09-18-2011, 06:10 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 17
Originally Posted by Halo
Class act! I'll buy ya a beer anyday. Totally agree, saw your o-line crumble by the end of the game.
Only criticism is I don't like the attitude of Cutler your QB, or maybe I just don't "get it" when it comes to him, OR maybe it's just the way he carries himself. He just doesn't come off as a leader in the clutch.
Otherwise good game. We brought our best to beat you guys.
Thanks for coming back to discuss.
I agree, when things start to go south it is usually not the best for a Leader to act like that, but it is clear that cutler does not feel he has a chance to get the ball out. Martz offense does not allow audibles, so even if Cutler saw the blitz coming he had to stick with the plays. I can not imagin how frusterating that would be. Especially, looking at him when he was in denver. Alot had to do with him being able to make something out of a play breaking down. Right now the offense does not allow for that type of flexibility. People come in all shapes and sizes and I just think it is who he is. I still would rather have him on my team then most qbs in the league. If he gets a chance he will dominate... and that is the problem he is not getting a chance. as far as the kreutz comment earlier, I stand by it.