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QBREES9 08-22-2011 11:23 PM

Say what you want about Reggie. Reggie Bush was just what New Orleans, and the Saints needed. He was a very important part of the puzzle of the Super Bowl puzzle.

Stop the Reggie Bashing.

Memnoch_TP 08-24-2011 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by strato (Post 322632)
In 06 i felt hope..long years of sorrow and i felt some hope..I really needed to feel good about the Saints at that time....I remember listening to the draft on my old am radio.. outside having a beer..and really thinking how awesome it was to draft him..a lot of teams and their fans wanted Reggie. The season we had in 06 is almost as damn special to me as 09.{love ya Deuce!}

09 will always be the best though..the weight off our shoulders was so empowering.I wish Reggie the best and am not bitter at all..he was part of the greatest Saints TEAM Ive seen in my 35 history as a that alone earns my respect...Bring the Wood!!:bng:

I'm not quite so sentimental. He may have brought hope, but it was false hope, so I don't look back and get all fuzzy. He wasn't as good as his billing, his pay, or his draft pick. I have no interest in kissing his ass forever just because he was on the SB team.

Deuce earned my eternal respect, even though he never earned a SB ring. Reggie has his ring, if he is waiting on my respect he will have a long wait. I'm glad he is off the payroll, and I could care less if he lights up the league or ends up in a full body cast. I'm not a Dolphin fan, and he isn't a Saint any more. Whatevs.

SapperSaint 08-25-2011 08:27 AM

I still say, I was not a Bush favorite. Was I happy when we drafted him...Hell Yes I was! He had a fair good rookie year for us.

Things that killed Reggie for me. And they are "small and petty".
1. The Free-Flo-Do thing. (I felt as if he shuned the team. Like he knew what it took to get ready for an NFL season.)
2. Living the "Hollywood" lifestyle. (This is what Reggie was used to. Fast pace lifestyle of Cali verses the "Slow down and enjoy life" lifestyle.
This is what broke the camels back.
3. Not showing up for the workout that Drew put on this year. (I felt like he gave up on this team. Like he just said, "Screw 'em. If they want Mark, they can have Mark!"

Now, that assessment is based soley on how "I" viewed his actions. I can not and will not say if he was a good or bad teammate. I was never in the locker room.

I will say this....

Reggie gave the Saints the front page. More Nationally televised games. He also help life the people not only from NOLA but the MS Gulf Coast as well. You may doubt some of these things. If you do...have yopu really been a Saints fan? (This is not to call in to questions anyones "Saintshood". It's just a question for thought.)

Reggie Bush was the most talked about player in the draft. Hell, we didn't talk about him here because we were sure Houston was getting him. When the F.O. picked him, the Saints were now being talked about for something other than Katrina. I don't know about you and don't mean to hurt anyones feelings; but I was tired of the tv showing people in the South as "Poor pitiful me". We (LA and MS) as "neighbors" are what got us through and over Katrina. The Reggie pick was a "Something Special" in a time of need that people needed when we didn't know what we needed to make us feel a little happiness. The Saints and Reggie were a big part of that. Enough about that.

Weather Reggie had Pro Bowl numbers or not, each year we expected great things from the Saints. And THEY GAVE IT TO US. They spoiled us. Because now, WE DEMAND IT.

No one, not even myself, can say that when Reggie has his greatest game as a Saint during the Viking game a couple of years ago; that they were not "In Love" with Reggie.

So all I'm saying is.... is STOP! THINK! and REMEMBER!
Remember what it used to be like to be a Saints fan. Remember the players that have worn the Black and Gold and what they did for this team and it's fans. Reggie served a purpose for this team, the fans, and the people of the Mississippi and Louisiana.

I for one, am greatful for him during his time with us. Yes, even as much as I cussed at him while he was on the field. Yet, with everytime he touched the ball I felt, "Holy Crap....come on Reggie BREAK ONE LONG FOR A TD!!" I also LOVED THE FLIP, at the NFC Championship game. If you play any sport with a dull attitude you might as well not play. I don't hear anyone complaining about Tracy Porter "pointing" at the scoreboard on his INT from Manning. If you don't think that "pissed" everyone one wearing something with the Colts logo on it... you might need to rethink how you veiw sports and if this is something you need to be apart of as a fan. Defeat SUCKS!

So I wish Reggie the best. I really do. And thank's for his time here.

Mardigras9 08-25-2011 10:05 AM

I'm glad Reggie is gone. Wish him luck in Miami, but won't follow his career. He had some some great plays for us, but for the most part was a bust.

SAINT_MICHAEL 08-25-2011 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 322763)
Say what you want about Reggie. Reggie Bush was just what New Orleans, and the Saints needed. He was a very important part of the puzzle of the Super Bowl puzzle.

Stop the Reggie Bashing.

I don't think we win the SB without him and everything he brought to the organization. Regardless of his on field performance, because of him people who knew nothing about football and could maybe name 8 NFL players total knew who the Saints were. That NFC champ game was so close with replays, the NFL would have given the close calls to Minn/Favre if not for the recognition Bush generated. Just my opinion.

FireVenturi 08-25-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Speedy Ron (Post 322410)
Reggie actually looked good in their preseason game. Never played like that here. Still dont want him though.

He played like that against the Cards in the playoffs and San Fran his rookie year.

FinSaint 08-25-2011 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by st thomas (Post 322499)
i watched the miami game replay this morning and bush looked rookie like again, he was okay, he did get some carries between the tackles and had holes realheavyd could have run through. and i did still see the reggie shuffle in space waisting precious seconds. and i saw him get toasted where he had to shake off the pounding hit.its a matter of hits/ time before he will go down. i don't wish it on him at all, i'll miss him to say the truth. he gave us hope when there seemed like there never would be hope in 06. i had to calm myself down when sproles dropped a couple of screens sat. nite. he will be just fine in bush's place.


And I have to say it was great to hear the Fin fans start a "Reggie" chant in the pre-season game after all the bad taste the Henne-booying created around the fan-team relationship over there.

What I think Reggie will bring to that team is that crucial X-factor that St Thomas referred to... and that is hope. That team is in desperate need of something that would take it to the next level and maybe Reggie can be that for them... in a much similar fashion as he was to the Saints in '06.

Miami got a nice momentum boost with their "wildcat" plays few seasons a go, but that has died down almost completely with the departure of Ronnie Brown. Reggie's "dancing" is part of what makes him to possess that "star appeal," on which the Miami FO is probably relying on somewhat. That rookie Thomas is much more of a traditional north-south runner, so Reggie can afford to be more of an artist with his running game.

Nevertheless, I'm happy at how things are now... with Reggie leaving and the Saints adding Ingram and Sproles. The only thing I'm concerned about is who's going to carry the bats now that Reggie is gone??

9thWardDesire 08-27-2011 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 322468)
Reggie's goal-line scores always included a leap through the uprights. If Ingram gets-er-done without the flair, I'm okay with that, as he did on Saturday.

When bush was ON, he was a human highlight reel, and always good for a still shot in Sports Illustrated. Ingram seems to be a north-south runner still getting used to being hit by MEN, not man-boys as in college football.

Give me a healthy Chris Ivory in this mix and we're going places.



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