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SapperSaint 11-14-2011 09:47 PM

Payton will be here in March!
Payton Reese Lampton that is.

Would like to announce that me and my wife are expecting our 3rd daughter. (I know...3 girls. Just pray for me).

My wife named her after the coach who brought us so much joy by bringing all of us our first of many to come Super Bowls.

Since I have informed my "birth" family....I needed to inform my B&G family.

jeanpierre 11-14-2011 09:51 PM

Great news Brother...


xan 11-14-2011 09:53 PM

Congrats. All the best to your expanding family and your newly and more significantly minority status. You will need all the male support you can enlist.

Remember, you are wrong, they are right and you are eternally sorry in advance.

breesfan27 11-14-2011 10:03 PM

Congrats to you and your family. Love the name! :)

Halo 11-14-2011 10:05 PM

congrats man!!!!!

Srgt. Hulka 11-14-2011 10:39 PM

Congratulations Sapper! Give Mrs. Saint a kiss and a hug from your B&G family!

Ashley 11-14-2011 10:53 PM

Congrats Man! Three, I only have one and I'm pulling hair and pounding Beers. Best of luck to y'all, but that's really great news

QBREES9 11-14-2011 10:59 PM

Congrats ! Great name. You have a very Cool wife. God Bless her. 3 girls. girls are great. I have one Girl. You know you still have to try for a boy.

Great News.

AlaskaSaints 11-14-2011 11:08 PM

Congrat's! But three girls... Oh, my!


SaintPauly 11-14-2011 11:16 PM

Congratulations sir! Happy to hear it...

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