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JimBone 04-13-2004 11:37 PM

The Best Saints ever
I would like to know who you think the best players to ever wear the black and gold were. How many of the Saints best are playing with the team today? Who were some of your favorites growing up?

I will never forget going outside my house as a kid and pretending to be Eric Martin, or Lonzell Hill...or beating the hell out of my little cousin when i pretended to be Rickey Jackson or Pat Swilling...or any member of the "Dome Patrol" for that matter.

I think that when you break down position by could make a case that Brooks could rank as the best QB...McAllister could be the best RB...and Joe Horn could be the best WR in the team's history.

I am sure that i can catch some slack from some of you guys on that one...come on guys, no one here likes Brooks except me.

And please leave Jonathan Vilma off this list.

saintz08 04-13-2004 11:47 PM

The Best Saints ever
Any player that suffered through a Mecom owned team , gets a higher rating in my book then his stats showed ....

Conrad Dobler gets my vote everytime .......

JimBone 04-14-2004 12:13 AM

The Best Saints ever
good point...lets go ahead and go from 1985 and on. There were only a handfull of solid players before that anyway. We\'ll go from the Benson days.

turbo_dog 04-14-2004 03:57 AM

The Best Saints ever
Morten Anderson

Willie Roaf

Boogro 04-14-2004 03:04 PM

The Best Saints ever

I would like to know who you think the best players to ever wear the black and gold were. How many of the Saints best are playing with the team today? Who were some of your favorites growing up?

I will never forget going outside my house as a kid and pretending to be Eric Martin, or Lonzell Hill...or beating the hell out of my little cousin when i pretended to be Rickey Jackson or Pat Swilling...or any member of the \"Dome Patrol\" for that matter.

I think that when you break down position by could make a case that Brooks could rank as the best QB...McAllister could be the best RB...and Joe Horn could be the best WR in the team\'s history.

I am sure that i can catch some slack from some of you guys on that one...come on guys, no one here likes Brooks except me.

And please leave Jonathan Vilma off this list.
I wonder who that little cousin of your\'s was? I bet you are still laughing at the beating I took being 3 years younger, but thats ok. I would say Wayne Martin would be up there. Toi Cook lol yeah right, he got burnt more than my sister\'s cooking. Joe Johnson, Renaldo Turnbull, and Glover could be possibilities. Brett Maxie and Gene Atkins would be up there maybe. I always liked Robert Massey and Vince Buck. Jim Dombrowski, Stan Brock, Hoby Brenner are possibilities. Brett Perriman was one one of my favs growing up. Oh yeah, remember Crunch Course?

JimBone 04-14-2004 05:31 PM

The Best Saints ever
I remember meeting Vince Buck and Dalton Hilliard at a charity basketball game and i will never forget it. Eric Martin was there too and man those guys seemed so cool. It changed the way i felt about athletes being cocky. I know these guys werent superstars but they were really down to earth.

WhoDat 04-14-2004 07:47 PM

The Best Saints ever

good point...lets go ahead and go from 1985 and on. There were only a handfull of solid players before that anyway. We\'ll go from the Benson days.
Uh... I won\'t touch that statement, but if you really want to talk about good Saints players since 1985 you\'re missing a lot.

Eric Martin, Bobby Hebert, Dalton Hilliard, Rueben Mayes, Jim Dombrowski, the Hilgenbergs (sp?), Quinn Early, Mel Gray, Floyd Turner, Wayne Martin, Frank Warren, Jim Wilks, Pat Swilling, Rickey Jackson, Sam Mills, Vaughn Johnson, David Waymer, Gene Atkins, Craig Heyward, John Fourcade (c\'mon you know you loved that midget), Renaldo Turnbull, Willie Roaf, and of course, Morten Anderson.

I probably butchered some names and may have a few guys out of order but I think that covers from about 1985 to 1992.

Listen, the group of players we have right now is more talented overall than anything we\'ve ever had. Deuce is no doubt the most talented back and should end up being the best. I think the same is true of Joe Horn. For me, the verdict is out on Brooks. Nonetheless, even with all this talent, it\'s hard to imagine a better group than those guys we had on defense in the late 80\'s and early 90\'s. SEVEN Pro Bowlers up front. That\'s unreal.

