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saintfan 03-12-2012 03:53 PM

Roger Goodell Must Go!
Sure is a whole lot of hell coming down lately. The "Strike/Lockout" and "SpyGate" and "BountyGate" and now the cap violation or whatever it is the Cowboys and Redskins have done (and maybe us and the Raiders too?). All this crap with former players suing the league 'cause 'dey hurt 'dems wittle selves.

The league is going to hell and it's happening under Goodell's watch.

Maybe it's time for him to step down? What say the masses?

JimmyB1775 03-12-2012 03:57 PM

I'll double dare him...

Danno 03-12-2012 04:05 PM

I was a Goodell supporter, until he stated that the bounty news was "earth shattering".

The flag football rules I can understand. The players forced it on him with their safety concerns during the CBA.

I can no longer defend him.

saintfan 03-12-2012 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 386185)
I was a Goodell supporter, until he stated that the bounty news was "earth shattering".

The flag football rules I can understand. The players forced it on him with their safety concerns during the CBA.

I can no longer defend him.

Well I just sent this to ESPN - like they'll actually read it. LOL


Your bloggers are awfully quick to sensationalize and crucify. With Sypgate, Bountygate, the lockout/strike, recent salary cap violations, the pending litigation between the league and players over concussions and more, why doesn't someone on your staff consider taking note of the fact that all this has happened under Roger Goodell's watch?

The NFL is becoming a shell of its former self and fans aren't happy about it. Roger is taking the NFL dynasty apart one piece at a time and your 'journalists' have yet to become aware of it?

Perhaps ESPN fears the league would retaliate if ESPN took the time to opine on the subject? While your writers are taking shots across the bow of every team and player, calling for fines, suspensions, and even lifetime bans, maybe you people should figure out where the buck stops and do some real reporting for a change.

This of it like this: A story suggesting a commish overthrow is sure to be worth a TON of clicks. Isn't that the name of the game?

saintfan 03-12-2012 04:29 PM

Humid Beings - Bountygate

SaintsBro 03-12-2012 05:06 PM

You're leaving out the pink Breast Cancer stuff -- nothing wrong with raising money and awareness but a WHOLE MONTH? For ONE charity? Why them and not others?

- destroying the evidence in the Patriots' Spygate so people would not know how badly the extent of the cheating was - helped out his good friend Robert Kraft
- the whole bizness of steering Vick to Philadelphia behind the scenes
- swept the Brett Favre sexual harassment stuff under the table
- the historic lockout and deterioration of relations between players and the league

It's debacle after debacle with this guy!

|Mitch| 03-12-2012 05:10 PM

^ seems we have a very biased commissioner...

saintfan 03-12-2012 05:10 PM

he's a turd

FinSaint 03-12-2012 05:14 PM

I agree, and you have my vote.

Well, unfortunately there's nothing left to do than to wait for the draft day and see him getting booed by the audience once again.

Beastmode 03-12-2012 05:49 PM

He also puts in orders to change the outcome of games. The Brady "tuck incident. There is evidence he dialed in the call.

The Tuck Rule - YouTube

|Mitch| 03-12-2012 06:15 PM

The Tuck Rule = worst miss-call ever!

Rugby Saint II 03-12-2012 09:07 PM

They just extended his contract. He needs to get a life away from football. Yeah, he's going to get booed a whole lot. He'd better get used to it.

Srgt. Hulka 03-12-2012 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 386229)
He also puts in orders to change the outcome of games. The Brady "tuck incident. There is evidence he dialed in the call.

The Tuck Rule - YouTube

Don't forget the Favre Rule. So we can make it all even and nobody gets their feelings hurt.

Marlboro Man 03-12-2012 11:58 PM

I have always said and still stand by what I said and that is Roger Goodell is the worst commissioner in NFL history. He needs to be replaced. Before this year started, they said that this was going to be a super year for the salary cap. That it was going to increase dramatically and it didn't. I wonder what happened.

neugey 03-13-2012 05:40 AM

Roger Goodell ... the emperor has no clothes. And he looks like a washed-up porn star.

