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phocis850 12-30-2011 11:08 PM

Is it embarrassing to some of you guys as well?
This may seem like a stupid topic, but I'm gonna try and give it some merit :D

So, do you guys think it's embarrassing when your fellow fans use terms like:
FailClowns, Falclowns, FailCants etc...

I've never been a fan of changing a teams name and converting it to something that just flat out sounds stupid. To me, personally, it just sounds childish and degrades anything that person posts.

That's just me personally speaking. Just wanna get some input.
Feel free to bash me or whatever, cuz I'm a Falcons fan and all, but I honestly just want your input. Not that it matters :P

whodat4life 12-30-2011 11:21 PM

No not at all.its sports dude.if you don't like it,don't read's not like we're the only fans to do this.we're called the aints by other fact I'm pretty sure each NFL team has a so called "degrading name" that is called by other teams (usually the team that they're playing that week).it's fun and it's why we love the game so again I suggest if you don't like it then don't read there forums or just don't watch football at all if it's that serious to you.not being mean or anything but that's kind of a dumb topic....

WHO_DAT_CAT 12-30-2011 11:40 PM


Hating your team is a second job around here I think.

But hating your team, doesn't mean hating you.

Kumbayah, dude.

phocis850 12-30-2011 11:50 PM

Im talking about Saints fans feeling embarrassed when other Saints fans use nicknames for other teams. Not complaining about it happening.

The Dude 12-31-2011 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by phocis850 (Post 361802)
This may seem like a stupid topic, but I'm gonna try and give it some merit :D

So, do you guys think it's embarrassing when your fellow fans use terms like:
FailClowns, Falclowns, FailCants etc...

I've never been a fan of changing a teams name and converting it to something that just flat out sounds stupid. To me, personally, it just sounds childish and degrades anything that person posts.

That's just me personally speaking. Just wanna get some input.
Feel free to bash me or whatever, cuz I'm a Falcons fan and all, but I honestly just want your input. Not that it matters :P

Its not embarrassing to me, I think its just dumb and unoriginal. Kind of like Breesus, PTCruiser, and G3.

Michigan_SF 12-31-2011 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by phocis850 (Post 361802)
Just wanna get some input.
Feel free to bash me or whatever, cuz I'm a Falcons fan and all, but I honestly just want your input. Not that it matters :P

When a failcons fan uses the term "cuz," it makes the failcons fan sound childish.

When a failcons fan uses the term "aints," that sounds childish because the failcons haven't won anything.

Using terms like the failcons, panties and sucs is something you do when your team has won something. I guess you wouldn't understand. It's not your fault. You seem ok.

Cory9289 12-31-2011 12:31 AM

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I agree with The Dude for the most part.

saintfan 12-31-2011 04:51 AM


Next question?

Saint_LB 12-31-2011 05:04 AM

I think it is very immature for someone to alter the name in a derogatory way...and for those who really get irritated...


Crusader 12-31-2011 05:25 AM

I don't really care for it, but I don't pay attention to when somebody else does it either.

UK_WhoDat 12-31-2011 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by phocis850 (Post 361802)
..........That's just me personally speaking.
....... I honestly just want your input. Not that it matters :P

You want some input?

Well ..... the answer is NO. Doesn't bother in any way. At sometimes I laugh, not a lot, but I do.

And I ain't gonna bash ya, no matter how long you wait .. or ask. :)

pherein 12-31-2011 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by phocis850 (Post 361802)
This may seem like a stupid topic, but I'm gonna try and give it some merit :D

So, do you guys think it's embarrassing when your fellow fans use terms like:
FailClowns, Falclowns, FailCants etc...

I've never been a fan of changing a teams name and converting it to something that just flat out sounds stupid. To me, personally, it just sounds childish and degrades anything that person posts.

That's just me personally speaking. Just wanna get some input.
Feel free to bash me or whatever, cuz I'm a Falcons fan and all, but I honestly just want your input. Not that it matters :P

you forgot cantlanta , I like that one :)

-2 points

CantonLegend 12-31-2011 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by phocis850 (Post 361802)
This may seem like a stupid topic, but I'm gonna try and give it some merit :D

So, do you guys think it's embarrassing when your fellow fans use terms like:
FailClowns, Falclowns, FailCants etc...