JimBone 04-14-2004 07:56 PM

The Best Saints ever
Yes...dont we all wish we could use our offense we have now with the defense of our glory days from 87-92. But a man can dream cant he.

saintz08 04-15-2004 01:26 AM

The Best Saints ever

Listen, the group of players we have right now is more talented overall than anything we\'ve ever had.
The \"87\" Saints did not have the holes the current team does .

Carney on the Astroplay is a gamble .
The starting Linebackers for next season are an unsolved mystery .
Brooks needs to get a grip on the position .
The Tight end position is a carousel ride in the Big Easy .
The Receiver position is a hamstring pull and a cell phone call away from going down the toilet .
Duece and Darren could show up late , with show me the money thoughts on their minds .
The starting Cornerback for next season could be contingent on the Saints draft position .....
Do we need to mention the Fullback position .... ;)

vulture 04-15-2004 02:34 AM

The Best Saints ever
best players in my lifetime:

offense- Willie Roaf
defense- Ricky Jackson

And the Saints experience that I will never forget. When I was a New Orleans police officer and John Fourcade showed up at a city banquet with not one but two hookers. One on each arm. Classic.

BlackandBlue 04-15-2004 06:46 AM

The Best Saints ever

When I was a New Orleans police officer
How long ago was this? There is a very good chance that you have handed me a billy-club beating in the past.

WhoDat 04-15-2004 09:08 AM

The Best Saints ever
My favorite Saints moment. Being in the Dome against Dallas a few years back. Emmitt Smith was going for some record for TDs, I can\'t remember which. In any case, it\'s the fourth quarter and the game is totally over. They have the ball first and goal on the 8. Thanks to penalties they end up running 9 straight plays inside the 10 with 8 inside the 5. Turnover on downs. I lost my voice for a week. That was huge.

WhoDat 04-15-2004 09:10 AM

The Best Saints ever
Second favorite - at St. Louis a few years back (2001 I think) when they came out and were destroying us at the half. 28-10 or something like that. I think we won that one 35-31 or whatever it was. Frankly I don\'t even care to remember the score, I just remember coming back and beating their a$$es in their house. That was huge.

subguy 04-15-2004 09:27 AM

The Best Saints ever
The St. Louis wins were huge that games, enjoyed that alot.

cajuncannon 04-15-2004 12:49 PM

The Best Saints ever
Just another name to add to the fire. What about Morten Anderson!!! That man was automatic when he wore the Black and Gold. I remember seeing him split the uprights countless times for game winners in the Dome.

Chuck 04-15-2004 01:52 PM

The Best Saints ever
Offense - Duece
Defense - Ricky Jackson
Special Teams - B. Milne

buzwa 04-15-2004 03:25 PM

The Best Saints ever
I\'d say on offense, Willie Roaf. Defense, Ricky Jackson.

My offensive choice may have been different if George Rogers had not smoked crack and ruined his career.

1981 Stats: 378 carries for 1674 yards averageing 4.4 yards per carry and scored 13 TD
What an awesome rookie season...

JimBone 04-15-2004 04:02 PM

The Best Saints ever
Before it is all said and done....Deuce is gonna be the hands down choice for all of us as the best offensive player in team history. No one can deny that Rickey Jackson was the best defensive player we have ever had. The guy was a beast and i loved watching him play.
Does is bother any of you that our best offensive player of all-time is a lineman? It bothers the hell out of me that we never had a guy that performed year in and year out at a skill position.

saintfan 04-15-2004 04:22 PM

The Best Saints ever

It bothers the hell out of me that we never had a guy that performed year in and year out at a skill position.
Aaron Brooks is off to a good start! :P

Ahhhh...nothin\' like stirring the pot! ;)

WhoDat 04-15-2004 04:44 PM

The Best Saints ever

Aaron Brooks is off to a good start!
Consistency... Brooks... ????

Whew... wait...


OK. Better now I think.

