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alleycat_126 07-31-2011 09:51 PM

Funny? What will you do with your Reggie Bush Jersey.
I don't actually have one, I own 2 BREES both colors, and a COLSTON. Will you burn it Lebron style since he's (geez I hate freakin sayin this but everyone sayin it) taken his talents to dade county.

|Mitch| 07-31-2011 10:05 PM

I thankfully didn't buy a Bush jersey, now my Shockey authentic...

SmashMouth 07-31-2011 10:10 PM

Good question... Guess I'll wear it... It's not like it would be embarrassing...

The Dude 07-31-2011 10:11 PM

I never liked the guy well enough to buy a Jersey.

darstep 07-31-2011 10:14 PM

I'm just elated that my Christmas Lance Moore #16 is still good to go.

QBREES9 07-31-2011 10:19 PM

Never bought a jersey. But I do have a Game used ball signed by Drew Brees and Reggie Bush. I'll keep that.

saintfan 07-31-2011 10:20 PM

My daughter, 5, and my son, 1 (inherited her first one) each have one. I will keep them forever. Reggie will always remind me of the time when the Saints became legitimate. He was and will forever be a BIG part of that.

Burn it? No way. Frame it would be more appropriate.

Srgt. Hulka 07-31-2011 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 313939)
I thankfully didn't buy a Bush jersey, now my Shockey authentic...

Same thing here Mitch. Don't have a Bush jersey, but I do have a Shocky Jersey. I'll think I'll occasionally wear it proudly. He was after all, like Bush, part of our championship team.

pumpkindriver 08-01-2011 12:00 AM

All I have is my Deuce jersey, I have lots of other Saint's stuff though, beer mugs, stickers on my car, bags & no not the over your head kind. T-Shirts,key chains etc, guess I need to get off my butt and get a new one this year. I"m leaning towards Moore if I can find it.

MrSt0nEd 08-01-2011 12:04 AM

p.s. the guy helped us get a ring. the guy left to Mia with class (check his tweet). the guy wants to be The Guy and get paid, ud step over your own mother just for that if you were in his shoes lol

singed by a proud owner of Reggie Bush Jersey...

p.s. I wonder what happened to yo'all Joe Horn jersey?! I wear mine every Tue.

boonedocksaint 08-01-2011 12:29 AM

im going to the saints/bears game on the 18th of september. my gf is a bears fan.

we bought the tix about two months ago from ticket city. we, since, have made a bet that the loser has to wear the other teams jersey all day sunday after the game.

i have two jersey's, presently. reggies jersey, and my priceless, authentic vilma jersey (which i wore for a week straight after the super bowl).

what will i do w/ my reggie bush jersey? well, ill start by making her parade that sh*t around bourbon st starting around 3:30cst sept 18! suck it, bears!

poydras 08-01-2011 08:05 AM

Why do anything with it? I still have my McAllister and Manning jerseys.

GOULA SAINT 08-01-2011 08:12 AM

I don't know about my Reggie jersey, my Shockey jersey is the bed cover for my pug "Deuce", he seems to like it. Gonna add an Ellis jersey this year.

ScottF 08-01-2011 09:37 AM

I am going to add either ROD the end of the name or GW to the front.

OldMaid 08-01-2011 09:49 AM

Regift. Yeah,give it to someone for a Christmas gift.
I mean that to be funny.

Real answer is just keep it. Wear it.

NOS2SB 08-01-2011 10:14 AM

After Ricky Williams I stopped buying player named jerseys. I now have a personalized jersey. I don't have to worry because I'll always be a Saints fan.

pumpkindriver 08-01-2011 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by MrSt0nEd (Post 313984)
p.s. the guy helped us get a ring. the guy left to Mia with class (check his tweet). the guy wants to be The Guy and get paid, ud step over your own mother just for that if you were in his shoes lol

singed by a proud owner of Reggie Bush Jersey...

p.s. I wonder what happened to yo'all Joe Horn jersey?! I wear mine every Tue.

Yeah, I loved Joe, he had just enough attitude to make it interesting w/o it becoming ochosinco (sp?) stupid.

Marlboro Man 08-01-2011 11:45 PM

Well, I have two Brees jerseys too, one of each color as well and last year bought a Lance Moore. Glad to see it'll still be good to go for another 5yrs.

Saint_LB 08-02-2011 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 313967)
Same thing here Mitch. Don't have a Bush jersey, but I do have a Shocky Jersey. I'll think I'll occasionally wear it proudly. He was after all, like Bush, part of our championship team.

Do we have a "dislike" button?

J/K...Hulk, but I have to admit I was never a fan of Shockey or the trade. I could have lived with the life-style without the injuries...or visa versa...but both was a bit much for me.

Maverick2299 08-02-2011 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by NOS2SB (Post 314100)
After Ricky Williams I stopped buying player named jerseys. I now have a personalized jersey. I don't have to worry because I'll always be a Saints fan.

After that I don't want you buying another player jersey anyway

Choupique 08-02-2011 10:42 AM

I've never purchased jerseys.

Watching players get shuffled like cards over the decades taught me better.

iceshack149 08-02-2011 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by MrSt0nEd
p.s. the guy helped us get a ring. the guy left to Mia with class (check his tweet). the guy wants to be The Guy and get paid, ud step over your own mother just for that if you were in his shoes lol

singed by a proud owner of Reggie Bush Jersey...

p.s. I wonder what happened to yo'all Joe Horn jersey?! I wear mine every Tue.


