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jnormand 03-22-2012 05:59 PM

I'm scared
I need someone to tell me that this is going to be ok. Is Coach P REALLY gone for the entire season? What if Benson fires him? What about Loomis? Is Coach P going to be able to help with plays prior to games?

I'm just sick. Is Brees going to sign long term?

Are we going to be ok this year?! What the hell?! I'm freaking out! AAAGGGHHH!!!

JimmyWalker 03-22-2012 06:04 PM

I think we need Marcellus Wallace to send in the "Wolf" to make things better (Pulp Fiction)

CharityMike 03-22-2012 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 391195)
I need someone to tell me that this is going to be ok. Is Coach P REALLY gone for the entire season? What if Benson fires him? What about Loomis? Is Coach P going to be able to help with plays prior to games?

I'm just sick. Is Brees going to sign long term?

Are we going to be ok this year?! What the hell?! I'm freaking out! AAAGGGHHH!!!

It's gonna be OK bro! This is just a set back but a set back that we can still overcome.

Coach P is toast for the year. he can have no contact with anyone in the organization until April 1, 2013.

IMO Benson won't fire him. He has brought us to football glory. Don't think for a second, that they haven't been talking about possible punishments since the story broke. Benson already pledged his support to Peyton and Mickey and I think he means it.

|Mitch| 03-22-2012 06:06 PM

As of April 1st Payton can have absolutely 0 contact with the team until April 1st next year, meaning no gameplanning at all...

Loomis will be suspended in Sept. for the first 8 games so he can still handle this offseason and draft...

I don't see Benson firing Sean or Mickey over this...

We'll be okay, Carmichael and Spags can handle the coaching duties and we get Vitt back after week 6...

jnormand 03-22-2012 06:10 PM

Thanks guys. I'm just freaking out. The more I read into it the worse I feel. It's like my whole world is destroyed. The Saints are all I have.

My wife left me again. The only good thing that happened when she did that was we went to the Super Bowl that season.

Now our team is all jacked up and Coach P is gone. I'm so mad!

|Mitch| 03-22-2012 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 391199)
Now our team is all jacked up

Want some good news?

With Spags & Flajole, the defense can't be as bad as it was last year! :bng:

Danno 03-22-2012 06:36 PM

We're a veteran team on offense, so losing Payton won't hurt that much (assuming we resign Brees).

Every player has a chip on their shoulder now, and Payton never messed with the defense anyway so Payton's suspension will have virtually ZERO affect on the defense. Some player suspensions may, but they will likely be spaced apart so we'll make do.

All in all, if we resign Brees and they stagger the suspensions, the entire ordeal may end up costing us one game, or maybe two at the most.

So we enter the playoffs as a three seed 11-5 NFC South champ instead of a 13-3 one or two seed.

It hurts us, but its not a death penalty. The only knife to the gut occurs if we have excessive injuries like we did in 2007 (or maybe it was 2008).

Other than key or excessive injuries, there should be no excuses for not winning the NFCS.

Saintlyone 03-22-2012 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 391195)
I need someone to tell me that this is going to be ok. Is Coach P REALLY gone for the entire season? What if Benson fires him? What about Loomis? Is Coach P going to be able to help with plays prior to games?

I'm just sick. Is Brees going to sign long term?

Are we going to be ok this year?! What the hell?! I'm freaking out! AAAGGGHHH!!!
More bertstare here

NOLA54 03-22-2012 07:16 PM

Turn off the news & sports shows and chill. Drew will sign & we will have all of our ducks lin a row for the 2012 season. We need a title for our come back from this mess. Something we can chant at the games & wear proudly on our chests.

OldMaid 03-22-2012 07:24 PM

jnomrand, I hear you, but it is done. What is done, the decisions are done.
NEXT, Saints 'season is NOT done.
Look forward. I am sure Benson will not let his business, his, fail. He has other qualified people. Ms. LeBlanc is a smart woman and is her granddad's right hand with the Saints part of his business. I think it is her mom who runs the ranch part.
Saints have 16 games to play same as any other team and can win on any given Sunday like any other team.
Do you think the Saints 'players want to fail?No way. What doesn't break ya', makes ya' . Listen to Jabari Greer. Sounds like he is a leader to me. Move forward.