Personally, I think Sam Mills was a better defensive player than Rickey Jackson.

saintfan 04-15-2004 05:04 PM

The Best Saints ever
Laugh it up fur ball, but go post his stats and lets judge \'em here in the open....whadda ya say?

Boogro 04-15-2004 05:07 PM

The Best Saints ever

Laugh it up fur ball, but go post his stats and lets judge \'em here in the open....whadda ya say?
Aaron Brooks also leads the Saints in playoff wins

DatFu 04-15-2004 06:06 PM

The Best Saints ever
turbos right, morten and roaf--easy

Boogro 04-15-2004 06:19 PM

The Best Saints ever
Irv Smith, Gil Fenerty, Brett Bech, Billy Joe\'s, Albert Connell...Those guys were ballplayers...The leap frog was the best endzone dance ever lol

JimBone 04-15-2004 06:26 PM

The Best Saints ever
Gil Fenerty....awesome
How bout Derek Brown, Lorenzo Neal, Randall Hill, Daryl Hobbs, Andre Hastings

Frank Warren, Jim Wilks, Tony Elliott.

You can make a case that Mills was our best defender ever. He and Rickey Jackson are the strongest arguments but you can also make points for Pat Swilling and Wayne Martin and maybe even Vaughan Johnson.

Vaughan Johnson wins hands down in the competition for fattest head.

Boogro 04-15-2004 07:35 PM

The Best Saints ever
Mel Gray and Tyrone Hughes were good special teamers...

JimBone 04-15-2004 08:11 PM

The Best Saints ever
oh yeah..a few more of my favorites

Mario Bates
Ray Zellars
Lee DeRamus

Boogro 04-15-2004 09:25 PM

The Best Saints ever
Vaughn Dunbar, Les Miller, Joel Smeenge....

Let\'s with nicknames now...
Pig? or Jumpy?

JimBone 04-15-2004 10:01 PM

The Best Saints ever
Field Mouse

Pig was the better name....Jumpy was the better player.

Field Mouse is the best name ever.

Pig and Jumpy are overrated

SaintNik 04-15-2004 11:02 PM

The Best Saints ever
As a Saints fan since the francise was awarded I have many players on my \"Best Saints Ever\" list. There are some players on the team now that are not but could be considered. My list may be a bit long (like all of your christmas lists) so please bear with me. By position and/or category but not by rank they are:

QB - Jeff Blake, Aaron Brooks, Kerry Collins, Jake Delhomme, Bobby Douglas, Jim Everett, John Fourcade, Bobby Hebert, Billy Joe Hobert, Billy Kilmer, Tommy Kramer, Archie \"Who\" Manning, Bobby Scott, Ken \"Snake\" Stabler, Richard Todd, Billy Joe Tolliver, Steve Walsh, Dave Wilson, Wade Wilson, Danny Wuerffel.

RB - Tony Baker, Mario Bates, Derek Brown, Earl Campbell, Gil Fenerty, Tony \"Lightning\" Galbreath, Dalton Hilliard, Les Kelley, Fred \"Fast Freddie\" McAfee, Deuce McAllister, Rueben Mayes, Chuck \"Thunder\" Muncie, Jess Phillips, George Rogers, Jimmy Rogers, Lamar Smith, Mike Strachan, Jim Taylor, Ernie \"Big\" Wheelwright, Ricky Williams, Wayne Wilson, Barry Word.

FB - Hokie Gajan, Craig \"IronHead\" Heyward, Buford Jordan, Lorenzo \"1 Punch\" Neal, Terrelle \"T Rex\" Smith, Ray Zellars.

WR - Danny Abramowicz, Larry Burton, Wes Carroll, Wes Chandler, Sean Dawkins, Al Dodd, Quinn Early, John Gilliam, Eugene Goodlow, Jeff Groth, Andre Hastings, Michael Haynes, Lorenzo \"Moe\" Hill, Randall Hill, Ike Harris, Joe \"Hollywood\" Horn, Willie Jackson, Haywood Jeffries, Eddie Kennison, Michael Lewis, Eric Martin, Rich Mauti, Bob Newland,Tinker Owens, Jerome Pathon, Brett Perriman, Keith \"Knee Deep\" Poole, Jake Reed, Torrance Small, Donte Stallworth, Floyd Turner.

