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iceshack149 01-20-2004 04:11 PM

I apologize if this is a re-post. I didn't see it anywhere. It's got a great potential to be picked apart and should prove to be somewhat entertaining.
Saints report: Inside slant Jan. 15, 2004

When the Saints crank up off-season workouts this spring and begin preparing for the 2004 season, some players know that things will have to change.
The Saints have failed to make the playoffs for three consecutive seasons, and, with a 24-24 record over that span, they know that they've only been a win or two away from getting to the postseason party each time.

And when they cleaned out their lockers after closing out the 2003 season with an 8-8 mark, some high-profile veterans pointed to what they thought could have made a difference.

While too many fumbles and a missed extra point attempt were glaring mistakes that cost the Saints at least one win and perhaps another, other factors may have hurt as well.

"We've got to be more professional across the board," said fifth-year quarterback Aaron Brooks. "I didn't think we were professional enough, coming to work and doing our jobs. Not just on Sundays, every day.

"We've got to get to a certain few guys," Brooks said. "Everyone is responsible for himself. I won't say it was a problem. We just need to be professional and leave it at that."

All it takes, Brooks said, is to take a look at the teams that were in the playoffs this season.

"Chemistry and professionalism are what get teams into the postseason," he said. "You see a lot of professionalism, you see a lot of discipline, you see good chemistry. I'm not saying we don't have those things, I don't think we have enough of it."

"All I know is with the talent we have here, this is embarrassing," said Horn. "With the players that we have in this locker room, we're definitely playoff contenders. Our 8-8 record doesn't show that.

"But I'm willing to stick my neck out and say this: I guarantee we will make the playoffs next year. I guarantee it."

[Edited on 1/20/2004 by iceshack149]

iceshack149 01-22-2004 12:51 PM

Okay, I\'ll shoot you guys straight. I didn\'t post this article for any other reason than to get some new topics in here. This Brooks/Delhomme stuff is killing me.
Can we please move on to the present and future and leave the past? This debate has been diluted so much that bland doesn\'t even describe it.

BillyC 01-22-2004 12:55 PM


Okay, I\'ll shoot you guys straight. I didn\'t post this article for any other reason than to get some new topics in here. This Brooks/Delhomme stuff is killing me.
Can we please move on to the present and future and leave the past? This debate has been diluted so much that bland doesn\'t even describe it.

Well, I understand what you\'re saying. But, I like the Delhomme/Brooks debates. I don\'t think it is wise to ask members to move on from a subject. If it\'s posted all over the board, there is a reason for that. It\'s a POPULAR subject and while you might not like it, treat it like a newspaper and skip over what you don\'t want to read. There are some members that like to debate and debate and debate things. Just the way it is.

iceshack149 01-22-2004 01:08 PM


I like the Delhomme/Brooks debates

it\'s posted all over the board
I\'m glad that you enjoy debating, B.C. It\'s fine but almost every post is about this subject and if this were a newspaper, nobody would buy it. It\'s the same as the New York Times putting in articles of Michael Jacksons questionable behavior on all but three pages of their newspaper.


I don\'t think it is wise to ask members to move on from a subject.
I don\'t think it\'s wise to tell other members how to voice their opinions.

BillyC 01-22-2004 01:15 PM

No offense intended. All I\'m saying is that I don\'t think you are going to be successful in your attempt to quieten the Brooks/Delomme debates. It\'ll die out in due time.


I don\'t think it\'s wise to tell other members how to voice their opinions.
I didn\'t try to tell you how to voice your opinion. I said I didn\'t think it was wise. It\'s the free speech thing?

iceshack149 01-22-2004 01:28 PM

Alright, this went nowhere. No offense to you, Billy. I\'m just trying to debate the debate. :)

BillyC 01-22-2004 01:32 PM


Believe me I know how you feel. It\'s frustrating as hell sometimes. I wish I could delete a bunch of posts myself. Well, I used to feel like that. Anger management is the key... ;)

JOESAM2002 01-22-2004 04:07 PM

And all I ask is that you quit turning every thread into a Brooks/Delhomme debate.

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