I've never been a fan of changing a teams name and converting it to something that just flat out sounds stupid. To me, personally, it just sounds childish and degrades anything that person posts.

That's just me personally speaking. Just wanna get some input.
Feel free to bash me or whatever, cuz I'm a Falcons fan and all, but I honestly just want your input. Not that it matters :P

I think it sounds dumb when you change a teams name...those names don't take any creativity

If ppl spice it up a little then I'm all for it but it does get annoying knowing 40+ year old dudes around the country can't come up with a better name than a little kid

subguy 12-31-2011 07:15 AM

I think everyone, minus Saints fans, thought it was cool to refer to N.O. as the 'Aints. I don't change names but if others want to wtf? If it didn't bother you, you wouldn't have posted here. And Canton BabaBooey to you(ok childish response).

halloween 65 12-31-2011 07:44 AM

No, their fans talk smack about us, we talk smack about them, it's a rivalry and that is a part of it. It's just like the bragging right this year is ours in the NFC South and as much as I hate to have to admit last year was the Clowns. See it's all in fun!!!!!

Euphoria 12-31-2011 07:47 AM

I think it can be funny and amusing it if is used once in awhile and not all the time. I mean a joke gets old.

Otherwise... I agree I think its stupid. And its not sports name calling?

After awhile its as gay as the power rankings.

AlaskaSaints 12-31-2011 08:11 AM

I've not done it personally, nor do I hold it against anyone for doing it, however, I understand the original poster's point.

On any given Sunday we can be fed (made to eat) our own words!


Danno 12-31-2011 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by phocis850 (Post 361802)
This may seem like a stupid topic, but I'm gonna try and give it some merit :D

So, do you guys think it's embarrassing when your fellow fans use terms like:
FailClowns, Falclowns, FailCants etc...

I've never been a fan of changing a teams name and converting it to something that just flat out sounds stupid. To me, personally, it just sounds childish and degrades anything that person posts.

That's just me personally speaking. Just wanna get some input.
Feel free to bash me or whatever, cuz I'm a Falcons fan and all, but I honestly just want your input. Not that it matters :P

I don't care much for it either. It sounds middle-schoolish to me.

A minimum of 2 points off the credibility scale when I see it.

pherein 12-31-2011 08:53 AM

Phallus Cow Toys is cute

-4 points

Seer1 12-31-2011 09:46 AM

Childish? Yeah, your point? Football is a game. Is it really supposed to be enjoyed the same way we enjoy a PowerPoint on the next Quarter's projected sales? Even though the No Fun League seems to think the answer to that question should be yes, I must answer this question with another. Really? Humor and fun have been close companions since the dawn of humankind and plays on words have been one of the mainstays of humor since we communicated with grunts, clicks and whistles. Donkeys, Dalless, Cleveland Clowns, Atlanta Clowns (compliments actually as clowns are scary), Aints, Bungles, etc... it's all fun and funny. You have my sympathies if you find no amusement in childishness as you've truly lost an important part of yourself.

pherein 12-31-2011 09:51 AM

been-gals is better...

-6 points...damnit

lynwood 12-31-2011 11:11 AM

We have nothing to be embarrased about. If Falcan't fan or Viqueen fan gets upset by what they read on this board then so be it. I think we mainly use those names among ourselves here on the forum to show disdain for our major rivals. I'm sure Cowgirl fans can understand that.

biloxi-indian 12-31-2011 11:18 AM

One would think, given the context of the OP question...this is the offseason!

lynwood 12-31-2011 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by biloxi-indian (Post 361958)
One would think, given the context of the OP question...this is the offseason!

True. Or that we have become so confident and expect winning we are now on cruise control.

biloxi-indian 12-31-2011 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by lynwood (Post 361961)
True. Or that we have become so confident and expect winning we are now on cruise control.

Given what happened with the Cardinals and Seahawks last season and the Rams this year...I find it hard to become complacent or over confident...even with 13 W's! :)

homerj07 12-31-2011 12:26 PM

Wow - I had never seen that until I got on this site & then I got into the fun!!

So I guess my answer is no.

It may be juvenile but hey a lot of things we say & do on this site could be considered so.

I am not so old that I take myself completely seriously & if I am juvenile & offending people - so be it!!


I guess the next question/complaint/observation will be about people using the smiles too much!!