Originally Posted by pumpkindriver (Post 314393)
Yeah, I loved Joe, he had just enough attitude to make it interesting w/o it becoming ochosinco (sp?) stupid.

Joe was planning to join the Falcons while he was still with the Saints. He found Roddy White after a game and told him that he wanted to join the Falcons and mentor the kid.

I can appreciate Joe's efforts after Katrina. He did some good things. But as a fan of the Saints, I see Joe as a fink.:brood:

Regarding Reggie, I don't own his jersey. I have no problem with the way he was traded to Miami. He dealt with a lot of pressure in New Orleans, and while much of that pressure was his own fault, he apparently wanted out. He had a clean departure.

If his departure was as vile as Horn's, I may have found a way to obtain a jersey just to burn it.

exiled 08-03-2011 01:48 PM

I don't wear any NFL gear because it is all made in sweat shops - but if I could have found one that wasn't I would have worn it with pride. I wish him well in Miami

Maverick2299 08-03-2011 01:53 PM

I am pretty sure everything is made in sweat shops now? Everything comes from china for the most part. Even things that say manufactured in the U.S. are produced in china.

breesfan27 08-03-2011 02:00 PM

I don't have a Bush jersey, but my sister does. She plans to keep it.

As for me, if Jenkins ever leaves (Pray to God he DOESN'T) I can still wear my jersey, because it has MY NAME on the back. :)

neugey 08-03-2011 02:47 PM

I will keep my Bush ... my girlfriend likes it :p

SaintPauly 08-03-2011 03:05 PM

I am one of those jersey suckers, I have to admit it... I actually have a Kerry Collins Saints jersey..... I will keep my Bush jerseys, and my Shockey's because they were both big parts of that superbowl victory. Nothing but love for them both... Now, my Aaron Brooks jersey was shredded just out of principle...

skymike 08-03-2011 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 313946)
My daughter, 5, and my son, 1 (inherited her first one) each have one. I will keep them forever. Reggie will always remind me of the time when the Saints became legitimate. He was and will forever be a BIG part of that.

Burn it? No way. Frame it would be more appropriate.

I think he's part of the reason for the first ever Season Ticket Sell-Out. Helped keep the Saints in N.O. I'll always be grateful.

I'll put it up on my Wall O' Saints at home.

wstcstsaint 08-04-2011 02:20 PM

I have 2, one is an authentic in a frame on the wall in my man cave next to my Reggie Fat Head. My other is worn regularly, even during the off-season. It is a Saints Jersey, thats what I am proud about. $H1T I still wear my Rickey Williams jersey. I AM A PROUD WHO DAT!!!!!!

9thWardDesire 08-04-2011 02:27 PM


SapperSaint 08-04-2011 02:56 PM

We are talking about Reggie, not Brooks, Right?

Come on now. Reggie; (As much as I had a Hate Love Hate relationship for the guy) was what made the Saint "Legit". Bush came in and started doing things in New Olreans and made it to where players wanted to come here. Now I'm not wanting to call him the "Saving Grace" of the Saints. But he WAS a very BIG part of it.

I wish him the best and hope Miami can be the cure he's looking for.

ALLSAINTS66 08-04-2011 05:03 PM

Reggie made the Saints "legit". What a joke. He lost the playoff
game against the Bears for us with his stupid backflip into the
endzone. Pissed them off so much they killed us. And it just
went downhill from there. More USC hype. When will people
figure out how OVERRATED that school really is?

SapperSaint 08-05-2011 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by ALLSAINTS66 (Post 315615)
Reggie made the Saints "legit". What a joke. He lost the playoff
game against the Bears for us with his stupid backflip into the
endzone. Pissed them off so much they killed us. And it just
went downhill from there. More USC hype. When will people
figure out how OVERRATED that school really is?

Without coming across as a butthole....

Before Reggie was drafted all that the New Orleans Saints was being noticed for was Lossing, without a home to play in, moving to San Antonio and Katrina. After Reggie was drafted, New Orleans SuperDome SOLD OUT and has remained SOLD OUT ever since. More people were excited about him getting picked, than those who didn't.


I am in no way, nor have I ever been a Reggie Bush fanatic. Just ask around or go read some old post of my displeasure of Reggie. However, with all of the bad plays he made....I can still give credit where credit where credit is due. I'll bet you weren't cussing him when he ran three TD's back during the Vikings game a couple of years ago. Reggie is just as much of the reason we are FINALLY successful as Sean and Drew are. To blame one guy for a loss is crazy. I'll guess when Reggie made the run and the infamous "Point" you, as a Saint fan were not jumping up and down like the rest of us..right? Maybe if the rest of the offense had caught another TD, or if the defense would not have let the Bears score TD's, we might have won. That falls under the "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" category.

Reggie did do good things for this team. Put your personal hatred for USC aside (Yes, I have a distain for USC as well) and at least give the guy SOME credit.

homerj07 08-08-2011 05:18 PM

I am here in "Fin" - land. Maybe I can pawn it off on someone

skymike 08-08-2011 07:59 PM

I just thought of something.

Do you realize what a great BACKFIELD BLOCKER Reggie was?

Honestly, I dont think PT is quite the same blocker Reggie is... and I love PT.

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