Go Saints:bng:

LBCutta 03-22-2012 07:32 PM

we will be fine

lynwood 03-22-2012 08:35 PM

Sombody give him a hug please

AsylumGuido 03-22-2012 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by lynwood (Post 391286)
Sombody give him a hug please

I'm not sure if he's my type. Can I just shake his hand or ruffle the hair on his head?


Euphoria 03-22-2012 09:19 PM

Payton out for the year???

What happened?

W. Kovacs 03-22-2012 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 391199)
Thanks guys. I'm just freaking out. The more I read into it the worse I feel. It's like my whole world is destroyed. The Saints are all I have.

My wife left me again. The only good thing that happened when she did that was we went to the Super Bowl that season.

Now our team is all jacked up and Coach P is gone. I'm so mad!

Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time right now, Brother.

This might be a rough year but us Who Dats are going to get through it together.

And just think, even if we have a disappointing season, SP's going to have an entire freaking year to come up with new stuff for us next year. Sweet Fancy Moses, I can't wait to see what that's going to be like!!!

QBREES9 03-22-2012 09:41 PM

Relax all is well.

bobdog86 03-22-2012 09:50 PM

All will be well my friend..."That which does not kill us, makes us stronger" -Nietzsche. Honestly, I haven't been this excited for the season to start in a long time. It's good to be Saints fan, my love for this organization is strong as ever and I feel it's my duty as a fan to support it and represent it. Hopefully you can find some peace in all this, it will be okay. Stay strong, hold the line!

st thomas 03-22-2012 09:57 PM

hang in there man the bng have ur back. i say lots of times i wish my old lady would leave me but its got to be tough if it really happens. just keep faith we will be back so say arnould. o' i almost forgot goodell sucks donkey balls

SaintFanInATLHELL 03-23-2012 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 391195)
I need someone to tell me that this is going to be ok.

It's going to be a difficult season. We haven't really yet seen the real damage: player suspensions...

Is Coach P REALLY gone for the entire season? What if Benson fires him? Is Coach P going to be able to help with plays prior to games?
Yes, the entire season. Plan on treating it like Mike Vick's suspension. Benson is the owner, so it's his prerogative to do so. Unlikely though as he loves the guy for bringing an elite franchise to the City. After April 1st our coach will have to put a 'Gone Fishin' sign. No help, no communication, not in the building, absolutely nothing. It's like he's fired for a year.

My analysis is that the day to day probably isn't going to be that pressing. Carmichael proved last year that he is both a capable OC and play caller. Brees knows the offense well enough to both coach it and call plays for it if necessary. Spags is a HC of a team from just last year, and this organization (looking now unfortunately) had the DC functioning as assistant head coach.

The biggest problems I see are the Vitt 6 week suspension week 1 and who makes the crucial calls that fall to the HC. Vitt filled the role last year when Coach was down. He's a former HC (ironically of the Rams just like Spags). He would have been the natural pick for the interim leaving Spags and Carmichael to manage the defense and offense. But come September he's going to be out the building until late October. Someone has to actually be the HC. I fear both OC will be too busy to do it. I'm guessing because of the situation it's going to have to be Spags, but I'm not liking the idea too very much. Too much on his plate.


What about Loomis?
Caught a break. Suspension doesn't start until week 1. He can participate in what's left of the draft, work on contracts, be in training camp, make all the necessary transactions. It would have been much more painful if he were suspended starting April 1, like Coach.


I'm just sick. Is Brees going to sign long term?
It'll get done. Brees (his agent?) wants him to be the highest paid player in the NFL. I think we all agree that he deserves it. Manning just got 5 years $96 million and the guy did not play a single down last year. Brees played every meaningful down for the team and had arguably the best season as a QB in the history of the game. He's asking $23 million. Considering the circumstances, he's probably worth it.

But it's tough sledding. The Saints are hovering near the cap. So the team cannot do what the Broncos did and write a salary check for $20+ million for this year.

It's complicated, and it's going to take some structuring to make it work for both sides. Sooner rather than later is better because until Brees signs something, he cannot be in the building. And considering the circumstances, the team needs him in the building ASAP.


