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saintfan 01-16-2004 03:53 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
What causes my pessimism and negativity?
I have a tendency toward pessimism and negativity because I:

experienced a major tragedy or loss in my past and I haven't fully grieved and accepted the loss.

have a permanent disability that prevents me from experiencing life to the fullest.

have experienced a series of failures in school, work, family, life, or relationships that have convinced me that I am a failure.

was ignored and still am ignored by my family of origin; I am convinced that I have to fight everyone to get my opinion heard.

feel guilt over a past sin or mistake I made; this guilt blinds me from seeing hope, the promise of redemption, or forgiveness.

would rather attend a `"self-pity party'' than eat at life's banquet.

don't want to change my thinking, feeling, and actions.

am stubborn and don't want to accept help when others point out optimistic or positive ways of looking at life.

am lazy and realize that to change will take too much work, energy, and effort.

like to be the center of attention. My current behavior draws a lot of attention to me, even if it is negative.

refuse to consider that I might be wrong by taking on my "causes.''

consider those I come in contact with as stupid, ignorant, or irrational and believe my way is the only way to be.

have never experienced happiness, joy, or contentment; it's impossible for me to attain.

have never felt approval or recognition from the significant people in my life.

am constantly reminded of my faults, shortcomings, failures, and lack of successes.

give others power over me to keep me feeling badly about myself, my life, and the future.

don't take steps to improve my self-esteem and self-worth.

constantly give myself negative self-talk and negative visual imagery.

Much more potentially helpful info at the following link:

FrenzyFan 01-16-2004 04:11 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need

I am making the assumption that this post is to entertain and poke gentle fun at those people who don\'t think our Saints walk on water, despite their stellar .530 record under the existing regime.

Taken in that light, most amusing.

saintfan 01-16-2004 04:13 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
Assume as you wish. Just trying to help.

JOESAM2002 01-16-2004 05:08 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
I don\'t know what the hell this has to do with football but it sure rings true for a bunch of us. I mean if we are honest with ourselves. ;)

P.S. Thanks Saintfan, I really did need this today. Getting older by the day you know. 52 years young today.

whowatches 01-17-2004 09:09 AM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need

What causes my pessimism and negativity?
Maybe it\'s cause my rearend\'s charred from constant bursts of UV rays? :cool:

So, you think that disappointment and the voicing of that emotion as it relates to a sports team directly correlates with one\'s personal life?


I know you\'ve probably done this somewhere in the forum, but could you give us Prozac-poppers of couple of reasons we should be positive about what this regime is doing. Please base your reasons on facts and past performance rather than extrapolations about potential.

saintfan 01-17-2004 10:35 AM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
Joesam -- Not much about football, but it does concern a certain number of Saints fans. Oh, and I guess it\'s about as much about Football is, oh, say, this:

No need for optimism whowatches if you don\'t feel the need or see a reason. That would be entirely up to you.

saintz08 01-17-2004 11:19 AM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
This most likely has something to do with : ;name=XForum&file=viewthread&tid=3985

This :

Seattle - pass completion percentage 60.8
Indy - pass completion percentage 67.0
Kansas City - pass completion percentage 63.2
New Orleans - pass completion percentage 58.7
New Orleans 2002 - pass completion percentage 54.1

whowatches 01-18-2004 03:10 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need

No need for optimism whowatches if you don\'t feel the need or see a reason. That would be entirely up to you.
So is this your way of saying that you don\'t have an answer to my question? Here goes again.


could you give us Prozac-poppers of couple of reasons we should be positive about what this regime is doing?
If you\'re so convinced that the realists... er... sorry... pessimists are wrong, give us some facts.

[Edited on 18/1/2004 by whowatches]

WhoDat 01-18-2004 10:55 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
He can\'t. All he can do is come here and take potshots at those who see more clearly than he does. Ever notice that all of his posts are filled with rhetorical questions and sarcasm? The man can\'t or doesn\'t make statements of his own; he simply tries to make fun of you when you make yours. Real glad he\'s back tough. This board has gotten much better since his return. :casstet:

saintfan 01-19-2004 09:12 AM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
Wendy Whiner has returned.

Potshots? Scarcasm? Rhetorical questions?

We must have a lot in common whodat. ;)

Whowatches -- Either you think the Saints are close or you don\'t. Some of us see a young team possibly on the verge...realizing there are a lot of things that have to happen for a team to win the superbowl. Others just plain aren\'t happy for this reason today and/or that reason tomorrow. All ya hear from are \"This Sucks\" or \"That Sucks\" or \"They all suck\" etc etc. There are really only a few people on this site that might benefit from the info I posted the link to, and they know who they are.

This is all in fun anyway, unless a person has his/her feelings on their sleeve.

WhoDat 01-19-2004 12:48 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
Polarizing the argument as usual. I complain about Haslett all the time. I guess that makes me one of those people always saying \"this sucks\" or \"that sucks\". Am I never satisfied? Damn right - not until this team starts playing like it is capable of and makes the playoffs. Some people on this board are happy to say \"next year\" EVERY year. I\'m not. Funny how \"Wendy Whiner\" was the first one to say that the Saints are simply too talented not to make the playoffs next season, with or without Haslett. Hhmm - so which one am I Saintfan? In all your infinite wisdom, which am I?

jm 01-19-2004 01:06 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
Just when I went and learned all the answers they went and changed the questions!

saintfan 01-19-2004 01:23 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
Whodat, you complain about EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. We all want to win dude. Jesus man take a pill or something. You can\'t be right all the time whether you think you can or not...sorry to hit you with that on a Monday but it\'s true. Are you this difficult to deal with in person or is just here? Really, relax...

This is all in fun anyway, unless a person has his/her feelings on their sleeve.

JOESAM2002 01-19-2004 02:35 PM

Off Season Counseling -- For Those In Need
Sorry guys but I\'ve heard enough of this. You 2 try to get along please.

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