TE - Hoby Brenner, Henry Childs, Cam Cleeland, Ernie Conwell, Lamont Hall, Larry Hardy, Jim Hester, Dave Parks, Irv Smith, John Tice, Frank Wainwright, Wesley Walls, Mike Waters, Boo Williams.

OL - LeCharles Bentley, Stan Brock, James Campen, Chuck Commiskey, Richard Cooper, Conrad Dobler, Jim Dombrowski, Brad Edelman, Spencer Falou, Jerry Fontenot, Kendall Gammon, Leon Gray, Jay Hilgenberg, Joel Hilgenberg, Keno Hills, Montrae Holland, Kendall Jacox, Clarence Jones, Steve Korte, Jake Kupp, Dave Lafary, Andy McCollum, Chris Naeole, Remi Prudhomme, Victor Riley, Willie Roaf, Daryl Terrell, Steve Trapilo, Kyle Turley, Mike Verstegen, Del Williams, Wally Williams, Emanuel \"Z Man\" Zanders.

DB - Eric Allen, Ashley Ambrose, \"Mean\" Gene Atkins, Jay Bellamy, Vince Buck, Dale Carter, Clarence Chapman, JeRod Cherry, Toi \"Fry\" Cook, Chad Cota, Antonio Gibson, Ken Irvin, Steve Esreal, Reginald Jones, Rob Kelly, Sammy \"Lights Out\" Knight, Tyronne Leggette, Cedric Mack, Milton Mack, Robert Massey, Kevin Mathis, Brett Maxie, Tommy Meyers, Anthony Newman, Johnnie Poe, Jimmy Spencer, Reggie Sutton, Fred Thomas, Frank Wattelet, Dave Waymer, Fred Weary, Dave Whitsell.

LB - Ken Bordelon, Jackie Burkett, Rusty Chambers, Charlie Clemmons, Wayne Colman, Jack Del Rio, Joe Federspeil, Mark Fields, Richard Harvey, James Haynes, Ray Hester, Sedrick Hodge, Rickey Jackson, Vaughn Johnson, Rick Kingrea, Jim Kovach, Jim Merlo, Sam \"Field Mouse\" Mills, Keith Mitchell, Kevin Mitchell, Scott Pelluer, Orlando Ruff, Derrick Rodgers, Darren Smith, Steve Stonebreaker, Pat Swilling, Alvin Toles, Winfred Tubbs, Fred Whittingham, James Williams, Dennis \"Dirt\" Winston.

DL - Doug Atkins, Steve Baumgartner, Joe Campbell, Bruce Clark, Lou Cordileone, James \"Jumpy\" Geathers, LaRoi Glover, Robert \"Pig\" Goff, Charles Grant, Elois Grooms, Norman Hand, Darren Howard, Grady Jackson, Joe Johnson, Wayne Martin, Darren Mickell, Les Miller, Derland Moore, Richard Neal, Bob Pollard, Elex Price, Don Reese, Austin Robbins, Joel Smeenge, Brady Smith, Kenny Smith, Jonathan Sullivan, Jared Tomich, Renaldo Turnbull, Frank Warren, Willie Whitehead, Jim Wilks.

ST - Morten Anderson, Tommy Barnhardt, Tom Blanchard, Brett Bech, Doug Brien, Jon Carney, JeRod Cherry, Tom Dempsey, Charlie Durkee, John Gilliam, Toby Gowin, Steve Gleason, Mel Gray, Eric Guliford, Brian Hansen, Kevin Houser, Tyronne Hughes, Michael Lewis, Rich Mauti, Fred McAfee, J.J. McCleskey, Tom McNeill, Brain Milne, Guido Merkins, Chad Morton, Dino Philyaw, Howard Stevens, Bennie Thompson, Robert Wilson, Walt \"Flea\" Roberts, Mark Royals.

JimBone 04-16-2004 02:48 AM

The Best Saints ever
You forgot Doug Nussmeier and Rufus Porter...but i think you named everyone else to play for the Saints....EVER

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