Are we going to be ok this year?! What the hell?! I'm freaking out! AAAGGGHHH!!!
Honestly, treading water is probably about right. The player suspension damage will reveal how bad it will really be. Ten 8 game suspensions of starters on defense means that the team is defensively starting from scratch. Hopefully those suspensions will be for players that are no long with the team (Porter? Fujita?). But imagine the impact if the entire starting secondary is suspended. Or all the linebackers. Pretty much anyone who has been on the team in the last three years is a potential target. And with the loss of the draft picks, there's not going to be an opportunity to fill those slots with superior talent.

The only silver lining is that I'm sure the organization and its fanbase are going to spend a season being mad as hell. No matter the circumstances, with our offense (which will be untouched) and a city sized chip, you best believe that the Saints will be out to put 50-burgers up on every opponent every week. And it'll be justified as we have no head coach and no defense. So no one should complain.

Just my thoughts.


lee909 03-23-2012 07:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
You could all learn something from us Brits in dealing with this.
Keep everything private from the haters,keep your upper lip stiff and don't panic.
We will get through this and even if we have a bad season we will have a nice draft pick next year and still have the core of a title winning team,Payton back and fired up to take us too the top.

Saint_LB 03-23-2012 07:28 AM

People in NO have been so starved for success that they are willing to glorify a guy who does not want to live in the city and thinks he is above everybody else...and if you think his best bud Drew didn't know about all this...and probably a big contributor to the pots...then I think you are a pretty naive person.

Kryptonite 03-23-2012 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by JimmyWalker (Post 391196)
I think we need Marcellus Wallace to send in the "Wolf" to make things better (Pulp Fiction)

The "Wolf"? That's all you had to say!

Soldano 03-23-2012 08:42 AM

If you look closely it is not that bad....
Our offence has the capability as it stands now to embarress every single to we see & includeing the playoffs-Superbowl. OUr Defence could turn this entire media blitz into a positive as us against the world is a great tool for getting teams to smash hard. Spag can play the card of hit even harder on every single down. Take every single blitz down as if the quarterback will not play another down w/ legal hit as this is the way the game is played, fans knowit/want in big hits & lots of em ..We don't need this years 2nd or nexts years 2nd. It won't be hard to improve in overall D compared to last year,,...I would wager Brees will go for the US agaist the world mentality & Fu..every one else..Hit harder & harder then ever before should be his message.....NO is hardly the NFL uppers favorite team & never has been, so F.. Mr G..& lets play ball. NO playin in the SD for the SB is still a very real possiblilty. I have been a fan way prior to the last good NO team & this is the best one by far as they stand today. Nothing to worry about & nothing to be ashamed of. If anyone thinks that every single D in the NFL doesn't want the opponents starting QB sittin on bench , locker rm or hospital because of the big hit is foolish.

st thomas 03-23-2012 08:51 AM

there is no dought the payton has the arrogance of a honey badger. and it carries to his players which in turn brought us home a lombardi. he coachs it and it brings an attitude of winning in a city the never tasted it. he will be missed. but we need brees in this picture now. not two weeks from now. we will not miss a beat, hang in there .

Belair57 03-23-2012 09:03 AM

I feel the same way Jnorm..I live in the middle of Seahawk country and I have to hear about them beating us in the playoffs, and now this..all day...It sucks.

Supertek 03-23-2012 10:59 AM

Agree we need to be very stoic as fans and see what kind of men we have on the Saints team I for one think they are going to step up

darstep 03-23-2012 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 391198)
As of April 1st Payton can have absolutely 0 contact with the team until April 1st next year, meaning no gameplanning at all...

Loomis will be suspended in Sept. for the first 8 games so he can still handle this offseason and draft...

I don't see Benson firing Sean or Mickey over this...

We'll be okay, Carmichael and Spags can handle the coaching duties and we get Vitt back after week 6...

I hope we are reading Benson right, Tom and Rita, and they show some loyalty and foresight
and keep things moving in the direction Payton has set.
It would only get worse if they somehow took a self-righteous position and decide that the
organization would be better off by wiping the slate clean and go in a new direction.
I would be VERY disappointed.

jokeray 03-23-2012 11:20 AM

While this situation is very unfortunate, this too, shall pass.

Budsdrinker 03-23-2012 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Belair57 (Post 391451)
I feel the same way Jnorm..I live in the middle of Seahawk country and I have to hear about them beating us in the playoffs, and now this..all day...It sucks.

Just ask the seachickens to show you their Lombardi trophy!:mrgreen:

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