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xan 01-09-2012 03:48 PM

If there's only SUNNY conditions until Saturday...
I'm not much of an expert on this, but if there's no rain, sunny skies, low humidity and light winds, as is the forecast in San Francisco from now until Saturday at 430PM:

1) Why would the field be an issue?

2) If it is an issue, is the NFL inspecting to see if the 49ers aren't tampering with the field conditions prior to the game?

3) Are the Saints practicing outdoors on a soggy field this week?

saintfan 01-09-2012 03:58 PM

Because I swear to all that is Holy the ground out here is always freaking wet. Fog maybe? I don't know.

SaintsBro 01-09-2012 04:24 PM

My understanding is that the league has certain bare minimum standards that must be met, ie length of grass, list of certain approved artificial surfaces, lines must be painted, pylons, etc. Beyond that bare minimum, the 49ers can do whatever the h--- they want to their field and it's all perfectly legal. The league is not going to be inspecting jack squat.

The 49ers are gonna run the sprinklers all week, replace the sod so it has no time to grow roots, leave big seams in the turf, whatever tricks they need to do to try and slow the Saints down, they will do it....the field will be soggy with huge divots and clots of dirt clumping up, and people sliding and slipping, etc. You can pretty much bank on it.

My guess is that they will soak down ONE end of the field, but not the other, then pick the DRY end at the coin toss, and defer to kick off. So that the Saints offense will be going into a miserable soggy slippery red zone, and the 49ers kicker will be kicking his dinky little field goals high and dry.

I very much doubt the Saints would ever practice on a wet field due to risk of injury, it's just too great. These guys are like thoroughbreds, so that's kinda stupid.

AlaskaSaints 01-09-2012 04:34 PM

Thank God it's not a night game. Word is the Niners still haven't paid the light bill.

I detest teams that have to wet a field to get a minuscule advantage. Like the Packers, for instance.


Budsdrinker 01-09-2012 06:17 PM

Just wear the cleats and have different length cleats to change out if necessary and we'll be fine. It's amazing how they say we can't play outdoors but yet as far as I know not one of our guys played indoor in college and Brees and Sproles played in San Diego so I guess they all forgot how to play on grass.

foreverfan 01-09-2012 06:21 PM

The difference will be the fact that the Saints have won big games before.
Anyone think the fields don't get soggy in freaking New Orleans? Get real.

In any case, both teams have to play on the same field.

homerj07 01-09-2012 07:56 PM

Our equipment guys need to go loaded for bear.

Multiple sets of shoes for each player (2 or 3) & MANY sets of every type of cleat declared legal by the league.

Our guys need to be WEEEELLLLL stretched & well rested.

This is going to be a good game. We need to minimize our mistakes & I wish our secondary would learn to catch a few more ints!!

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-10-2012 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 366311)
Because I swear to all that is Holy the ground out here is always freaking wet. Fog maybe? I don't know.

Well, on another thread, I said that due to lack of rain the field should be dry.

But, I live in the South Bay, so, maybe you're right.

We beat them on that very field 16 months ago. We have a MUCH better offense this time around. And, our defense is playing dramatically better than earlier in the season. Relax. It's going to be fine.

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-10-2012 02:27 AM

When the going gets muddy, the Saints go ALL SWAMP THANG!!!

-- gumbotron /SR

TheOak 01-10-2012 08:25 AM

This is football, not baseball.

winmill1 01-10-2012 03:30 PM

Because San Fran is only ONE out of TWO outdoor stadiums below sea level. Makes it naturally moist.

|Mitch| 01-10-2012 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by winmill1 (Post 367044)
Because San Fran is only ONE out of TWO outdoor stadiums below sea level. Makes it naturally moist.

Candlestick Park - San Francisco, California - Home field for the San Francisco 49ers NFL football team


It is a common misconception that the field is below sea level, but in actuality, it is almost 14 feet above sea level.

FireVenturi 01-10-2012 08:11 PM

You cant blame them. If it were reversed, I would hope we were going to do the same thing

saintsfan1976 01-10-2012 08:32 PM

Hellooo people.



Anyone okay with it now?

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-10-2012 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by FireVenturi (Post 367240)
You cant blame them. If it were reversed, I would hope we were going to do the same thing

How do I say "Do not like"?

No way. The team doesn't need it and it is dishonorable.

