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pherein 01-02-2012 08:11 PM

Thoughts on Playoffs
Hmmm.. its going to be very difficult. There are 4 teams, Lions,Giants, 49ers and Falcons that we humiliated . We humiliated the seahawks earlier in the season 2010, and it came back to haunt us as we limped with injuries into the playoffs.

We beat up on the 49ers in preseason. Think we sacked Smith about 3 times, and hit him a lot.
Story is SP tried to call Harbaugh for days before the game, so they could go over the game, but Harbaugh wouldn't return any of his calls. So SP told GW to let the dogs loose and hit him, at least that was what was reported in the news paper.
Errr... I don't think they like us much.
But its ok, we need to pay them back for sticking Montana in our division for years :)
We did put 40 points on the #1 defense Texans this year, and they have the #3 pass defense, while 49ers have the #16 pass defense, and some are saying , in NO, that our offense is almost built to go against a #1-5 defense.

The team seems healthy this time around. , Ingram is on IR, but Ivory is running much better anyways.

We have noticed that the Lions secondary is a complete mess.
Not the way the Lions secondary wanted to head into New Orleans

They will be getting Delmas back, but Ive never seen him ranked high anywhere. Not like Greer, Taylor, Revis, etc... Not sure how one CB is going to change things drastically.
FOOTBALL OUTSIDERS: Innovative Statistics, Intelligent Analysis | An Early Look at 2011 CB Charting

Lions offense is #4-5 , and their defense is ranked #22-23. I was really surprised to see that.

2011 NFL Standings, Team & Offensive Statistics -

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With the Lions the 2 biggest things worrying us is their really dirty play, and if they hurt drew or one of our guys. Our defense are not angels either, but Lions D is well know for hitting late, and I believe even Rogers commented on them. We just need to keep our composure, and turn the other cheek , like last time. Second is that Lions are a 4th quarter comeback machine. So, we will need to drive them into the ground and show no mercy at the end. No, pulling starters with a lead. I don't trust them, but I think we can tame them :)

The Giants are better than the Falcons as a complete team, but their secondary is not very good. Falcons are blowing out bad teams and losing against good teams.
I think every game is hard now, no matter what team you are. We might struggle outside, but the ravens will struggle if they make the SB in a dome.

Giants > Falcons-------
-- Packers vs Giants

Saints > Lions ----------
-- 49ers vs Saints

LOL, even our promo playoff video is, "Hold your Breath" this year

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-02-2012 10:59 PM

So, where's the strut now, Pherein?

In the Giants/Packers thread, you were worried about being "girlie" if we don't take out the Packers to win the SB. Here you express cautious circumspection.

pherein 01-02-2012 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 363113)
So, where's the strut now, Pherein?

In the Giants/Packers thread, you were worried about being "girlie" if we don't take out the Packers to win the SB. Here you express cautious circumspection.

lol, you like me today :)

no i'm preaching cautious nepotism. Playoffs are fickle, and final. History maters, who is in or out matters. We don't play the boys do.

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-03-2012 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by pherein (Post 363116)
lol, you like me today :)

no i'm preaching cautious nepotism. Playoffs are fickle, and final. History maters, who is in or out matters.

No I don't.

Among other things, you use words, in which, you are inconversant. Like nepotism.

Here is the definition:

Happy New Year, Pherein.

pherein 01-03-2012 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 363163)
No I don't.

Happy New Year, Pherein.

I think you do :) Happy playoff year

On a serious note. I tried to paste all of these figures as text but the columns are insane!!! Halo if you know of a better way , so people can just copy paste what they want, I would love to hear it..I can't upload more than 19.6k so can't do a pdf.

This is a break down of New Orleans VS Detroit. It shows N.O.'s defense vs lions offense , special teams, turnovers, penalties, and how we stack up vs Lions defense..enjoy..

pherein 01-03-2012 07:48 PM

Halo, I can only put the figures in this format, does this site handle html 5 cell columns ?

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-03-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by pherein (Post 363410)
I think you do :) Happy playoff year

OK, I am a little enamored with your data-orientation.

But, the wafts of sexism tames that sentiment.

Thanks again for all the stats.

pherein 01-03-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 363430)
OK, I am a little enamored with your data-orientation.

But, the wafts of sexism tames that sentiment.

Thanks again for all the stats.

Thanks nice of you to say, You don't know me very well, Im just picking on you on purpose, it a slow week at the falcons forum, and 49ers forum. I love forum fights, and I noticed you love bringing up the ladies rights in most subject . Thought Id have some fun :)

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-03-2012 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by pherein (Post 363433)
Thanks, You don't know me very well, Im just picking on you on purpose, it a slow week at the falcons forum, and 49ers forum. I love forum fights, and I noticed you love bringing up the ladies rights in most subject . Thought Id have some fun :)

Mostly, I'm pickin' on you too. I just want to represent for my girls, and, also, for the 9 year-old girl playing quarterback against boys. The denigrating remarks don't hurt MY feelings -- but I hope for a world where that young lady has more doors opened to her because we have dropped the stereotypes. A world where we are each seen for our individual potential rather than old assumptions. That's all.

And, even I can get caught out. I called the Cowboys -- Cowgirls -- without even thinking about it. :-0

But, honestly, I like a good fight too. So, feel free to bring it, Pherein.

homerj07 01-03-2012 10:25 PM

Damn cut some slack I mistype ALLL the fripping time!!

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