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saintfan 03-18-2004 11:26 AM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise

Other than one other member I was the ONLY person on this board who predicted less than a winning season.
Whodat\'s prediction of the NFC South in March of Last year:


I hate to be pessimistic but I can see us going 9-7 again (no better than 3-3 in the division) and ending up out of the playoffs and last in our division behind the 12-4 Falcons, 11-5 Bucs, and 9-7 Panthers
So was ANY of this correct Mr. Prediction? Looks like Howie Long\'s job is safe afterall.

By the way, do any of us think injuries played a part in the Falcons or Bucs not reaching Whodat\'s predicted win total? I think they did. But as Dennis Miller once said, \"that\'s just me...I could be wrong\". :P

[Edited on 18/3/2004 by saintfan]

Danno 03-18-2004 11:36 AM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
There you go again with the broadbrush generalizations.

You\'re going to try to tell me that you, Billy, and Saintfan were down on the coaches BEFORE last season?
I certainly wasn’t gung-ho about them. I know I acknowledged it several times. I can’t speak for Billy and saintfan.
You\'re going to tell me that you guys were unhappy with the moves they made or didn\'t make LAST OFFSEASON?
I personally thought we made some good and bad moves. I wasn’t unhappy.

I thought these were GOOD…Gandy, Conwell, Jones, Rogers, Keaton
I was right on all but Keaton, but Jones is debatable

I thought these were AVERAGE but OK… Ruff
A disappointment but not horrible

I thought these were BAD… Ambose
I was wrong. He did a good job as the nickel he was brought in to be.

It\'s really easy for you to say this now, but it certainly isn\'t even close to the sunshine being sold on this board this time last year.
So some of us accentuated the positives while some of you accentuated the negatives. Our moves weren’t as bad as some said as well as not as good as some hoped. Thats what boards are for.
Do you want to dispute that or should I go look up quotes?
Look away!!! For every positive comment you dig up I’m sure there are just as many negatives you’ll ignore.

Coaching is the problem (in our case that includes talent evaluation and team direction
But I thought you agreed this team was too talented to finish 8-8?

Who do you think is responsible for the fact that the D-line has gone from small, agile and attacking, to fat and slow, and back again?

The GM, and apparently the D-line coach as well as the head coach and defensive coordinator.

This team needed a starting, impact LB last season. They didn\'t get it. They needed one this year. They haven\'t shown interest yet
You have no idea who they’ve talked to. They may have Vilma in their sights as we speak. We don’t know. There are 4 or 5 MLB in this draft I’d be happy with.
Hodge was supposed to have a break-out year and missed 10 weeks with injury. If we signed Arrington and he got hurt game two, would you claim it was the FO’s fault?

They needed a stud corner last season. They need one this season. Still nothing.
CB wasn’t even close to our main problems this past year. Unless you want to count the games we had half our starting defense in street clothes. Yea, that’s fair.
But I\'ll agree that it was disappointing that Craver didn\'t step up like most of us thought he would. Ditto Hawthorne and Carter.

GO ahead and tell me about injuries.

Second most injuries in NFL h istory. Gee ya think that may sway 2 or 3 games toward the loss column? Call me whacky but I’ve only seen one team overcome adversity like that, and they happen to have one of the best coaches to step foot on a field.

You act as if there\'s nothing to even be concerned about.
Oh theres plenty to be concerned about. But you’ll ignore it when we post it.

so when they end up 8-8 and out of the playoffs for the fourth year in a row I guess you\'ll be telling me why Haslett and Company will get it right NEXT YEAR

He won’t be here if we go 8-8 again. So I guess you\'ll be pulling for an 8-8 season again?

lsusurfer 03-18-2004 11:46 AM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
I predicted 5-11, so I was pleasantly surprised!

i think injuries and the coaching was our main problem last year. I was all on the Brooks bandwagon last year, but this year I am beginning to not like him at QB, can he play fullback?


BlackandBlue 03-18-2004 11:48 AM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
You, sir, are making broad assumptions, which is pretty predictable from a totalitarian :P
Seriously, this is getting good, keep it coming while I go grab some popcorn.

[Edited on 18/3/2004 by BlackandBlue]

saintfan 03-18-2004 12:10 PM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
You accuse ME of \"broad assumptions\"? Really? Me? Amazing. Which assumption do you consider broad, exactly? And careful, cause I\'m lible to accuse you of the same! ;)

[Edited on 18/3/2004 by saintfan]

BlackandBlue 03-18-2004 12:17 PM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
Good lord, man, this is a \"message board\", a place where we come to talk Saints football and make opinions. EVERYONE is guilty of making \"broad assumptions\", here, that\'s the nature of the beast. I have no faith in our coaching staff- that\'s pretty broad given the number of coaches there are on the payroll.

but you\'ve been after Haz from day one. You have NEVER liked the guy and you never will. It\'s obvious because no matter what this team does you and a handful of others mock it.

doubt very seriously Mr. Parcells (considered the best coach in the game by most) manages his team and the games to your exacting standards. Hopefully, Joe Gibbs will, and you\'ll be happy as a Redskins fan.
No difference between mine or yours, they are both assumptions, mine is just a bit more broad. Yours is still rather broad, since you slap anyone that doesn\'t agree with your point of view the \"Redskins Fan\" tag.

saintfan 03-18-2004 12:32 PM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
Frankly I don\'t see either of those as \"broad\" statements, but I do wonder why, since this is a \"message board, a place where we come to talke Saints football and make opinions. EVERYONE is guilty of making \"broad assumptions...\"\", you\'d single me out ???

Since we all appear to be guilty of it, why single out one (or two) of my comments?

I really don\'t see either of those quotes as \"broad statements\". Whodat will tell you he doesn\'t like Haz if he\'s being honest that day. The FACT that some mock Jim\'s EVERY move wouldn\'t be difficult to prove.

What\'s broad about the Parcells quote?

Finally, I don\'t slap \"everyone\" that disagrees with me with the \"Redskins Fan\" tag...only those who seem to prefer that style of management. IE: Lets spend as much as possible on players who may or may not be worth it. Lets trade what we have to move up foolishly in the draft...lets sacrifice all for one, unproven player. Let\'s over extend ourselves and sign evey \"name\" guy we can so we can put butts in the seats and finish out of the playoffs...

See what I mean? ;)

[Edited on 18/3/2004 by saintfan]

[Edited on 18/3/2004 by saintfan]

[Edited on 18/3/2004 by saintfan]

BrooksMustGo 03-18-2004 12:51 PM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
I never make \"broad assumptions\". :P

BlackandBlue 03-18-2004 01:27 PM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
Man, you are way too highstrung, hell I\'d buy you a prostitute, if I knew where you lived. Remind me not to joke with you anymore.

Cadillac 03-18-2004 01:51 PM

The "Do-Nothing" Franchise
That was an entertaining read! Danno dominated that debate though.

As far as \"broad assumptions\" go though, I try to avoid them. I find assuming anything about women usually gets you in trouble.

Hahaha get it?? BROADS?! :P

..... Sorry.

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