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WhoDat!656 03-02-2012 05:41 PM

This would be an utter and complete disaster for the Saints
Though the release issued by the league office mentions only fines, suspensions, and forfeiture of draft picks as possible discipline for the blatant three-year violation of the league’s bounty rules, the timing of the league’s disclosure of the information invited speculation as to whether Commissioner Roger Goodell is contemplating something a bit more creative.

Something like, say, stripping the Saints of their franchise tag for 2012.

League should consider taking Saints

ChrisXVI 03-02-2012 05:47 PM

This is really bad guys. I know everyone wants to act like it's no big deal and make jokes about how Shanle probably never got any bounty money but I think this is going to be devestating for the Saints. I don't think they'll take away our franchise tag but we're going to take a big step back.

WhoDat!656 03-02-2012 05:50 PM

Maybe the Saints can say all the unpaid money in the bounty was given to charities!!

CharityMike 03-02-2012 05:59 PM

Another question..what A Hole keeps 50,000 pages of records for an illegal act? This entire thing smells funny.

Maverick2299 03-02-2012 06:07 PM

I think they did pay players but...I am curious to what the actual documents say on the matter. Reporters have a tendency to make things sound worse then they appear. Also there is really no other news to report right this is the biggest story. I am also curious if they will crack down on all the teams in the NFL. Maybe the saints need to report the 49ers for being to aggressive and see what they find.

Will the look into the redskins, now that they have come foreword. I am interested to see how this all ends.

saintsfan1976 03-02-2012 06:11 PM

I call B.S. on the whole deal.

It's chum in the water for an otherwise headline-lacking offseason.

If we were Ohio State, I'd be concerned...

ChrisXVI 03-02-2012 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 381852)
I call B.S. on the whole deal.

It's chum in the water for an otherwise headline-lacking offseason.

If we were Ohio State, I'd be concerned...

Headline-lacking offseason??? I don't know about you but I read about 10,000,000 stories daily about where Manning's going to play next season, and what team's going to trade up to the number 2 pick in the draft to get RG3. Considering we haven't made it to the draft yet I'd say it's been a pretty headline worthy offseason so far. This story is a big deal like it or not.

SaintPauly 03-02-2012 10:03 PM

I agree that something isnt stirring the kool aide here.... If i were to guess, someone who is involved in this investigation, got paid themselves..... Something isnt right about this entire event..... The possibility of the saints being the first team to host a superbowl, Brees' contract situation, nicks/colston, williams defection...... I want to hear what Sean Payton has to say about this..... I WANT TO SEE THESE DOCUMENTS.... we are presuming guilt, without seeing any of their evidence..... Guilty til proven innocent? And another thing..... I dont trust Goodell any further than i could throw him..... There is a conspiracy here, i would bet my last dollar on it....

NOLA54 03-02-2012 10:50 PM

I am more concerned with our reputation now. After reading the comments included in the article it sounds like a lot of people hate us more than ever. Those were some vicious comments. No wonder Williams bolted to the Rams. He should still be held accountable no matter where he coaches. Where in the hell do we go from here?

QBREES9 03-02-2012 10:57 PM

This is a bad day in New Oleans Saints History. We can't sign the greatest Quarterback we've ever had, and know this Bounty gate DUMB DUMB DUMB. From some of the smartest men in football.

' we have to keep this team together " Drew Brees. Then sign the dam contract. Last minute deal will happen.

mapcow 03-02-2012 11:07 PM

Did anybody get killed or crippled from any of these hits? If so, then yeah, punish the Saints severely. But.....c'mon.....using money to create incintive, hell, we are all guilty of that.....pot calling the kettle black....

I would like to see any one of you, try to keep your sanity and emotions in check while playing the most exciting , and controlled violent game of your life, and NOT knock the sssshhhhittt out of someone; especially being in the best physical shape and strength capacity of your life. I was taught; if you want to play football, you better be ready and willing to hit somebody; and I was 12 years old. Something along the lines of .....hit him so hard he remembers you. OR hit him so hard, he won't come your way again.

We might as well punish little league football as well.

FinSaint 03-03-2012 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by NOLA54 (Post 381956)
I am more concerned with our reputation now. After reading the comments included in the article it sounds like a lot of people hate us more than ever. Those were some vicious comments. No wonder Williams bolted to the Rams. He should still be held accountable no matter where he coaches. Where in the hell do we go from here?

And why are you so concerned about what fans of other teams are saying about the Saints?

