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saintfan 03-16-2004 12:45 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
I also said I wouldn't say I told you so, but it was just too tempting. Of course nothing has been done -- "OFFICIALLY" -- but we'll see won't we? Some may have forgot the conversation, so I'll do a little refresher for ya'll :

"The Panthers have already said that next year they plan to give Jake a raise. If they're gonna give him a raise then they CLEARLY don't agree with your little theory about signing 2nd or 3rd tier players as the QB" -- Saintfan in a Post to Whodat

"How do you know what the Panthers will have to pay him after this year? Have you read something somewhere?" -- JOESAM2002

"Yes, JOESAM, I did read that, and I'll see if I can find the article. " -- Saintfan just prior to posting a link to an article indicating Jake could be up for more money.

"In fact if I recall correctly, what I'm speaking of in the earlier post was a show on the NFL Network where John Fox was interviewed and said they would have to pay Jake a "starters" salary next year." -- Saintfan

"I'm not taking any sides here. But I looked for info on Jake asking for more money and found none. " -- Gatorman

And Now...Gents (and ladies)...the plot officially thickens

In a month, Delhomme will return to Charlotte for the beginning of the Panthers' offseason workout program. By the summer, he hopes to have a contract extension completed that will lock him in as the Panthers' No. 1 quarterback for the next 5-6 years.

"Certainly, the team needs to address the free agents first," said Delhomme, who still has a year remaining on his current contract. "But I'd like to get something knocked out after that, and I think it will happen. I want to be a Carolina Panther. I don't want to be anywhere else."

Here's the Link...more to come I'm quite certain! ;)

deadflatbird 03-16-2004 02:45 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
Hey man... go get a life/a panther life. He is a Panther not a Saint. Who cares...

Note to Deadflatbird :This is an open discussion general football forum , everyone is entitled to their opinion on football matters . Please post accordingly .....

[Edited on 17/3/2004 by saintz08]

saintfan 03-16-2004 02:57 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
Who Cares? See 08 for your answer...careful tho, he may hold you after class for not paying attention.

deadflatbird 03-16-2004 02:59 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
LOL... I don\'t doubt that for a second. I wonder what toothpaste Jake uses or what toliot paper he uses?

saintfan 04-01-2004 01:29 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
Well, I hate to keep \'a harpin\' on, I guess I don\'t really hate it. Besides, I know 08 will be quite pleased.


The Panthers want to keep him. He wants to stay. He\'s successful in this system and has developed a strong relationship with offensive coordinator Dan Henning and wide receiver Steve Smith, who will also remain, as soon as they finish an extension for him.

Delhomme is also grateful to the Panthers for the opportunity to start, after sitting on the bench for six years with New Orleans. He will likely end up with a deal smaller in numbers but similar in structure to the one New England quarterback Tom Brady signed after he came out of nowhere to lead the Patriots to a Super Bowl three years ago.

After Brady replaced Drew Bledsoe and led the Pats to their first title, they rewarded him with a four-year extension worth nearly $30 million in new money. Brady received a $3.5 million signing bonus at the time of the deal, with another $6 million option bonus the following spring. He had low base salaries in 2002 and 2003, but they rose to $5.5 million in 2004 and 2005, and $6 million in 2006, the final year of the deal.

Delhomme\'s deal probably won\'t reach those levels. After all, Brady was 25 when he signed the extension prior to the 2002 season, and the Panthers quarterback turned 29 during the playoffs, meaning he doesn\'t have the same long-term potential Brady did at the time.


Euphoria 04-01-2004 02:12 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
so are we placing bets when he\'ll be bench because the team isn\'t performing... i.e. Bucs? Don\'t get me wrong I like Jake and I am happy for him but why all this drama about Jake going to Panthers and got a good break. We all should be happy for him.

DatWho. 04-01-2004 02:20 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
According to popular logic, Jake should immediately be sent packing a replaced by WHOEVER is the back-up in Carolina. Of course, if you went with that logic, just about every pro-bowl QB would be riding the bench and we would have a bunch of second-stringers playing on every team. LOGICAL??? I think not. Is there a $$ threshold where a QB is hurting their team? I\'m curious what that cap number is??

WhoDat 04-01-2004 03:26 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
Awe, Billy. Showing your inability to understand simple concepts again? I love that name by the way. How long before that one gets banned too?

WhoDat\'s original point (in that debate):
Jake Delhomme is a better option at QB for a number of reasons. Money came into it b/c I said that I would rather have a middle of the road but cheap QB with a strong supporting cast then have an overpaid underperforming QB who isn\'t progressing.

Saintfan and Billy, as usual, polarized the argument and suggested that I was saying that in any given situation you find the cheapest possible option and take him. CLEARLY, that\'s not what I was saying.

But go ahead guys, continue to misrepresent me. I\'m not concerned, b/c I remain correct. The QBs in the last four SuperBowls - Brady, Delhomme, Gannon, Johnson, Brady, Warner, Dilfer, Collins. Of those, only Warner was a highly paid player considered one of the best at his position. The rest are middle of the road who had great supporting casts.

Even Saintfan suggested that Delhomme would now have to be paid like a \'starter\'. Interesting that even if he is, he\'ll still likely make half of what AB is making. Still seems like the better option to me - but go ahead Saintfan - keep laughing about how ridiculous the idea is with the newbie and the cast out.

[Edited on 1/4/2004 by WhoDat]

saintfan 04-01-2004 03:33 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
Whodat --

My post here really has very little to do with your argument. I know what you mean and point taken. The reason I\'ve brought it back up is beacuse it was insinuated that I made up the part about Delhomme\'s getting a raise to further a point which wasn\'t true then and isn\'t true now. We now know it was NOT made up but in fact a fact that will be proven before the next season.

You think we pay Brooks too much money. I don\'t. It really is that simple. How much a particular player is worth to his team is relative don\'t you think? Could it be that Jake is more or less NOT as important to the Panthers offense as Brooks is to his?

[Edited on 1/4/2004 by saintfan]

DatFu 04-01-2004 09:25 PM

I TOLD you people this was comin...

WhoDat 04-03-2004 07:03 AM

I TOLD you people this was comin...
Point taken Saintfan. You and I seem to have reached some common ground - or at least some common understanding - and agree to disagree on certain things. Billy is just up to his same old ish. When the guy starts talking like that I\'m gonna step up and put him in his place - which usually equates to being banned. Maybe Gator can send him some of his law school books and Billy can learn how to argue successfully. Doubtful, but it\'s worth a try.

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