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Saintswrath 10-02-2011 07:00 AM

Move out of Shreveport?

FireVenturi 10-02-2011 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 335608)
If Shreveport keeps running Cowpuke games, then the state of La. should just go ahead and cut that chunk of the state off and donate it to Texas.

I'd be ok with that, lol...

aquaboogie 10-02-2011 03:52 PM

It's not just Shreveport!! All of NW La has to deal with this crap. A least those Cow Patties just got their A$$ whipped!!!!!

Saintswrath 10-02-2011 07:12 PM

LOL.. Detroit is no longer an easy gimmie for Dallas.. They now will have to work for their Playoff Berths instead of having it handed to them on a silver platter.

jeanpierre 10-02-2011 07:58 PM

Can we have our congressman back in south central Louisiana that Jindalli gave away?

He basically gave east Texas another vote as well...

homerj07 10-02-2011 08:07 PM

Sorry man - I live in Central Florida & of course was blacked out because the Jag-offs couldn't sell enough seats to fill a bus!!

foreverfan 10-02-2011 10:01 PM

Dallas lost.... that's got to be sweat vengance.

Srgt. Hulka 10-02-2011 10:19 PM

Even the other local television stations have started calling out KMSS because of their idiotic decision. This is from KTBS Channel 3, the local ABC affiliate.

Saints Fans Angered By Broadcasting Decision

SHREVEPORT, La. -- New Orleans Saints fans gathered at Buffalo Wild Wings in Shreveport to cheer on their team.

But what they weren't cheering was KMSS Fox 33's decision to air the Dallas Cowboys football game instead of the Saints game.

There are six conflicting games this season for Fox 33 and die-hard Saints fans are anxious about watching their team in the comfort of their own homes.

KTBS was unable to reach a spokesperson for KMSS for a response.

Saints Fans Angered By Broadcasting Decision - Local News Story - KTBS Shreveport

saintfan 10-02-2011 10:25 PM

Stop going to places or buying products for the sponsors during the game. Get as many people as you can to do the same, and be as public as possible about it. See if the local paper(s) or competing TV stations are interested in doing a story on it. :-)

strato 10-02-2011 10:26 PM

I see a riot coming..

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