IndianFan 01-10-2012 09:47 PM

The problem is that when there is a high tide, the water rises below the playing surface and that is what makes the field muddy. It is never the rain falling from above that you have to worry about but the tides below...

|Mitch| 01-10-2012 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by IndianFan (Post 367278)
The problem is that when there is a high tide, the water rises below the playing surface and that is what makes the field muddy. It is never the rain falling from above that you have to worry about but the tides below...

cool piece of information!

QBREES9 01-10-2012 11:24 PM

The Saints need to play like they have a chip on their shoulder. And show everybody they can play outside the Dome.

Beastmode 01-10-2012 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by IndianFan (Post 367278)
The problem is that when there is a high tide, the water rises below the playing surface and that is what makes the field muddy. It is never the rain falling from above that you have to worry about but the tides below...

The game is at 4:30 than means it will be a night game, 7:30 Pacific in SF...

Saturday 01/14/12 3:02PM 4.61 feet High Tide
Saturday 01/14/12 5:13PM Sunset
Saturday 01/14/12 8:52PM 0.92 feet Low Tide
Saturday 01/14/12 11:31PM Moonrise

Most of the game will be played at low tide. The 4.61 is relatively low as well, considering it goes up to approx 7 within the course of the next several days. It should have little effect on the field.

IndianFan 01-10-2012 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 367364)
The game is at 4:30 than means it will be a night game, 7:30 Pacific in SF...

Saturday 01/14/12 3:02PM 4.61 feet High Tide
Saturday 01/14/12 5:13PM Sunset
Saturday 01/14/12 8:52PM 0.92 feet Low Tide
Saturday 01/14/12 11:31PM Moonrise

Most of the game will be played at low tide. The 4.61 is relatively low as well, considering it goes up to approx 7 within the course of the next several days. It should have little effect on the field.

Actually, you have it reversed. 4:30 PM EST is 1:30 PM Pacific.

WhoDat!656 01-10-2012 11:58 PM

Just like the Bears re-sodding the middle of the field before the '06 NFCC game so that the Saints would be forced to run on the edges and the Bears concentrated defenders there.

I hate the Bears like a Jew hates Hitler!!!

The only way I would piss on a burning Bears fan is if it was 90 octane!!!

whodat4life 01-11-2012 12:02 AM

Its OK there will be a cool brees ;)

Beastmode 01-11-2012 12:02 AM

I thought I screwed that up...still, the tide will not be that high

01/14/12 7:24AM Sunrise
Saturday 01/14/12 9:04AM 1.72 feet Low Tide
Saturday 01/14/12 10:19AM Moonset
Saturday 01/14/12 3:02PM 4.61 feet High Tide

Saintswrath 01-11-2012 04:48 AM

WHAT THE HELL!!?? Who care's about a tide, wet field's and San Fran's Weather? NFL team's are built to play on and in all conditions.
It's how your team is prepared not how much mother nature play's a factor, yea San Fran play's on a nasty homefield sometimes' but this is football, these are grow over-paid athlete's, each and every one of them.
49er's will have as much mother nature to handle as the Saint's in the end they are all human's.

Budsdrinker 01-11-2012 07:47 AM

You know contrary to most people's beliefs, The Saints do practice outside. They only practice inside in bad conditions. The conditions today in New Orleans according to are actually worst then what frisco shows for Saturday. Temps in the 50's with 8mph winds so I think the Saints can get some similated work in and can handle the so called elements at the stick.
Oh one more thing New Orleans is below sea level unlike candlestick park.

winmill1 01-11-2012 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by IndianFan (Post 367278)
The problem is that when there is a high tide, the water rises below the playing surface and that is what makes the field muddy. It is never the rain falling from above that you have to worry about but the tides below...

SO when it is high tide it is below sea level, if the water rises above the playing surface.

winmill1 01-11-2012 11:42 AM

or maybe its because the groundskeepers make sure the sprinklers accidentally stay on when there is an offense coming into the bay. At least they can't turn the lights off when Brees gets going.

SanDiego49er 01-11-2012 11:53 AM

Bring it on sunny. We aren't scared of you regardless of weather conditions. Outside of the dome and your comfort zone you score way less points. You are built for an indoor track and no outdoor grass and no wind.

winmill1 01-11-2012 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by SanDiego49er (Post 367623)
Bring it on sunny. We aren't scared of you regardless of weather conditions. Outside of the dome and your comfort zone you score way less points. You are built for an indoor track and no outdoor grass and no wind.