ScottF 12-31-2011 06:19 PM

Before we rip on other teams, let's remember that it was OUR fans who wrote 'Aints' on paper bags and then wore them.

Danno 12-31-2011 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 362085)
Before we rip on other teams, let's remember that it was OUR fans who wrote 'Aints' on paper bags and then wore them.

Yep, I don't mind it at all. its part of our history and I'm proud of it. I'm proud this lowly pathetic franchise rose from laughing stock to world champs. And many of us were fans the entire time, through the good and the bad.

When I hear other fans call us the Aints, I just smile.

Always remember where you came from. Never forget.

Belair57 12-31-2011 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by phocis850 (Post 361802)
This may seem like a stupid topic, but I'm gonna try and give it some merit :D

So, do you guys think it's embarrassing when your fellow fans use terms like:
FailClowns, Falclowns, FailCants etc...

I've never been a fan of changing a teams name and converting it to something that just flat out sounds stupid. To me, personally, it just sounds childish and degrades anything that person posts.

That's just me personally speaking. Just wanna get some input.
Feel free to bash me or whatever, cuz I'm a Falcons fan and all, but I honestly just want your input. Not that it matters :P

nothing to see here folks...he blows, so does matty ice, the owner, the mascot, and the rest of the FAILCLOWNS FANS :D

The Dude 01-01-2012 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by subguy (Post 361887)
I think everyone, minus Saints fans, thought it was cool to refer to N.O. as the 'Aints. I don't change names but if others want to wtf? If it didn't bother you, you wouldn't have posted here. And Canton BabaBooey to you(ok childish response).

if I recall correctly it was Saints fans that coined the term Aints. It was back in the days of the paper bags. My how far have we come

SmashMouth 01-01-2012 03:38 AM

Not embarassing whatsoever... But always interesting banter! This is supposed to be entertaining after all. Why not spice things up a bit?

Cory9289 01-01-2012 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Belair57 (Post 362186)
nothing to see here folks...he blows, so does matty ice, the owner, the mascot, and the rest of the FAILCLOWNS FANS :D

Way to make Saints fans look bad.

pherein 01-01-2012 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 362177)
Yep, I don't mind it at all. its part of our history and I'm proud of it. I'm proud this lowly pathetic franchise rose from laughing stock to world champs. And many of us were fans the entire time, through the good and the bad.

When I hear other fans call us the Aints, I just smile.

Always remember where you came from. Never forget.

...and remember we are not there yet..we are like every other team that won...............1..........Super Bowl...

Saints are an elite team because of ability....The entire franchise isn't elite until we have 2-3 Trophies in the case.

jlouhill 01-01-2012 08:52 AM

I'm not much on changing teams names. But I'm not embarrassed either. I just don't pay much attention to it. To each his/her own. I do think the nicknames for players has gotten totally out of control. But once again whatever floats their boats.

AlaskaSaints 01-01-2012 08:55 AM

Being the ONLY poster in this board who respects the Falcons' place in making us the team that we are, I'll stick to calling them what they are; Falcons.


OldMaid 01-01-2012 09:29 AM

Some people say these things. Some people don't say these things.
It is harmless.
As others here said, Saints fans called themselves Aints first during those years.

SaintsBro 01-01-2012 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by pherein (Post 362215)
...and remember we are not there yet..we are like every other team that won...............1..........Super Bowl...

Saints are an elite team because of ability....The entire franchise isn't elite until we have 2-3 Trophies in the case.

True. Although by Falcons standards, where they get all excited and jubilant about having back-to-back winning seasons, I think our SB banner in the Dome is pretty darn elite, compared to what's hanging from the rafters in their stadium, LOL

Belair57 01-01-2012 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Cory9289 (Post 362207)
Way to make Saints fans look bad.

its the internet, I can say what ever I want. Im not the kind of fan that throws beers on visiting kids, so ...yeah, your trippn if you think I make us all look bad, I dont even talk ANY smack to visiting fans, Ive been a saints fan so long and been around this FAILCLOWNS rivalry so long I feel I can call them what ever I want.

arsaint 01-01-2012 05:42 PM

I only do this with the two teams that I hate the most -

the 69ers and the Viqueens...

Belair57 01-01-2012 05:43 PM

oh, and I do call the seahawks the SEACHICKENS....does that make the whole saints fan base look bad too?????

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