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Stealthman 09-06-2011 11:45 AM

Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
Part of me likes that he's trying to prevent the NFL from becoming an organization of thugs. But another part of me thinks that he has too much power and legislates morality with a holier than thou attitude. Do you overall approve or not approve of his leadership and the decisions that he's made concerning the major issues (i.e. fines on players for hits, Aaron Pryor case, Starcaps, Jim Tressell case, etc).

Danno 09-06-2011 12:30 PM

I like most of what he's done, just not all.

I'm OK with the fines. The players wanted a safer NFL, and they're getting exactly what they asked for.

Rugby Saint II 09-06-2011 12:39 PM

I think his approval rating was very high before the lockout. Since then it's dipped some. I'm still undecided about him being judge jury and executioner.
I think he's doing a fine job of keeping a good image for the NFL.

73Saint 09-06-2011 12:57 PM


saintfan 09-06-2011 01:26 PM

I approve. Much of what he has done is frustrating, but I'm (a) easily frustrated and (b) does anybody really think some other guy would do much different/better?

alexonfyre 09-06-2011 02:14 PM

I agree with his goals, I don't agree with his authoritarian methodology. If he had a more transparent, democratic process with room for appeal, then I would totally approve.

strato 09-06-2011 04:21 PM

He gets points for punishing Jim if he would just smack Pete{I AM Outta Here } Carroll ..with a suspension...i would really give him a stamp of approval..

jeanpierre 09-06-2011 04:47 PM

Anything that pisses the Steelers is a okay with me...

GeauxForMore 09-06-2011 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 326995)
I approve. Much of what he has done is frustrating, but I'm (a) easily frustrated and (b) does anybody really think some other guy would do much different/better?

No to much power for one guy and when the player asked him to delegate some of his power to other people. He flat out said no. Didn't even think about it. And to answer b I think Strato would do a much better job lol. Maybe Papz.

Cruize 09-06-2011 07:23 PM

I approve. The NFL is a brand. It makes lots of money for everyone involved. Of course the players don't like being disciplined. They are wealthy and have been told from an early age how special and grand they are. They naturally feel they are above the law. They are not. On the player safety issue, there's no way the players were going to make the game safer themselves. Someone had to step in. Sooner or later the way the game was headed, with the size and speed of todays players, someone was literally going to be killed on the field. Fines for helmet to helmet hits and launching at other players had to be high to get the point across. However, there is one thing I'm not a fan of and it's how the penalities are being enforced against "defenseless recievers." I've seen too many plays where the ball and defender arrived very close together where no helmet to helmet or launching took place and the defender was still penalized. That's football. Hopefully, they will address it as the season goes along or in the offseason the same way they stopped penalizing defenders when the QB's head was barely touched or grazed during a play.

Seer1 09-06-2011 09:05 PM

I didn't like his stance during the lockout. He was all about the owners only. As a commish, he should've been representing us and the players as well. We wouldn't have even seen a lockout with a real commissioner.

homerj07 09-06-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by GeauxForMore (Post 327140)
No to much power for one guy and when the player asked him to delegate some of his power to other people. He flat out said no. Didn't even think about it. .

So he can be a bit of a dick (can I say that?) - Oh well.

I would like to see a third party group/committee that had in mind what was best for the game & the fans. (I know - no way in this world or the next. But it is a nice thought - like Congress actually accomplishing something) :awe:

Danno 09-06-2011 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by homerj07 (Post 327192)
But it is a nice thought - like Congress actually accomplishing something) :awe:

The less Big Government does, the better off we'll all be.

A do-nothing congress would be a dream come true.

jeanpierre 09-06-2011 10:03 PM

Goodell is a good commissioner; part of the problem was that Tagliabue gave way too much to the union so that he could maintain his "record" rather than what was best for the league...Goodell just took the position of moving things back to the middle...

QBREES9 09-06-2011 10:38 PM

I'd give him the thumbs up.

saintfan 09-06-2011 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 327204)
The less Big Government does, the better off we'll all be.

A do-nothing congress would be a dream come true.

Which by the way was the original intent, but whenever congress want power it doesn't have it just votes itself a new law granting itself that power. And we just sit back and watch it happen.


Crusader 09-07-2011 04:18 AM

I really like him. Cleaning up the leauges image is very important. I think he has the apropriate powers since really he is the power of the 32 owners combined.

alexonfyre 09-07-2011 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 327279)
I really like him. Cleaning up the leauges image is very important. I think he has the apropriate powers since really he is the power of the 32 owners combined.


TheDeuce 09-07-2011 01:01 PM

I like what he stands for and what he's trying to do... but I'm starting to question the logic of how he's doing it.

44Champs 12-13-2012 11:12 PM

Bump. Anyone want to change their minds now lol.

NOS2SB 12-14-2012 03:05 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
I'm overwhelmed with all the Approves. This guy is a dirt bag.

Crusader 12-14-2012 04:19 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
Now if I could go back and change my previous statement...

SloMotion 12-14-2012 05:12 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
:rofl: ... this poll was before my time. I'm reading through the thread thinking, "WTF? Am I in bizarro world? Do I need to rethink my whole position on Goodell?".

