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SmashMouth 03-08-2012 09:41 AM

Coach Gibbs used to hand out $100 for Redskins
Joe Gibbs Used to Hand Out $100 Bills For Knocking Down Quarterbacks

George Stark, a former player under Joe Gibbs during his first stint as head coach of the Washington Redskins, said that Gibbs used to give out $100 bills to defenders who knocked down the opposing team’s quarterback, according to DC Sports Bog.

“Let’s be clear: the reason that the Hogs did that Hogs Night Out poster…was, in the meeting after the game, Joe Gibbs would come in, he’d have a fistful of $100 bills,” Starke said on ESPN 980, as transcribed by DC Sports Bog. “And if Dexter knocked the quarterback down three times, he would get three hundred-dollar bills. And Joe would pass the money out in the meeting, and we would have to duck.

“Dexter only played probably three plays a game, because he didn’t play the run, all he wanted to do was the rush the passer. So he’s getting three hundred-dollar bills. If Art Monk got two catches…there’s all kind of reasons that guy got these hundred-dollar bills. But offensive linemen, if they had a perfect game — that meant that John [Riggins] ran for 100 yards — he would get some money but we didn’t get anything. That was the whole Hogs Night Out thing. I said screw that, I went out and signed Jack Kent Cooke’s to the check. Everybody knows that story.”

During his second stint as the Redskins head coach, Gregg Williams served as Gibbs’ defensive coordinator. Williams is now being charged with establishing a bounty system while in New Orleans where he would financially reward players for injuring members of the opposing team.

Gibbs denied any knowledge of such a system run by Williams while he was the head coach of the Redskins. However Starke told ESPN 980, “That’s just too stupid. Of course he knew.”

Report: Joe Gibbs Used to Hand Out $100 Bills For Knocking Down Quarterbacks | SI Tracking Blog

Euphoria 03-08-2012 09:44 AM

I love it...

Keep this investigation going to give us more names and teams.

Make this whole thing a little easier to swallow.

skymike 03-08-2012 09:45 AM

very interesting, Smashie. two thoughts:

1. I dont think there'd be a problem with paying someone for knockdowns,
if they're legal.

2. would an NFL player even want $100 bills? thats like a 20th of a penny to them. probably use me for bird cage liners.

SloMotion 03-08-2012 09:54 AM

... another connection back to Greg Williams ... what a coinkey-dink ... the only difference between what was being done back then and what Williams did in New Orleans is phraseology ... Gibbs called it, "knocking-down", Williams hyped it up by calling it, "carting-off" or "knocking-out".

Doesn't make it right, but does put it a little more in perspective.

SaintsBro 03-08-2012 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 384620)
. the only difference between what was being done back now and what Williams did in New Orleans is phraseology ... Gibbs called it, "knocking-down", Williams hyped it up by calling it, "carting-off" or "knocking-out".

Doesn't make it right, but does put it a little more in perspective.

You make a really interesting point SloMo -- I have been wondering myself, how much of this "bounty" business in the locker room was really just RHETORIC and POSTURING and THEATER. Like "cart 'em off!" "knock 'em out!" and the ridiculous stunt with Vilma and the alleged putting the $10,000 on the table. I mean aside from being totally illegal per NFL rules, it's also great THEATER and a great PSYCHOLOGICAL MOTIVATOR! How much of it was really THAT, I wonder, rather than a serious intent to scheme to hurt an actual player. It's kind of obvious, since every single player I've read about who was actually there in the meetings that has spoken out so far (Sharper, Fujita, McRay, Jenkins) seems to be painstakingly denying the injury part of it, while most are freely admitting that yeah, money was kinda paid around for various things, it happens. Some even seem kinda blindsided, dumbfounded, or surprised, that it is even being made into such a big deal.

The radio interview with Darren Sharper very clearly made it sound more like, he was talking about $100 here, $150 there, for interceptions, fumbles, sacks, big plays. And Fujita even mentioned paying someone for making a special teams tackle inside the 20. That routine play that happens every game, has ruined many an NFL career, I'm sure!

But I am beginning to suspect, that a lot of this mess was basically just stupid GREGG WILLIAMS TRASH TALKING, and his raunchy rhetoric, added on and piling more of his stupidity on top of the stuff that has been going on in NFL locker rooms for years/decades. Whether it was really "meant" or not, who knows -- Bobby McRae said via Twitter that there was no "pot" and he never got a cent for the big hit on Warner, but he did get a league fine. Meanwhile Gregg Williams was always running his big mouth off at the podium and saying really stupid stuff (and then not backing it up with action, but that's another story).

I mean in the heat of the moment I've pumped my fist in the stands and yelled "kill 'em! kill 'em!" when an opposing QB is running around scrambling from defenders, it doesn't mean I literally want the defense to actually kill him. How much of this was really that, I wonder.

Rugby Saint II 03-08-2012 12:25 PM

$100 bast***!!:wink:

SloMotion 03-08-2012 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 384661)
You make a really interesting point SloMo -- I have been wondering myself, how much of this "bounty" business in the locker room was really just RHETORIC and POSTURING and THEATER. Like "cart 'em off!" "knock 'em out!" and the ridiculous stunt with Vilma and the alleged putting the $10,000 on the table. I mean aside from being totally illegal per NFL rules, it's also great THEATER and a great PSYCHOLOGICAL MOTIVATOR! How much of it was really THAT, I wonder, rather than a serious intent to scheme to hurt an actual player. It's kind of obvious, since every single player I've read about who was actually there in the meetings that has spoken out so far (Sharper, Fujita, McRay, Jenkins) seems to be painstakingly denying the injury part of it, while most are freely admitting that yeah, money was kinda paid around for various things, it happens. Some even seem kinda blindsided, dumbfounded, or surprised, that it is even being made into such a big deal.

The radio interview with Darren Sharper very clearly made it sound more like, he was talking about $100 here, $150 there, for interceptions, fumbles, sacks, big plays. And Fujita even mentioned paying someone for making a special teams tackle inside the 20. That routine play that happens every game, has ruined many an NFL career, I'm sure!

But I am beginning to suspect, that a lot of this mess was basically just stupid GREGG WILLIAMS TRASH TALKING, and his raunchy rhetoric, added on and piling more of his stupidity on top of the stuff that has been going on in NFL locker rooms for years/decades. Whether it was really "meant" or not, who knows -- Bobby McRae said via Twitter that there was no "pot" and he never got a cent for the big hit on Warner, but he did get a league fine. Meanwhile Gregg Williams was always running his big mouth off at the podium and saying really stupid stuff (and then not backing it up with action, but that's another story).

I mean in the heat of the moment I've pumped my fist in the stands and yelled "kill 'em! kill 'em!" when an opposing QB is running around scrambling from defenders, it doesn't mean I literally want the defense to actually kill him. How much of this was really that, I wonder.

Exactly, it's a warrior-mentality out there on the field and to the victor go the spoils. These payments are 'the spoils'. Ask any defensive NFL player what 'stripper money' is, and if he says he doesn't know, he's lying. It's the name for these type of incentive payments.

A lot of this mess falls squarely on Greg Williams' shoulders for escalating the rhetoric.

saintfan 03-08-2012 04:57 PM

Joe Gibbs should be removed from NFL Hall of Fame Immediately. LMMFAO

Danno 03-08-2012 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 384703)
$100 bast***!!:wink:

But that was back in like the leather helmet days.:p

Today that would be about $10,000

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