FinSaint 03-13-2012 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Marlboro Man (Post 386397)
I have always said and still stand by what I said and that is Roger Goodell is the worst commissioner in NFL history. He needs to be replaced. Before this year started, they said that this was going to be a super year for the salary cap. That it was going to increase dramatically and it didn't. I wonder what happened.

I must have missed that, because all I remember reading was that the cap was going to increase only in small increments in 2012 and 2013.

But then it's going to jump when the new TV deal revenue is counted towards the overall revenue, which in turn determines the salary budgets and the salary cap.

That new TV deal increases the major TV revenues by about $2B/year from CBS, FOX, NBC, and Disney (ESPN) from 2014 onward.

SapperSaint 03-13-2012 07:53 AM

I'm in on getting rid of Goodell.

I'm a Favre fan. I'm a USM guy and I'm from Mississippi. So that's like being Catholic and rooting for Notre Dame. It's just something that you do. But when he put in the Favre overtime rule; that showed me that the NFL wants some kind of control on who wins a game. The Brady tuck rule falls under this as well.

TheOak 03-13-2012 08:13 AM

Ken Lay had to go down for everything that happened at Enron under his watch..

Goodell should go down for everything that has happened in the NFL under his watch.

They were both charged with the "prevention" of such problems and neither were proactive. Reactivity in both situations does not mean acting once you think something is wrong, reactivity in both situations means acting when an issue goes public and its time for damage controle.

New Orleans should have not been "warned" or "told to stop" in 2009 when Goodell found out about it, they should have been punished then.

SapperSaint 03-13-2012 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by x626xBlack (Post 386459)
Ken Lay had to go down for everything that happened at Enron under his watch..

Goodell should go down for everything that has happened in the NFL under his watch.

They were both charged with the "prevention" of such problems and neither were proactive. Reactivity in both situations dows not mean acting once you think something is wrong, reactivity in both situations means acting when an issue goes public and its time for damage controle.

New Orleans should have not been "warned" or "told to stop" in 2009 when Goodell found out about it, they should have been punished then.

Very good post!

lee909 03-13-2012 10:22 AM

I thought he had just got a extension and would be commish until 2019.
I'd love to see him gone as would most fans but while he makes the owners bigger revenue pots through the international expansion I think we are stuck with him.

SaintPauly 03-13-2012 01:07 PM

Never been a fan of Goodell.... I'm all for him being gone... He's killing the game, and smiling all the way to the bank while doing it...........

darstep 03-13-2012 01:20 PM

Goody is taking the "nip it in the bud" stance.
There are 9 more years left on this 10 year deal.
He thinks if he lets them smoke, next they will be drinking.
He is clamping down in an attempt to keep teams and players from purposely
tip-toeing close to the line.
It just feels like he wants to make an example of us.
I just don't want us to end up like Pete Rose.
Cap penalties, draft forfeiture, fines, suspensions...
He may invent something new just for us.

TheOak 03-13-2012 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by SaintPauly (Post 386625)
Never been a fan of Goodell.... I'm all for him being gone... He's killing the game, and smiling all the way to the bank while doing it...........

Sport or not, he is an ecexutive charged with a multibillion dollar corporation. He recieves executive compensation, has an executive title and all the perks that go along with it.

His priorities are ass-backwards. Its a sad f-in day when a corporation tucks tail to the media and not its customers (fans). He is going to levy a heavy had against a bounty issue that has in reality been around since the 1970's but there is no puniushment for a team that puts a concussed player back on the field prematurely?

As fans, some of you really need to check your damn sense of priorities if "bounty gate" is more offensive to your delicate sense of humanity than a persons well being.

My guess is that those who are most offended have never known the smell of a locker room, the sound of tape coming off the roll, the adrenaline rush of taking the field, or the sweet smell of a brand new football. Much less the thrill of the fans cheering you after a victory nor the dead scilence of a long bus ride home after a loss.

saintfan 03-13-2012 01:36 PM

He's a turd sucker

darstep 03-13-2012 01:41 PM

Now that's nasty.

saintfan 03-13-2012 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by darstep (Post 386666)
Now that's nasty.

I want my true feelings to be known. LOL

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