I couldn't care less what people think/say about the Saints, they can bring this issue up again as an excuse after the Saints win the SB next season - I hope it brings them some solace.

saintsfan1976 03-03-2012 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 381931)
Headline-lacking offseason??? I don't know about you but I read about 10,000,000 stories daily about where Manning's going to play next season, and what team's going to trade up to the number 2 pick in the draft to get RG3. Considering we haven't made it to the draft yet I'd say it's been a pretty headline worthy offseason so far. This story is a big deal like it or not.

You're kidding me, right? IF Jeremy Lin didn't have 5 good games this season, ESPN would still be talking about Tim Tebow. Absolutely nothing interesting has happened, hence the continued "where will Manning go" speculation roller coaster...

I'm putting a bounty out on this witch hunt of a story. Heck why don't we reinvestigate Payton for stealing Vicodin and selling it to Brett Favre.:rolleyes:

ChrisXVI 03-03-2012 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 382020)
You're kidding me, right? IF Jeremy Lin didn't have 5 good games this season, ESPN would still be talking about Tim Tebow. Absolutely nothing interesting has happened, hence the continued "where will Manning go" speculation roller coaster...

I'm putting a bounty out on this witch hunt of a story. Heck why don't we reinvestigate Payton for stealing Vicodin and selling it to Brett Favre.:rolleyes:

No I'm not kidding you. I stand by my point.

saintsfan1976 03-03-2012 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 382025)
No I'm not kidding you. I stand by my point.

And that proves my point. :p

FinSaint 03-03-2012 07:23 AM


Srgt. Hulka 03-03-2012 07:44 AM

Well, I'll tell ya, I just found out a out this "bounty" situation last night. Between work, kids, and being a very slow offseason, I haven't been keeping up with the latest news. So when I found out about this, I immediately came here and started reading. I just watched Total Access this morning. Guys, this is bad, really really bad. Greg Williams is appologizing for this thing. We're going to lose draft pics, we're going to be fined. We are going to be made the poster child of "cheating" in the NFL. This will be a LOT worse than spygate. We know that the Falcons are dirty players. We are now dirtier than them. We, as far as the rest of the league and the rest of the fans, are now no longer as class team. We are now a bunch of low down, scum of the league, DIRTY players. And I tell you what...I'm pissed off. I'm really pissed off!!!!! I'm ready to go kick Greg Williams in the head. We have a very big hill to climb to get out of this frikkin canyon that Williams has put us in. I'm so frikkin mad right now, that I think I'm starting to ramble. I know some of you guys are going to flame me for some of this, and that's ok, but this will be talked about all season, everytime we make a big hit. I just know that we have a very big dirty hill to climb now.

RockyMountainSaint 03-03-2012 07:46 AM


Danno 03-03-2012 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 382038)
Well, I'll tell ya, I just found out a out this "bounty" situation last night. Between work, kids, and being a very slow offseason, I haven't been keeping up with the latest news. So when I found out about this, I immediately came here and started reading. I just watched Total Access this morning. Guys, this is bad, really really bad. Greg Williams is appologizing for this thing. We're going to lose draft pics, we're going to be fined. We are going to be made the poster child of "cheating" in the NFL. This will be a LOT worse than spygate. We know that the Falcons are dirty players. We are now dirtier than them. We, as far as the rest of the league and the rest of the fans, are now no longer as class team. We are now a bunch of low down, scum of the league, DIRTY players. And I tell you what...I'm pissed off. I'm really pissed off!!!!! I'm ready to go kick Greg Williams in the head. We have a very big hill to climb to get out of this frikkin canyon that Williams has put us in. I'm so frikkin mad right now, that I think I'm starting to ramble. I know some of you guys are going to flame me for some of this, and that's ok, but this will be talked about all season, everytime we make a big hit. I just know that we have a very big dirty hill to climb now.

The problem is perception, not reality.

Bounties do not change the way a defensive player plays. It doesn't mean we were a dirty team.

Was Al Davis demonized for saying the QB must go down, and must go down hard?

Srgt. Hulka 03-03-2012 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 382046)
The problem is perception, not reality.

Bounties do not change the way a defensive player plays. It doesn't mean we were a dirty team.

Was Al Davis demonized for saying the QB must go down, and must go down hard?

No, but I remember a time when the Raiders were the dirtiest and most hated team in tha NFL.

