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Boutte 10-17-2011 05:43 PM

It's beside the point
No matter how bad the O was yesterday (or maybe TB's D was just good) the fact of the matter is we've been scoring nearly 30 points a game all year. Every thread about the poor performance of D gets multiple responses from people wanting to point out that the loss was because of the offense. I'm not disputing that. But that was an anomaly. For the most part the O has been one of the best in the league not just this year but for the last 6 years.

The defense during that time has been marginal at best and so far this year has been just plain awful. Have you ever seen a defense give up 3rd & longs like this one? And we don't just give up a few tough yards in the running game, we give up 10-15 (or 65) at a pop. Unconventional is one thing but some of the formations yesterday were just plain bizarre. GW has a reputation for being hard nosed but that's some of the softest D you'll see from any d in the league. It's pathetic. The players aren't that bad. It's scheme.

If we don't go all the way this year it isn't going to be because of the OL or Drew Brees throwing interceptions. It'll be because our Defense is a bad joke.

AlaskaSaints 10-17-2011 05:48 PM




of beating...

this damn horse...
(whack! smash!)

I stand guilty as well. LOL


strato 10-17-2011 05:48 PM

Cant turn the ball over 4 times and the other team play mistake free and win..the D and i know they are not great still gave us a chance to win..we were in the redzone 4 times and got 1 td and 3 FGs...we have no running game..Drew is just having to chunk it ..D gets no breaks most of the time...there is plenty blame to go around...not to mention our coach wasnt on the sidelines..

jlouhill 10-17-2011 05:51 PM

Just watch other games. The other defenses aren't exactly shutting people down either. We turned the ball over four times, had an off day on offense, and the defense played as usual. Yet we still had a chance to beat a team that played near flawless ball. That tells me we have a pretty darned good team, defense not withstanding.

Boutte 10-17-2011 06:02 PM

Yeah yesterday was partly on the offense but I'm not talking about yesterday. I'm talking about the whole season yup to this point. The offense is not a problem in the long run.

The defense is though.

jlouhill 10-17-2011 06:08 PM

I hear ya Boutte, but we are not the only one's whose defense is getting bullied so to speak. I'm not hanging my thoughts on just yesterday. You're right we need to look at the grand scheme of things and not on just one game.

Mardigras9 10-17-2011 06:32 PM

Agree with Strato, they scored 10 off of turnovers and we lost by 6. Offense looked the worse all year and still almost pulled it off. We will still beat Tampa in the dome, we will still win our division, and we will still have to play in the snow in January(although I will pray the last one is wrong).

SaintsBro 10-18-2011 10:26 AM

The faster that people realize that last Sunday's game was a freakshow, and our head coach was CARTED OFF THE FIELD ON A CART, the better. And the faster the fans put Sunday's ridonkulous garbage game behind them and move on, the better. Yeah the red zone offense is a problem, and yeah the defense kinda stinks. But that same wet tissue paper defense that everyone is ragging on, held the Bucs to just field goals in the second half, and also held them to a field goal in the first half when they got the ball in ridiculous field position on our 30 something yard line from a turnover. So you may not like it but something must have been working correctly there. Tampa got 17 points in the second quarter, which I guarantee you is when emotion and confusion was the highest on the Saints sideline over the Payton injury, both players and coaches, and the Bucs exploited that. Big deal.

But ANOMALY is the right word to describe that whole game, and the team will regroup, move on and get it together for Indy.

Euphoria 10-18-2011 10:47 AM

Yeah I love this thread, Boutte gets it!!!

We are the same team we were last year! Can't play D and can't tackle. All the off moves we made and NOTHING. Still the same D.

We can't rely on Offense to win every game for us. At some point we need a defense.

Euphoria 10-18-2011 10:54 AM

Oh and this is getting beat like a dead horse because it is still an issue. If it goes away no one will talk about it.

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