I am loving the fact that EVERYONE is saying we can't score outside because our players and coaches are making bulletin board material out of it. We may try to drop 100 on you guys. The only thing worse than waking a sleeping giant
is to piss one off that's already awake. It will be like Bombs over Baghdad the way those balls will be falling out of the sky. Brees and the boys haven't reached the climax. Unlike last year we are built for anything. We can run it better than you, but you will learn that the hard way.

winmill1 01-11-2012 12:02 PM

And take a good look at my avatar because that's the future

SanDiego49er 01-11-2012 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by winmill1 (Post 367629)
I am loving the fact that EVERYONE is saying we can't score outside because our players and coaches are making bulletin board material out of it. We may try to drop 100 on you guys. The only thing worse than waking a sleeping giant
is to piss one off that's already awake. It will be like Bombs over Baghdad the way those balls will be falling out of the sky. Brees and the boys haven't reached the climax. Unlike last year we are built for anything. We can run it better than you, but you will learn that the hard way.

You can't run it at all on us. And I suspect the passing game vs. our defense and outdoors away from your perfect conditions track and no wind or rain will be much worse. Statistically you are worse in outdoors games on grass. And it's by a lot. Not just a point or 2 or 3. A dramatic difference. You will see.

AlaskaSaints 01-11-2012 12:23 PM

The pot must be flowing across the border HEAVILY in the San Diego area.

Chris Ivory and Pierre Thomas are gonna put a heavy hurtin' on your linebackers, 49erfan.



BigDickWilly 01-11-2012 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 366346)
Thank God it's not a night game. Word is the Niners still haven't paid the light bill.

I detest teams that have to wet a field to get a minuscule advantage. Like the Packers, for instance.


Don't like it? Earn a higher seed then.

And for the Record I'm from SF. I grew up right across the stadium. If you think Chicago is The Windy City you're doing SF a huge injustice. SF's nickname is Fog Town. It will be Foggy, Windy and Cold. The Niners Stadium is about as far from the San Francisco Bay as San Francisco Giants are. No rain, No Snow but you will freeze your nuts off.

SaintsBro 01-11-2012 04:29 PM

There is a big difference between stopping the Cleveland Browns or Arizona Cardinals run game and stopping the Saints. Teams have beaten the 49ers before with only 45, 55, 65 yards type of rushing numbers. The Saints have done it to you. Before you say we "can't run it at all" on you, I am not even sure the 49ers have faced, let alone shut down, a top 10 running team all year, except the Eagles, and I didn't see that game but I assume that was mostly Vick running around. But there only needs to be just enough rushing to balance the pass, set up second down, and confuse the D with playaction. Just enough to make their heads start to spin, and that should be enough for the Saints to walk out of Candlestick with the "W."

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-12-2012 05:02 AM

Dark and wet, just the way the swamp team likes it.

I really have got to get some sleep.

winmill1 01-12-2012 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by SanDiego49er (Post 367635)
You can't run it at all on us. And I suspect the passing game vs. our defense and outdoors away from your perfect conditions track and no wind or rain will be much worse. Statistically you are worse in outdoors games on grass. And it's by a lot. Not just a point or 2 or 3. A dramatic difference. You will see.

Oh we will run it. We have the most complete backfield in the league. You will see.

AlaskaSaints 01-12-2012 10:16 AM


FOG will NOT be a factor, Willy. If it is, I'll kiss your azz in the center of the Bay Bridge during rush hour on a date of your choosing.

"It was a beautifully thrown pass, however Colston seems to have lost sight of it in the FOG."


That FOG you're seeing, Willy... Well, that's in your BONG.


Srgt. Hulka 01-12-2012 10:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BigDickWilly (Post 367789)
Don't like it? Earn a higher seed then.

And for the Record I'm from SF. I grew up right across the stadium. If you think Chicago is The Windy City you're doing SF a huge injustice. SF's nickname is Fog Town. It will be Foggy, Windy and Cold. The Niners Stadium is about as far from the San Francisco Bay as San Francisco Giants are. No rain, No Snow but you will freeze your nuts off.

Well, this shoots the **** out of your "Wet, Foggy, Freezing your nuts off" theory.

Daily Weather Forecast for San Francisco, CA -

AlaskaSaints 01-12-2012 10:34 AM

66 and sunny. It's colder in the Dome. Seriously.


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