Good thing I checked the dates on the posts when I came to 44Champs contribution, :lol:.

Everyone who voted approval of Goodell gets a pass ... he fooled a lot of people.

TheOak 12-14-2012 07:53 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?

Srgt. Hulka 12-14-2012 07:58 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
I'm laughing my azz off. I don't remember this thread from 2011, so I'm reading it like it's a new thead, not paying any attention to the dates. The more posts I read, the more I'm thinking WTF are these guys talking about. Is this thread a joke, and I'm missing the punchline? All the "love" shown Goodell was about to make me throw up. Goodell is a ****bag, he wants to put tutus on the players, he wants to destroy the Saints organization, he thinks he's the NFL god, and all you guys are showing him all this love? What the hell is going on? Then I saw Crusader's post. Ohhhh, now it makes sense. Good thing I figured it out, because I was about to call ALL of you guys out, and make a big azz out of myself. LOL Whew, that was close.

neugey 12-14-2012 08:19 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
I think a recount is in order :)

AsylumGuido 12-14-2012 08:42 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
I had never voted in this poll. I just broke the tie. I honestly never did care for Goodell.

Mardigras9 12-14-2012 09:13 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
At first I was a firing range vote, disappointing.
My vote is, disapprove.

UK_WhoDat 12-14-2012 03:58 PM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 465164)

Is that you Mummy?

SmashMouth 12-14-2012 05:26 PM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
Approve? Really? :bang: :rolleyes:

Danno 12-14-2012 05:57 PM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
Its not up to us or the players to approve. He answers to the owners.

I still think he's doing the right thing for 90% of the owners.

Pending litigation is the dark cloud that may destroy the NFL completely. I'm sure the owners are OK with a few over-reactions and minor little silly rule tweaks on his part to protect their image.

Notice that all the hate is directed at him, not the owners. Goodell is their devil on a leash and he's doing what most of the owners wanted to begin with.

pherein 12-15-2012 01:40 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
I never aproved from the onset. Though I agree with Dano's obsevations. I never believed he was competent from how he handled the Spy Gate Patriots incendent.
Like us, what they were doing was wide spread, and it could have been kept out of the press and handled quitely.
Instead he did exactly what he did to the saints to satisfy his own ego. Rush to judgement, no real research, and jump on the podium to get the lime light.
He is just not competent or mature enouph to be a commissioner of the NFL.

and though hes doing what the owners want, hes not and never has been, the man for the job.

CharityMike 12-15-2012 11:27 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 465335)
it could have been kept out of the press and handled quitely.

I had this thought for a moment as well but then I thought, how do you suspend a coaching staff and 4 players quietly? This was carefully orchestrated. They did exactly what they intended to do. Make the sheep follow and believe everything that comes out of there mouth. I just don't think they calculated some sheep breaking from the herd and challenging the authority.

AsylumGuido 12-15-2012 12:20 PM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?

Originally Posted by CharityMike (Post 465375)
I had this thought for a moment as well but then I thought, how do you suspend a coaching staff and 4 players quietly? This was carefully orchestrated. They did exactly what they intended to do. Make the sheep follow and believe everything that comes out of there mouth. I just don't think they calculated some sheep breaking from the herd and challenging the authority.

You do it quietly by NOT suspending a coaching staff and four players. You drop some fines, stay away from press conferences and move on.

CharityMike 12-15-2012 01:23 PM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 465380)
You do it quietly by NOT suspending a coaching staff and four players. You drop some fines, stay away from press conferences and move on.

I hear ya but then he couldn't have made it a specticle like he did. They did it this way for a reason. We all know why. If there were no lawsuits, I believe things would have been done differently.

Rickh 12-16-2012 10:06 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 327204)
The less Big Government does, the better off we'll all be.

A do-nothing congress would be a dream come true.

Then I guess you've enjoyed snoozing since 2010

Vrillon82 12-17-2012 02:24 AM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?
Why I disapprove?

Look at how he has run the NFL when it comes to fines and suspensions......

Lets look at this:

Patriots = Spygate, (REAL CHEATING) = 500k fine was it? stripped of a 1st rd pick?

Saints = Bounty (never proven) = Suspension of coach for 1 entire season and 4 players.

It gets better.

Dante Stallworth = Suspended entire season for Killing a man.

Why did I bring up these 3 incidents?

Look at the penalty levied.

#1 Saints fined and suspend Head Coach for year, Assistant coach for 6 games.

#2 Dante Stallworth suspended for 1 year for killing a person while drunk.

#3 Patriots fined and stripped of 1st rd pick for Cheating.

Saints got the harsher penalty for something not proven, apparently how Roger Goodell has put this together is that.

#1 Cheating matters none in the NFL.

#2 Bounty system unproven is just as bad as killing someone while drunk.

This bull crap continues to happen with players and teams.

#1 is not taken seriously, thus teams like the Ravens, 49ers, Steelers, to name 3 teams off the bat can get by with just about anything they want in the NFL.

TheEnigma 12-18-2012 09:57 PM

Re: Roger Goodell: Approve or No?

lee909 12-18-2012 10:42 PM

I approve of kicking Goodell in the nuts if that helps.

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