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Chuck 04-12-2004 03:05 PM

Another Pathetic Fan
Every year i begin with sky top expectations and get burned with the low results. Who is the person i should seek out to break my spirits and understand reality. Who can show me the way of pessimisim. :P

P.S. Been a long reader of B&G. and I really enjoy the insight many of you guys bring.

[Edited on 12/4/2004 by Chuck]

Danno 04-12-2004 03:14 PM

Another Pathetic Fan
Would low expectations met with low results make you feel any better?

Not me.

Pessimism is the safe road travelled by many weak spirited fans.

If you\'re wrong, its OK because we win.

If we struggle, you can say I told you so to the 2 or 3 people on the planet that give a ratsass you were right.

[Edited on 12/4/2004 by Danno]

Chuck 04-12-2004 03:44 PM

Another Pathetic Fan
The High expectations are just to tempting. I need someone to teach me pessimism. If i say something to optomistic, i need that person to call me on it, who\'s the best person for the job :P

Danno 04-12-2004 03:48 PM

Another Pathetic Fan
You\'ll find out pretty quick.
Post something optimistic, like we\'ll go 13-3, and give reasons.
They\'ll come out of the woodwork so fast you won\'t know what hit you.

Chuck 04-12-2004 03:49 PM

Another Pathetic Fan
Im Hearing Who Dat can be my Mentor

Danno 04-12-2004 03:52 PM

Another Pathetic Fan

Im Hearing Who Dat can be my Mentor
Oh there are many to chose from. You can\'t sling a dead cat in this place without hitting a dozen pessimists.

Chuck 04-12-2004 03:55 PM

Another Pathetic Fan

Oh there are many to chose from. You can\'t sling a dead cat in this place without hitting a dozen pessimists.
To funny, strange, but really funny

WhoDat 04-12-2004 07:15 PM

Another Pathetic Fan
Label me a pessimistic all you want. I believe my prediction for this team last year was 8-8. I was reamed and all those \'optimists\' predicting 12-4 or 13-3 just couldn\'t understand it. It\'s called REALISM.

Listen Chuck, see both sides of the argument. For example, in the second half of the season last year the Saints went 5-3. They might have been 6-2 if Carney doesn\'t miss an extra point in Jacksonville. That\'s pretty good. Some people will tell you that the team was finally healthy and they got the time they needed to gel. Sure, there is probably truth to that.

The flip side of that coin tells you that they beat no teams with winning records last season. In the last three seasons they\'ve had one half of every season where they went no better than 3-5. This off-season has been fairly average. No real impact players thus far. Guys that may help, yes, but not much in the way of true upgrades. There is still the draft left so there is some hope.

Now, if you consider both sides, you will likely see a team that should and probably will get a little better, but not much. One or two, MAYBE three more wins than last season. 10-6. That\'s where I am right now. That will change based on what the Saints, and other teams do in the draft. Still, just try to be realistic about it.

Chuck 04-12-2004 08:45 PM

Another Pathetic Fan
I get your point WhoDat,

If i start to be one of those \'optimists\' i want you to call me on it.

Danno 04-13-2004 07:02 AM

Another Pathetic Fan

I get your point WhoDat,

If i start to be one of those \'optimists\' i want you to call me on it.
Don\'t fall for it Chuck. He\'s trying to pull you to the dark side.

Realism my buttt.

You ever read scouting reports? You know how they list the positives and negatives of each player. Well there are a bunch of posters here that ignore the Positives section and harp on the Negatives section. I call that pessimism. They\'re like ants at a picnic. Like warm beer.
If you point out a positive they are right there with every negative you can think of. If you point out a negative, they agree wholeheartedly and believe they\'ve found their soulmate.

To paraphrase the great Admiral Farragut...
Damn the positives, full negatives ahead!

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