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pakowitz 02-03-2004 01:25 AM

The Return Of The King
well saints fans, Im Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! and upon my return, i have been granted with extraordinary powers... so dont get out of line, cuz i dont want to have to use the force and ban anyone or edit anyones posts.. so lets keep it clean and lets talk some Saints Offseason Football

- Pak

[Edited on 2/3/2004 by pakowitz]

JOESAM2002 02-03-2004 08:37 AM

The Return Of The King
Well it\'s about time you lazy bum! ;) Where the hell you been? You don\'t call,you don\'t write, I was beginning to think you don\'t care anymore. :P Oh well, welcome back Mr. Moderator. Glad to have you aboard. :D

WhoDat 02-03-2004 09:08 AM

The Return Of The King
Nice to have you back Yoda. You finally get out from under that rock?

For the record, and this has NOTHING to do with Pak, but when I posted something like this a week ago the thread was locked by Halo. Preferential treatment much? Rules need to be applied consistently folks.

the thread was locked by halo b/c it had nothing to do with football, and this one does, kinda, in a not so football kinda way :P

[Edited on 2/3/2004 by pakowitz]

JOESAM2002 02-03-2004 09:17 AM

The Return Of The King
Here\'s your first one Pak. I\'m too cranky to edit this one. If I did right now I\'d be a bad boy. I guess now someone\'s going to tell me I can\'t welcome another member and new Moderator back? Truly sad WhoDat.

saintz08 02-03-2004 09:34 AM

The Return Of The King

ban anyone or edit anyones posts
Assuming you were not talking about your posts included ??


[Edited on 2/3/2004 by pakowitz]

BlackandBlue 02-03-2004 03:23 PM

The Return Of The King







Good point

saintfan 02-03-2004 03:29 PM

The Return Of The King
There is another...

WhoDat 02-03-2004 09:28 PM

The Return Of The King
Hey Joe - welcome away. I\'m all for it. I try to write little threads like this myself, but c\'mon man. When I did this and was joking around I almost got banned for the same type of post. I\'d post the link to prove it but not only did it get locked, it got deleted. I mean, c\'mon. All I ask is that you apply the rules the same way all the time. That\'s all. Is that really such a terrible request?

JOESAM2002 02-03-2004 09:32 PM

The Return Of The King
No it\'s not but you need to let it die. :casstet:

ScottyRo 02-03-2004 09:52 PM

The Return Of The King
I was a party to that thread WhoDat is refering to and I just want to add the following. If a post solely relating to cheerleading is considered related to football, then how can a post joking about the number of posts one has made on a football-related website not be considered talking about a subject related to football?

Joe, PLEASE don\'t take this as an attack on you! I just wanted to put my two cents in and hope it will help you and the other moderators see that what some of us really want is for the rules to be applied with the same degree of severity to all members. Sometimes, it really doesn\'t seem that way.

I know it\'s tough, but, if it weren\'t for you moderators, what authority would we social deviants have to rebel against?

JOESAM2002 02-04-2004 08:39 AM

The Return Of The King
I do try to be equal in my editing, alas even I sometimes screw up.

Attack away I still have the kill button! ;)

WhoDat 02-04-2004 09:17 AM

The Return Of The King
\'Bout time you chimed in Scotty! ;)

Joe, you\'re a good moderator. We all love you in the \'I don\'t really like you, but you have the kill button, so I have to be nice\' kind of way. :P LOL Really, you\'re generally fair and equal, that\'s why that last one stuck out so much. It wasn\'t up to the normal high standards of JoeSam moderation. It was an Aaron Brooks fumble in the midst of a sea of Delhommian consistency. LOL

pakowitz 02-04-2004 10:52 AM

The Return Of The King
who cares if joe bans you, i have the ultimate power now!! hahahaha lol join me joe and together we shall rule this forum forever

saintfan 02-04-2004 11:47 AM

The Return Of The King
The more you tighten your grip pak, the more we\'ll slip through your fingers...and Joe\'s too...


BrooksMustGo 02-04-2004 11:48 AM

The Return Of The King
Maybe time to switch to decaff?

WhoDat 02-04-2004 03:57 PM

The Return Of The King
Yoda is starting to sound like Saintfan...

(see my sig for explanation.) ;)

saintfan 02-04-2004 04:10 PM

The Return Of The King
Laugh it up fur ball...

LMAO...I\'ve got a million of \'em!


BrooksMustGo 02-05-2004 09:18 PM

The Return Of The King
Hmmm, Does anyone find it strange that Pak and BillyC are never in the same place?

I wonder if it\'s kind of a Peter Parker/Spiderman sort of thing going on here?

saintz08 02-05-2004 10:40 PM

The Return Of The King
I would go for the :

David Banner / Hulk thing .

pakowitz 02-11-2004 09:07 PM

The Return Of The King
sorry guys, as much as i wanted to be billyc, i am not him, i could never live up to those standards.... thank god....

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