-22-2011 06:54 PM

If I had a million jillion dollars I would be too busy traveling, eating at restaurants, and seeing the world to worry about going to football games. I would just have the local movie theatre in the place I was visiting broadcast the game on the screen come game day. If you think I would waste my time hanging around this ****hole you are dead wrong.

Saint_LB 07-23-2011 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 310310)
If I had a million jillion dollars I would be too busy traveling, eating at restaurants, and seeing the world to worry about going to football games. I would just have the local movie theatre in the place I was visiting broadcast the game on the screen come game day. If you think I would waste my time hanging around this ****hole you are dead wrong.

Why not just have it in your jet. With that kind of money you could have one of those jumbo super cruisers that they use on those int'l. flights...only strip all the seats out of it and insert your own furniture. Part of that furniture, of course, would be the largest screen TV you could fit in there with DTV from a dish on top of the plane that automatically tracks the DTV satellite.

I'm with you, though. I've been to the Superdome enough...however if I were in town I'd have the largest luxury suite available...or better yet buy someone know...make 'em a deal they can't refuse...and that's where I'd sit when I was in town. Of course...I'd be in town if we were playing a home playoff game.

saintsfan1976 07-23-2011 07:56 AM

I'd build the perfect levee system.

Mardigras9 07-23-2011 08:33 AM

I would build a new stadium outside of town, eliminate the season ticket waiting list, end the parking nightmare, and put a screen twice the size of Jerry's in it.

mikesaintfan 07-23-2011 08:37 AM

If You Had a Billion Jillion $$$, Where Would You Sit?

on my arse

jeanpierre 07-23-2011 06:01 PM

I'd have a box with a jacuzzi up front, askew to the right (with harem)...

In between the quarters, the front of my suite would detach/float around like in the new Star Wars trilogy - and I pull up and invite gals to come back to the suite - sweet huh?

Back at the base suite I'd have the wireless thing going so I could check out the Black & Gold FFL scoring...

Meanwhile, I'd have food and drink from Voodoo BBQ, Zea's Rotisserie, & Pat O'Brien's...

In the middle of all of this I'd have my own personal ball washer - Thanks to Mr. L Black for the suggestion...

It's a billion, jillion dollars - got be creative...

The Dude 07-23-2011 06:49 PM

If I had a million jillion dollars I would be too busy
all the Saints players to worry about watching the game. They would be to worn out to play anyway.

saintsfan1976 07-23-2011 08:23 PM




skymike 07-24-2011 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 310310)
If I had a million jillion dollars I would be too busy traveling, eating at restaurants, and seeing the world to worry about going to football games. I would just have the local movie theatre in the place I was visiting broadcast the game on the screen come game day. If you think I would waste my time hanging around this ****hole you are dead wrong.

are you calling new orleans a ****hole?


ALLSAINTS66 07-24-2011 01:09 PM

With Rita.

The Dude 07-24-2011 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 310587)
are you calling new orleans a ****hole?


I love it, and was born and raised herebut you have to admit, if one had the money to spend to see the world NOLA would look like a ****hole comparativly speaking. It has more of an upside than a downside, but face it the city leaves alot to be desired. Until the crime rate, political corruption, and unemployment rate changes I will continue to think so. I am waiting on a liquor license that has not been signed off on because the DA who must sign has a son who is a competitor and every day he drags ass on signing benifits him. Try to own a business here after owning one somewhere else and tell me that there is not a major problem. Just because one believes the state of the city is in shambles making it a ****hole does not mean they are anti Saints or anti NOLA.

foreverfan 07-24-2011 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 310643)
I love it, and was born and raised herebut you have to admit, if one had the money to spend to see the world NOLA would look like a ****hole comparativly speaking. It has more of an upside than a downside, but face it the city leaves alot to be desired. Until the crime rate, political corruption, and unemployment rate changes I will continue to think so. I am waiting on a liquor license that has not been signed off on because the DA who must sign has a son who is a competitor and every day he drags ass on signing benifits him. Try to own a business here after owning one somewhere else and tell me that there is not a major problem. Just because one believes the state of the city is in shambles making it a ****hole does not mean they are anti Saints or anti NOLA.