SapperSaint 03-03-2012 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 381931)
Headline-lacking offseason??? I don't know about you but I read about 10,000,000 stories daily about where Manning's going to play next season, and what team's going to trade up to the number 2 pick in the draft to get RG3. Considering we haven't made it to the draft yet I'd say it's been a pretty headline worthy offseason so far. This story is a big deal like it or not.

Mannings "Where will he go George", is old news. The RAMS and RG3..... is that really interesting??? No, not really.

Making the Saints, The most dominant offense in the NFL, Record breaking Team..... That team has been playing players to hurt people..... that is an off season story. More stuff will come out about this that will not be regurgatated Manning and RG3 crap.

This is whole thing is BS! What are they going to do???? Suspend the whole defensive side of the ball??? Good Lord help me....I am P.O.'ed more than I can say! I wish we could cuss!!!

FinSaint 03-03-2012 08:36 AM

Yeah, and the whole thing is basically just about the principle, because they can't show a concrete example of the Saints injuring a player because of the bounty system - at least I'm not aware of them having that type of evidence against the Saints.

If it's the principle only, then why didn't the Bengals get fined when couple of season a go it seemed like half of their team was in trouble with the law - isn't that against the principle of being a professional athlete and a role model?

SapperSaint 03-03-2012 08:44 AM

No. It is perfectly fine with the NFL to have sexual predators, dope heads, thevies, and "Gangsters", playing in the NFL, Fin.

But God forbid if you hit someone "too" hard!

If this turns out to be bad for the Saints..... I am done with pro football! I'm not joking!

SmashMouth 03-03-2012 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 382038)
Well, I'll tell ya, I just found out a out this "bounty" situation last night. Between work, kids, and being a very slow offseason, I haven't been keeping up with the latest news. So when I found out about this, I immediately came here and started reading. I just watched Total Access this morning. Guys, this is bad, really really bad. Greg Williams is appologizing for this thing. We're going to lose draft pics, we're going to be fined. We are going to be made the poster child of "cheating" in the NFL. This will be a LOT worse than spygate. We know that the Falcons are dirty players. We are now dirtier than them. We, as far as the rest of the league and the rest of the fans, are now no longer as class team. We are now a bunch of low down, scum of the league, DIRTY players. And I tell you what...I'm pissed off. I'm really pissed off!!!!! I'm ready to go kick Greg Williams in the head. We have a very big hill to climb to get out of this frikkin canyon that Williams has put us in. I'm so frikkin mad right now, that I think I'm starting to ramble. I know some of you guys are going to flame me for some of this, and that's ok, but this will be talked about all season, everytime we make a big hit. I just know that we have a very big dirty hill to climb now.

Relax ... it's a slow news cycle right now ....I mean not much going on until the draft, other than trying to sign Drew and the rest of the players. So it is natural there would be a lot of piling on. GOOSFRABA! :bng::mrgreen:

Euphoria 03-03-2012 09:14 AM

Yeah to many of you have your panties in a wad over this.

This thing happens just that we were the ones that they are singling out over this. The one that will be 'made and example of'. They aren't going to strip us of a national tittle, or keep us from playing in any bowl games over it.

Look went the Saints played the Vikes in the NFC championship, I turned to everyone at the party and said, "I never want a player to get hurt but if Farve needs to get hurt for us to get to the SB, then I am ok with it". Granted I didn't want it to be an illegal hit but in normal play of the game. There is a difference.

And for those of you who loved GW and didn't want him to go... well there you go another reason not to want him here in NO.

Rugby Saint II 03-03-2012 07:22 PM

There will be light coming down soon.

Haps Biggest Fan 03-04-2012 01:00 PM

My humble opinion is that the Saints were going to take a step back next season even without BountyGate.

The schedule is murder and the atrocious, stink-bomb Defense is not going to be fixed in one off-season, even without BountyGate.

Not to mention the fact that the Saints have been very lucky that Brees has stayed healthy. Who knows when that luck will run out. Tom Brady's luck ran out and he missed a season. I'm glad that he bounced back well.

NOS2SB 03-04-2012 01:13 PM

I think every team does this sh*t. Coaches may not be involved, but players have a way to motivate each other and putting money up is one way. I don't like Roger Goodell. This guy has done more to harm the NFL than to help it.

spkb25 03-04-2012 02:30 PM

Here's what I don't understand, why isn't GW being held accountable. Ban him from coaching for a year. Why the **** is it always the players or fans that pay. Ban that dude.

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