Yep... we live in the armpit of the country since it's hot, humid and stinks. ;)

The Dude 07-24-2011 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 310657)
Yep... we live in the armpit of the country since it's hot, humid and stinks. ;)

But its OUR stinking armpit!! And for everything bad there are 1000 goods.

skymike 07-25-2011 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 310643)
I love it, and was born and raised herebut you have to admit, if one had the money to spend to see the world NOLA would look like a ****hole comparativly speaking. It has more of an upside than a downside, but face it the city leaves alot to be desired. Until the crime rate, political corruption, and unemployment rate changes I will continue to think so. I am waiting on a liquor license that has not been signed off on because the DA who must sign has a son who is a competitor and every day he drags ass on signing benifits him. Try to own a business here after owning one somewhere else and tell me that there is not a major problem. Just because one believes the state of the city is in shambles making it a ****hole does not mean they are anti Saints or anti NOLA.

You do realize the rest of the world COMES TO New Orleans to visit, right? (and the hotels aint cheap.) I think if it was a true sh**hole, they would stay home. I see beauty and culture and life in N.O, and I think NOLA is worth preserving. (I'm not saying you dont, I'm just emphasizing a view.)

All cities are sh**holes in places, and have government crap to deal with. You should see the Rubber Tool that runs Houston, and the pile of regulation my neighbors have to deal with to do business here. Not to mention traffic, noise, crime, chickensh** red light fu****g cameras, and police that do nothing but sit on the side of the road all day writing tickets & ruining people's day.

Its 400 degrees here, and it smells like garbage. Sound familiar? At least you have those giant sprayer trucks that wash the street. Just wait till the population of Mexico reaches you.

Now what Houston does have is a rocking economy. If you cant find a job in Houston, you just dont want to work. Its cheap rent, and everything you'd ever possibly want to do. And anyone who says Houston "has no culture" is just as ignorant as the tool who says N.O. is "a bunch of looters." The theatre scene here is 2nd only to NYC. we got all that art crap here, and art people etc.

Its all what you make it.

Europe aint no better than us, and I know Chicago, NY, LA, MI, etc are just as bad.

What you might consider, is moving to the country. Im a few paychecks away from doing just that. But I'm still gonna hang out in New Orleans a lot.

skymike 07-25-2011 06:48 AM

... and Im still sitting in the Terrace.

foreverfan 07-25-2011 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 310822)
... and Im still sitting in the Terrace.

skymike 07-25-2011 08:17 AM

nooo... its not about being cheap... its the atmosphere... its like being in the DogPound.

foreverfan 07-25-2011 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 310853)
nooo... its not about being cheap... its the atmosphere... its like being in the DogPound.

And I though you were worried about how high your child support would go. ;)

4everSaint 07-25-2011 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by SAINT_MICHAEL (Post 310027)
Of course, if I had a billion, jillion, it would be fun to purchase the Falclowns then:

a) run them miserably into the ground (just for dano, I would trade my whole draft class for a punter in the first round!)

b) once the fanbase completely dries up (it wouldn't take more than a season or two with their fans), I would move the team to Gnome, Alaska.

Too funny!!! Good stuff right there.

darstep 07-25-2011 12:38 PM

I'd have Fox/Cox/ESPN strap me to the wire cam, right above the action. That way Reggie might hear me when I say "No, Reggie, No!".

ALLSAINTS66 07-25-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by darstep (Post 310905)
I'd have Fox/Cox/ESPN strap me to the wire cam, right above the action. That way Reggie might hear me when I say "No, Reggie, No!".

It won't help. Coach says that all the time to him, and it
makes no difference a'tall.

skymike 07-25-2011 04:36 PM

thats cuz he's trying to break The Big One.

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